Monday, March 26, 2007

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Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

IFRS eLearning Modules from Deliotte

As global capital markets become increasingly integrated, many countries are moving to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). For example, in the European Union, companies with publicly traded shares or debt on a European exchange must use IFRS for their financial reporting for financial years starting on or after 1 January 2005. Is your company ready?

Deloitte has developed high quality e-learning modules on IFRS which are available to download for free.

Please see below for download instructions and details of the versions of the standards on which these modules are based. The modules may be used and distributed freely by those registering with the site, without alteration from the original form and subject to the terms of the Deloitte copyright over the material.

Using IFRS e-Learning
Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
IAS 2 Inventories
IAS 7 Cash Flow Statements
IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date
IAS 11 Construction Contracts
IAS 12 Income Taxes
IAS 14 Segment Reporting
IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
IAS 17 Leases
IAS 18 Revenue
IAS 19 Employee Benefits
IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
IAS 23 Borrowing Costs
IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
IAS 28 Accounting for Investments in Associates
IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
IAS 31 Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures
IAS 32/39 Accounting for financial instruments
IAS 32/39 Hedge Accounting
IAS 32/39 Derecognition of financial instruments
IAS 33 Earnings per share
IAS 34 Interim Financial Statements
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets
IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
IAS 38 Intangible Assets
IAS 40 Investment Property
IAS 41 Agriculture
IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
IFRS 2 Share-based Payment
IFRS 3 Business Combinations
IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

elearning, financial, job training, professionals, online

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Subprime woes spark fears of spreading troubles in global markets

Subprime woes spark fears of spreading troubles

As the subprime-mortgage industry declines at a rapid pace, many are concerned with the sector's influence on the markets. The situation has prompted calls for action from lawmakers, and some in the mortgage industry say investors are causing a liquidity crisis.

The full story

What's really at stake in the subprime mortgage market?
Read this to report.

stock market, bonds, mortgages, mortgage backed securities, mbs, subprime

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Recruitment heats up on Wall Street

Recruitment heats up on Wall Street

Investment bankers and traders are in high demand, as the market weathers recent shake-ups in the mortgage world and an abundance of cash in hand. Top banks continue to recruit heavily from top M.B.A. schools, although a strong influx of foreign candidates has begun to make its presence known.

full story

jobs, careers, investment banking, sales, trading, finance, derivatives, MBA

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Basel II complimentary seminar

Basel II complimentary seminar

Are you Basel II ready? BPS is sponsoring a complimentary full day seminar on Wednesday, April 4th at the Yale Club in New York City. Listen to experts from Nomura, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Wachovia and IBM to name a few. Excellent opportunity to learn and network with peers.

Space is very limited - to sign up, email

Basel 2, Basel II, Basel Accord, risk management, trading risk management, P/L, mark-to-market, mark-to-future

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Fat finger trades continue to present problem

Fat finger trades continue to present problem

Fat finger trades continue to plague employers despite the presence of numerous checks and balances used by most trading houses. A recent fat finger incident at Morgan Stanley forced the global financial-services firm to implement preset trade limitations for its traders on the swaps desk and add another measure that forces traders to make a manual computer entry to verify that an anticipated trade will exceed a preset limit.


trading, sales, invesment banking, input errors, electronic trading, order entry, electronic markets, electronic exchanges

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What Trading Managers Look For in Job Candidates?

What Trading Managers Look For in Job Candidates?

Article by eFinancialCareers What do trading desk managers look for in new hires? Industry veteran and futures trader Larry Levin chats with eFinancialCareers about the skills needed to succeed in today's increasingly electronic trading environment. Read more...

careers, trading, sales, sales skills, analysis, quants

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Private Equity's New Entrepreneurs

Private Equity's New Entrepreneurs

They run their own firms, seek out smaller deals that don't generate headlines—and make returns that are on par with the big boys

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private equity, finance, leveraged finance, LBO, investment banking, careers

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Hedge funds eclipse investment banks in bond trading

Hedge funds eclipse investment banks in bond trading

The significance of hedge funds has increased thanks to computer-driven trading models that generate high trading volume for U.S. Treasury bonds. Electronic trading, and the ability to make trades quickly to exploit small differences in prices, is changing the trading field and has given hedge funds a leg up on investment banks.

