Citigroup plans to cut costs by $1 billion
Citigroup plans to cut costs by $1 billionCitigroup, trailing its rivals in profit growth, plans to cut $1 billion in costs this year, Bloomberg reports, citing a source with direct knowledge of the plan. The cost-cutting measures will involve eliminating some jobs, moving others to less expensive locations and overhauling the risk-management unit.
Read this articleIs this the beginning of a cost cutting wave on Wall Street? Feast or Famine.
Take a look at the new hiring trends on Wall Street.HR, jobs, derivatives, trading, risk managementLabels: careers, citigroup, cost cutting, derivatives, electronic trading, hiring, hr, jobs, layoffs, reorg, risk management, trading
SEC voices concern over mutual funds' securities-lending practices
SEC voices concern over mutual funds' securities-lending practicesThe Securities and Exchange Commission says some mutual fund companies are failing to follow the rules when lending securities. The agency has sent deficiency letters to funds it says aren't complying with proper procedures, but the regulator declined to name the companies in question.
Read this articleLabels: mutual funds, SEC, securities lending
Project Management: The Horror and the HumorRequirements?
Project Management: The Horror and the HumorRequirements? We don't need no stinkin' requirements. If he'd been an action hero instead of a project manager, Christopher Johns might have done a slow motion leap across the table during a high-powered client meeting and muzzled the executive who was committing his firm to the impossible. Instead, Johns had to settle for writing a humorous commentary about the experience two years after the fact.
Read this article.Labels: business analysis, business requirements, project management
Cry for market deregulation
Cry for market deregulation may obscure larger threatsSome heavy hitters in the worlds of business and politics are warning that U.S. markets need a lighter regulatory touch if they are to compete against global rivals. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson; business-media mogul and mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg; Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.; and dean of Columbia University's business school, Glenn Hubbard, all suggest that the post-Enron environment is driving business away from U.S. exchanges. But the truth is far more complicated and deregulation might not help.
Full storyLabels: market deregulation, market threats, regulation
Hedge funds find tax haven isn't a haven after all
Hedge funds find tax haven isn't a haven after allSome 49 hedge funds set up shop in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2001, lured to the Caribbean not by sun or sand but by the prospect of avoiding taxes. But the IRS hasn't looked kindly on the island dwellers, and now more than half of the funds have fled for safer waters.
Full storyLabels: hedge fund, off-shore, tax exempt, tax shelter
Planning a Breakout
Planning a BreakoutTuck management prof Sydney Finkelstein talks about his new book on howto leave your competitors in the dust.
Full articleLabels: active management, innovation, international business, leadership, productivity
FIX, FpML Training Course
FpML® Training CourseWednesday, March 28, 2007
Program Topics Include:
- What is FpML?
- Translating a Trade into FpML
- Fundamental Concepts of FpML
- Top-Level and