Read this article

hedge funds, bond market, bond trading, electronic trading, US treasuries

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Senate evaluates taxes of private equity, hedge fund managers

Senate evaluates taxes of private equity, hedge fund managers

The Senate Finance Committee is reviewing the tax structures for private-equity partners and hedge fund managers in an effort to quell tax avoidance. According to a senior aide, "we are looking into instances where funds may be using tax strategies to convert what would be income into capital gains for tax advantage."

Full story

tax, hedge fund, account managers, investments, risk, compliance, IRS, tax law

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Traders expect more trouble for subprime-mortgage lenders

Traders expect more trouble for subprime-mortgage lenders

Defaults on subprime mortgages continue to take their toll on lenders. Shares of Accredited Home Lenders Holding Co. and New Century Financial Corp. have taken a dive this past month, and both companies failed to make the deadline for filing their annual reports.

Full story

subprime, mortgage, loans, mortgage backed securirites

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SEC suspends trading for 35 companies in spamming crackdown

SEC suspends trading for 35 companies in spamming crackdown

The SEC's "Operation Spamalot" has suspended trading for 35 companies whose shares were heralded in an e-mail spamming campaign. "We are ... committed to tracking down those who prey on investors with false or misleading information," said Linda Thomsen, the agency's enforcement director.

Full story

spam, OTC, bulletin board, SEC,

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SEC suspends trading for 35 companies in spamming crackdown

SEC suspends trading for 35 companies in spamming crackdown

The SEC's "Operation Spamalot" has suspended trading for 35 companies whose shares were heralded in an e-mail spamming campaign. "We are ... committed to tracking down those who prey on investors with false or misleading information," said Linda Thomsen, the agency's enforcement director.

Full story

spam, OTC, bulletin board, SEC,

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CME commodities to trade 24 hours a day starting in June

CME commodities to trade 24 hours a day starting in June

After reaching record volumes in 2006, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange plans to offer round-the-clock trading of commodities beginning June 4. "CME is a global marketplace, and we are committed to meeting customers' risk management and trading needs whether they are located in Asia, Europe, Latin America or the U.S.," said Terry Duffy, chairman of the CME.

full story

CME, derivatives markets, global markets, trading, electronic trading

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Bernanke calls on Congress to limit role of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Bernanke calls on Congress to limit role of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke called for tougher regulation of mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying the government-chartered mortgage-funding companies should be forced to concentrate almost entirely on loans for affordable housing. Bernanke also said that poor decisions by the government-backed programs, which have been riddled with problems in recent years, posed a threat to the U.S. economy.

Full Story

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FNMA, FDMC, mortgages, mortgaged backed securities, derivatives

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SEC mulls policy change on foreign investment

SEC mulls policy change on foreign investment

A proposed shift in SEC policy would allow foreign stock exchanges and brokers to service U.S. investors with being regulated by the SEC. The policy change comes amid mounting U.S. interest in foreign securities, increases in trading technology and cross-border exchange consolidation.

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foreign investment, US, SEC, global markets, trading, technology, exchanges

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Municipal markets face tighter scrutiny from SEC

Municipal markets face tighter scrutiny from SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced plans to re-evaluate the Tower amendment, as the agency looks to step up its enforcement and disclosure procedures in the municipal securities market, according to an interview in Bond Buyer.

Read the article.

SEC, munipal bonds, municipal securities, muni derivatives

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Congressional hearing likely to lead to new rules on 401(k) fees

Congressional hearing likely to lead to new rules on 401(k) fees

Congress began hearings into the 401(k) industry as Democrats issued a call for more transparency in the fees charged in the retirement plans. "We have to ask whether all these fees are necessary and we have to examine whether they are undermining workers' retirement security," said Rep. George Miller, a Democrat from California and chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee. "There's a lot of people who are putting their hands into that money." Miller also said it was a "fair assumption" the committee would create legislation to force more disclosure.

Read this article

retirement, 401k, fees, investments, SEC

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Toronto Stock Exchange to team with ISE and launch derivatives exchange

TSX Group Inc., parent company of the Toronto Stock Exchange, and International Securities Exchange Holdings Inc. plan to spend about 26 million Canadian dollars (US$22.2 million) to create the DEX, a new derivatives exchange expected to begin operations in 2009.
The exchange will be 52% owned by TSX and TSX Venture Exchange and 48% owned by ISE.

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Greenspan says there's a one-in-three chance of recession

He's back. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, who last week may have triggered the global market sell-off by hinting that recession was a possibility in the U.S. this year, has reiterated his concerns. Greenspan said there was a "one-third probability" of a recession this year, noting that the current six-year expansion was unlikely to continue as long as its 10-year predecessor.

full story

recession, Greenspan, economy

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Royal Bank of Scotland strives to become a bigger player in U.S.

The Royal Bank of Scotland is planning to move its global banking and markets staff to Connecticut, hire hundreds of people for its U.S. offices and construct the largest trading floor in the world. "The biggest dollar opportunity is in the U.S. where we are an established top-10 player. The next stage is to consolidate a top-five position," said Johnny Cameron, chief executive of global banking and markets division of RBS.

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RBS, careers, jobs, trading

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Fraud ring prompts concerns on Wall Street

Fraud ring prompts concerns on Wall Street:

The accusation that more than a dozen people were involved in a fraud ring on Wall Street illustrates why regulators and lawmakers are concerned about the Street's relationship with hedge funds. "Incidents like this strengthen the hands of those who are urging greater scrutiny of hedge-fund activities and their sources of information," said a former SEC general counsel now in private practice.

full story

hedge funds, risk, fraud, compliance, insider trading, regulation, SEC

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Providence Equity's CEO tackles "myths" of private equity

Providence Equity's CEO tackles "myths" of private equity:

Jonathan Nelson, chief executive officer of Providence Equity, set out recently to discredit what he says are "myths" about the private-equity business. Among these alleged falsehoods: Private equity is private, and the private-equity bubble is about to burst.

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private equity, investment banking, underwriting, M&A, mergers

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Japan goes crazy for currency trading

Japan goes crazy for currency trading

Japan is seeing another boom in individuals actively trading currencies online at home and even on their cell phones, and it is only likely to get bigger in coming months and years.

Full Story

electronic trading, FX markets, Japan

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NYSE: Electronic Trading on the Front Lines

SEC asks if NYSE's electronic-trading push played role in sell-off
The Securities and Exchange Commission wants to know if the NYSE's push into electronic trading may have played a role in Tuesday's market plunge. In November, the NYSE said it would cut costs by closing one of its five trading rooms. Now regulators are asking if that made it tougher for the NYSE to handle Tuesday's trading surge.
Full Story

Computer problem may have exacerbated massive fall on Wall Street
In the midst of what was already a rough day on Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average suddenly plummeted 200 points within seconds -- one of the fastest falls in the history of the market. Now it appears that the decline may have been the result of a glitch in a Dow Jones computer system.
Full Story

Rosenblatt says automation may make NYSE less effective
Richard Rosenblatt, a member of the NYSE since 1979 and chairman of Rosenblatt Securities, issued a warning about the automation of the exchange. "The benchmark is whether automation makes the process more efficient but I suspect NYSE and the Securities and Exchange Commission have gone too far with the assumption that transparency equals liquidity," Rosenblatt said.
Full Story

NYSE, NASDAQ, global markets, equity markets, electronic trading, automation, technology

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Subprime fiasco troubling because of scale

Subprime fiasco troubling because of scale

The trouble brewing in the subprime-mortgage market has a familiar feel to it, writes Gretchen Morgenson for The New York Times. The real concern, however, is the scale of the trouble as the mortgage-securities market in the U.S. is a $6.5 trillion business.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Junk bond surge may auger rise in bankruptcies

Junk bond surge may auger rise in bankruptcies

Last year saw record issuance of high-yield corporate bonds. And some market watchers worry that the surge in junk bond sales will be followed by a spike in bankruptcies.

full article

bond markets, junk bonds, high yield, backruptcies

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FXall launches electronic communications platform for FX & Treasuries

FXall launches electronic communications platform for FX & Treasuries

US foreign exchange trading group FXall is set to follow rivals Reuters and EBS with the launch of an electronic communications network designed to boost liquidity in the treasuries market.
The group has today gone live with Accelor, which is aimed at increasing liquidity institutional market participants from banks and asset managers to hedge funds.

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fxall, FX alliance, treasuries, FX, online trading, ECN

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Pioneer in mortgage-backed securities dislikes the new style market

Pioneer in mortgage-backed securities dislikes the new style market

More so than perhaps any other single person, Lewis Ranieri is the reason that there's a market in mortgage-backed securities. But the legendary trader who helped create the game isn't too pleased by the changes in the market.

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mortgages, MBS, mortgage backed securities

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Margin debt soars to new record

Margin debt soars to new record

Americans are buying more stocks with borrowed money than at any time in history. Margin debt has reached a record $285 billion -- jumping more than $40 billion in the past three months. But as spooky as those numbers may be, there are reasons to believe that margin debt doesn't represent the same threat it did in years past.

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financial services, brokerage, margin, collateral

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Free Satellite TV on your PC

Free Satellite TV on your PC

Click here to get you FREE Cable & Satellite TV on your PC.[add link]

Affiliate program via

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Skills for Business - Sector Skills Development Agency

Skills for Business - Sector Skills Development Agency

The Skills for Business network aims to boost the productivity and profitability of the UK. We're doing this by identifying and tackling skills gaps and shortages on a sector by sector basis. In short, we're trying to get the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. The Skills for Business network is made up of 25 Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) - each one is an employer-led, independent organisation. The Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA) underpins the network and is responsible for funding, supporting and monitoring the SSCs.
Main website

Sample Skills Council for Brokerage.

Learn more about SSDA.

jobs, careers, job training, workforce management, HR, UK

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Weighing the risks, benefits of different risk models

Weighing the risks, benefits of different risk models

Perhaps the first step a bank or other asset-management company must take when evaluating the role of risk management is deciding where the risk-management function should reside -- someplace under the chief investment officer, or functioning independently to support the COO. In this analysis, the author argues that there is no single solution that will work for every financial institution.

More on financial risk management models

financial, risk, risk management, models, programs, IT, valuations

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Is keeping America as center of financial world is good for all?

Is keeping America as center of financial world is good for all?

America's position as the center of the finance world is in peril, according to this author, and expenses associated with regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are partly responsible. Joseph B. Fuller, chief executive officer of advisory firm The Monitor Group, wrote in an op-ed piece that America's preeminence in the field is worth defending, and "what we all should realize is that, despite its many shortcomings, the U.S. regime contributed mightily to growing global prosperity."

full article

US, american regulations, FED, SEC, NYSE, NASD, market leadership, global markets

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With credit-derivatives backlog clearing, Fed eyes equity derivatives

With credit-derivatives backlog clearing, Fed eyes equity derivatives

The backlog of unconfirmed trades in the credit-derivatives market plunged 94% last year, following efforts by the Federal Reserve to persuade market participants to clean up their acts. Now the Fed is turning its attention to the backlog in equity derivatives.

full story

credit derivatives, CDS, CDO, confirmations, FED

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ISDA - Variance Swaps and their Documentation

Variance Swaps and their Documentation
ISDA Symposium
  • Details of 2007 Americas Master Variance Swap Confirmation Agreement, including treatment of Dividends, Disrupted Days and their impact, and Extraordinary Events• Changes to Expected N and Cancellation and Payment formulas
  • The economic basics, including who uses variance swaps and why
  • Details of hedging strategies for index and share variance swaps, including initial hedging and adjustments of hedges in the cash and listed markets
  • Discussion of some of the variations on variance, including conditional variance swaps, options and dispersion trading.
Agenda and Registration

equity derivatives, EQD, variance swaps, derivatives documentation

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Mainframe computers still mainstream on Wall St.

Mainframe computers still mainstream on Wall St.

Wall Street's reputation for risk taking doesn't extend to technology, where old-fashioned and reliable mainframe computers are still the norm. But times are changing, and the New York Stock Exchange is leading the way in replacing the mainframe. Wall Street & Technology

Read the article.

technology, COBOL, mainframe, computers,financial services, IT

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Hedging against death: Market for bonds tied to life insurance soar

Hedging against death: Market for bonds tied to life insurance soar

Wall Street would like to do with life insurance what it has done with mortgages -- create a booming business in bonds linked to the underlying contracts. The concept is catching on, and demand is rising for so-called death bonds. Insurers sold $5.4 billion in bonds linked to life insurance and mortality last year, according to Fitch Ratings.
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Check out these other articles:

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Fear/Greed Index suggests market is in trouble

Fear/Greed Index suggests market is in trouble

The Fear/Greed Index recently hit an all-time high -- indicating that lust has trumped caution in the markets, according to investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort. And if the index is correct, then a major market correction is coming.

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market signals, fear, greed, equity markets

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Patent Law Symposium for Financial Institutions

Patent Law Symposium for Financial Institutions,

SIFMA's half-day Patent Law Symposium addresses the growing importance of patents for financial institutions, as the industry becomes more dependent on technology. The symposium will address the issues relevant to the financial-services industry including notable developments in patent case law (eBay, LabCorp., Microsoft and KSR), legislative reform initiatives, defending financial institutions in patent litigation (including trolls), and evaluating business-method patents for financial institutions. This is a must for in-house lawyers (IP experts, securities lawyers, and general practitioners), outside counsel, compliance professionals, information technology, operations, and risk-management personnel.

Register today

patent law, financial services, technology, business process

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Man vs. machine: Algorithmic trading pressures locals

Man vs. machine: Algorithmic trading pressures locals

Expensive machines running high-speed and complex algorithms are squeezing out the small futures traders known as "locals." Locals are fighting back with automated trading systems of their own, but market watchers worry that the locals, who provided much needed liquidity to markets, won't be able to compete.
full story

Little guys suffer as Wall Street enters machine era

The end of an era is approaching on Wall Street, where the number of humans who work the trading floors is dwindling. And although NYSE CEO John Thain said that there would always be a need for specialists on the exchange, no one expects to see a return to the teeming pits of yesterday. And perhaps the people most likely to be hurt by the change are the small merchants in Wall Street. "Machines and computers don't eat and drink," one bar owner said.
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NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, NYMEX, local markets, local business, electronic trading

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Central bankers under new levels of political pressure

Central bankers under new levels of political pressure

Central bankers across the globe are facing new levels of political pressure, and in the case of Japan, are seemingly caving in to government demands. Japan's standing has suffered as a result, and traders are suspicious about what the Bank of Japan will do next.

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banking, FED, federal reserve, ECB

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As Treasuries market grows quiet, traders grow restless

As Treasuries market grows quiet, traders grow restless

The "Masters of the Universe" are bored. As volatility has declined in the market for U.S. government securities, some of the biggest banks and their traders are walking away from what was once the hottest game on Wall Street. "Low volatility makes it very hard to generate any income," according to one veteran of the 1980s boom time.

full story

us treasuries, bond markets, trading

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E*Trade to offer global trading to U.S. customers

E*Trade to offer global trading to U.S. customers

Online broker E*Trade Financial Corp. is unveiling an upgrade to its Web site that will make it easier for U.S. customers to invest overseas. The company's new Global Trading Platform will offer local-currency investments in Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and the U.K. It will eventually expand to cover 42 international markets.

Read this article

etrade, global trading, global markets, brokerage

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Fed's crisis manager Geithner has eye on hedge funds

Fed's crisis manager Geithner has eye on hedge funds

New York Fed President Timothy Geithner has had some luck in getting the credit-derivatives industry to take steps to avoid a potential meltdown. Now he's turned his attention to hedge funds -- an industry that seems not to share his concern nor welcome his interest.

Read this article

hedge funds, asset management, regulatory risk FED, SEC

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ISDA - Introduction to Derivatives Operations

ISDA - Introduction to Derivatives Operations

April 24-25, 2006
Global Financial Markets Conference Center, New York

- Overview of Derivative Products
- Derivatives Valuation and Risk Management
- Execution of a Swap

Day 2
- Defining and Delivering Performance Standards and Targets for OTC Operations
- Responsibilities and Organization of an Operations Department
- ISDA Master Agreements
- Trade Capture to Confirmations
- FpML: Technology and the Impact of E-Commerce
- Rate Sets and Settlements
- Risk Management and Mitigation

Agenda and registration.

ISDA, derivatives operations, master agreements, trade processing, trade servicing

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U.S. may be losing appeal with foreign investors

U.S. may be losing appeal with foreign investors

White House reports: The U.S. is at risk of losing its popularity with foreign investors, according to the Economic Report of the President. That report, released by the White House Monday, warns that the percentage of U.S. output that can be traced to foreign investment "has stagnated and even declined in recent years," and that it's unclear if "these are benign and temporary trends or whether this development is symptomatic of deeper issues with respect to the attractiveness of the United States as a country in which to make direct investment."

Watch the video

US markets, foreign investment

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Plan to close "tax gap" may force brokers to report what investors pay

Plan to close "tax gap" may force brokers to report what investors pay

Brokers, mutual funds and others in the financial services industry may soon be required to tell the IRS the original price that investors pay for securities. A bipartisan group of legislators is backing a plan to close the "tax gap" by making it harder for taxpayers to understate their capital gains.

full story

tax, IT, regulation, tax gap, regulatory reporting

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New MBA grads flock to private equity

With MBAs in hand, new grads flock to private equity

Want one of those jobs in private equity where the average compensation for even the rookie players averages $289,000 a year? You're not alone. Newly minted MBAs prefer private equity gigs to working in the traditional home of big salaries -- investment banking.

full story

grad school, graduate, MBA, private equity, careers, jobs

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SubPrime spiral can hurt MBS markets

As subprime loan market sinks, worries grow of a wider problem

Twenty-one subprime lenders have filed for bankruptcy since December. The shakeout in the industry, which caters to making home loans to buyers with less-than-desirable credit, may auger more widespread problems in the economy and mortgage-backed securities.

Full story

loans, lending, subprime, mortgages, MBS, mortgage backed securities, bond markets

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Extending FpML - Advanced Training

Extending FpML
An Advanced FpML Training Course

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Global Financial Markets Conference Center, New York

Program Topics Include:
- Translating a trade using extensions to FpML
- Tools for validation of schemas and instance documents
- Detailed Hands-on Review of XML Schema Constructs

Practical Case Studies:
- Extending Product Coverage
- Extending Messaging

Agenda and registration.

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ISDA FpML® Training Course

FpML® Training Course

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Global Financial Markets Conference Center, New York

Program Topics Include:
- What is FpML?
- Translating a Trade into FpML
- Fundamental Concepts of FpML
- Top-Level and Shared Components
- FpML Validation Rules and Methods
- FpML Messaging
- Customizing FpML
- FpML Change Guidelines

Product Coverage:
- Interest Rate Products
- Credit Derivatives

Course Agenda and registration.

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The First Annual Capital Markets Summit: Securing America's Competitiveness

The First Annual Capital Markets Summit: Securing America's Competitiveness

SIFMA co-CEO Marc Lackritz is slated to speak at the First Annual Capital Markets Summit: Securing America's Competitiveness. This full-day event will feature the release of the Commission on the Regulation of U.S. Capital Markets in the 21st Century's report and recommendations, as well as a number of keynote speakers, including Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and Mark Olson, Chairman of PCAOB. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce organized this independent, high level, bipartisan commission to consider the appropriate legal and regulatory framework for the U.S. capital markets in the 21st century.

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financial markets, global markets, regulatory environment, competition

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Municipal Bond Market: Cities turn to online bond auctions

Cities turn to online bond auctions

New Jersey towns are turning to online auctions for municipal bond sales. Secaucus drew double the number of bids as it had in the past when it conducted an electronic auction for a $9.45 million bond. "The old system ... had outlived its usefulness," SIFMA's Michael Decker said.

Read this article

municipal bond market, bond auctions, capital markets, underwriting

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China Markets: Hong Kong, Shanghai need joint trading system

Hong Kong, Shanghai need joint trading system, official says

A senior Chinese official suggested that the Hong Kong and Shanghai exchanges should establish a system for joint trading of dual-listed securities. Fang Xinghai, deputy director of the Shanghai government's Financial Services office, said such a plan would ensure that Shanghai prices reflected international markets, and would put pressure on the mainland to improve corporate governance.

full article

electronic exchange, trading system, markets, STP, China, stock market

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A Risk-Based Approach to Compliance

"A Risk-Based Approach to Compliance - Cut Costs and Evaluate Fewer Controls"

Sign-up to learn how organizations can achieve optimal compliance levels, cut costs and evaluate fewer controls using a risk-based approach. For more information on how to register for this webcast, click here.

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compliance, regulatory risk, market risk, settlement risk, operational risk, audit

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Client Relationship Management (CRM) for the Capital Markets

Client Relationship Management (CRM) for the Capital Markets

Current market trends in both investment banking and equity sales, trading, and research demand a rapid and sophisticated response, and capital-markets firms need to be able to keep pace. Without the proper technology bedrock, no capital-markets firm can act with the velocity required to be competitive in today's investment services environment.

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CRM, client relationship management, capital markets, banking

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Merrill said to be planning move to portfolio-based system

In a move that could have wide-ranging implications for the financial-advice industry, Merrill Lynch & Co. may soon abandon its managed accounts platform and instead adopt a portfolio-based system.

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client accounts, account management, brokerage, investment portfolio

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Modified Endowment Contracts

Modified Endowment Contracts

When using life insurance policies with investment or cash value features to build wealth, keep in mind these IRS rules to avoid major tax pains.

What is a MEC?

How much money can i put-in/take-out of my life insurance policy?

What if I resturcture the cash flows (Life Insurance Settlement)?

Common Questions about MECs

Need more assistance? contact Tax Pros today.
P: 718-875-0556 or go to Tax Pros Online.

insurance, MEC, modified endowment contracts, tax issues

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CDOs put the squeeze on bond investors

CDOs put the squeeze on bond investors

Collateralized debt obligations are pushing down the costs to protect against bond defaults. CDOs can return three times the rate of the underlying securities, and are "changing the economics of investing in corporate bonds," said the head of structured credit research at Barclays Capital in London.

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CDO, derivatives, CDS, bonds, fixed income, trading

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Internet based Options trading grows more popular, less expensive

Internet based Options trading grows more popular, less expensive

It's getting cheaper to trade options online, as new competitors push down the cost of trades. Options-House Inc., which launched last month, offers option and stock trades for $9.95 a piece. Options Clearing Corp. says total annual options contract volume increased 35% last year to 2.03 billion.

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derivatives trading, online trading, internet trading, options, stock, commodities, derivatives

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Community Banking & Credit Union Technology Perspectives

Community Banking & Credit Union Technology Perspectives

Business strategies for revenue growth and value creation are similar between credit unions and community banks; however, community banks have far tighter cost constraints. Understand rapidly changing trends in end-user opinion to determine your market strategy.

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banking, credit unions, IT, technology, strategy

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Regulatory Intelligence Compliance Risk Consulting

Regulatory Intelligence Compliance Risk Consulting
founded by former NYSE Securities Regulators

Regulatory Intelligence provides customized consulting services and offers an all inclusive web-based Branch Audit software program which can be utilized by your firm's audit group. This program mirrors the current regulatory audits and additional features (written procedures and corresponding Regulatory Rules) enable this product to also function as a training tool.

Try it today.

risk management, compliance, business systems

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Driving the Business of IT: Transform IT to Deal with Deficiencie

Driving the Business of IT: Transform IT to Deal with Deficiencies

In many organizations, IT is still seen as a cost center that doesn't contribute to the business's bottom line. CIOs in these organizations are working hard to change top management's perception and prove the value IT delivers to the business through competitive advantage and operational efficiencies. Attend this educational eSeminar to learn how organizations are achieving alignment with overall business objectives by overcoming a long list of deficiencies - some which you might not even know are there in the first place. Hear from one of today's leading IT executives, Avery Cloud, who will discuss the strategy and software solution he's utilized to quickly overcome a laundry list of deficiencies in IT departmental performance today.

Learn how you can put Avery's lessons to work for you now.

Attendees will learn:
- how to overcome IT project and process related deficiencies
- ways to align more strategically with business priorities
- the benefits of running an IT organization like a business

Learn more and register today.

business, IT, strategy, management

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Data Security, Privacy Are Closely Related

Data Security, Privacy Are Closely Related

While the issues of privacy and IT security are not synonymous, they are closely related. Protecting privacy is a process that depends to a great extent on knowing precisely what is being protected. A new market segment called Information Classification and Management (ICM) can help, say some observers.

Websense's acquisition of PortAuthority Technologies seems like a natural fit. Combining Websense's ThreatSeek and PortAuthority's PreciseID into an integrated product will control how data is managed, including under what conditions it is permitted to leave an organization. Another new data security product, Sentric Destiny Enterprise Suites, utilizes a content-focused approach that runs parallel to more common network security processes and procedures.

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Wireless Convergence: FMC Is Still Alive

The Window May Be Closing, but FMC Is Still Alive

One analyst firm says fixed mobile convergence is already giving way to fixed mobile substitution, but you wouldn't know it based on everything else we found this week. FMC is big in Western Europe, where the service will be more widely available, thanks to telecom companies. In the U.S., some companies are synchronizing their WLANs with employee cellular phones so that calls ring simultaneously on the wired and cellular phones, and if neither is answered, the calls then go to voice mail. On the consumer side, AT&T's Unity plan is aimed at encouraging customers to use their AT&T wired phones and their AT&T (formerly Cingular) wireless phones interchangeably.

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wireless, FMC, mobile internet, convergence, technology

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Selling to Executives

Selling to Executives

What's different about selling to a company's top officers, how to get through to them, and how they like to be sold.

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marketing, professionals, managment, sales skills

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How to Raise Capital and Secure Financing for Your Business

Rules for Raising Capital

Getting money isn't difficult, but getting the right money at the right time on the right terms is what matters. Here's how to do it. more info.

How to Secure Financing

Ready to take your business to the next level? Here's what you need to know and do to land the capital you need. more info

business, capital, finance, loans, investment, small business, startup

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Rules for Raising Capital

Rules for Raising Capital

Getting money isn't difficult, but getting the right money at the right time on the right terms is what matters. Here's how to do it.

more info.

small business, loans, capital , startup, finance

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Tokyo Stock Exchange Wants a Makeover

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Talking Investors Down From China High

Talking Investors Down From China High

Beijing officials have issued stern warnings and domestic stock markets could be in for a nasty correction. Will Chinese investors listen?

Read this article.

china, stocks, investment, regulation, free markets, global business

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The Mobile Internet's Future Is East

The Mobile Internet's Future Is East

South Korea and Japan are rolling out high-speed wireless networks that provide Internet access for an array of gadgets

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WiMax, mobile, internet, asia, telecom, technology

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CU Alumni - Career Connections

Your Degree Works

Connect with other Columbians in your field or region through Columbia Career Connections, an online networking tool.

More http://alumni.columbfinancial

financial jobs, financial jobs, career management, columbia, CU

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CU Alumni - Career Connections

Your Degree Works

Connect with other Columbians in your field or region through Columbia Career Connections, an online networking tool.


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Leadership Best Practices

Leadership Best Practices:
Harvard Business School (HBS) Executive Education

Leadership always has been the key differentiator between successful and unsuccessful organizations. Offered by the HBS Leadership Initiative, Leadership Best Practices focuses on proven leadership strategies and applies the latest research in actionable frameworks. Participants acquire the tools to benchmark and enhance their own leadership practices, as well as those of their organizations.

Learn more about Leadership Best Practices

leadership, best practices, business management, people skills, HR

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Achieving Breakthrough Performance Throughout the Value Chain

A unique executive program from MIT Sloan and IMD that integrates technology and innovation strategy with the tools and frameworks needed to help business leaders and entrepreneurs manage the innovation process from concept to commercialization.

strategy, strategic planning, business analysis, innovation, management

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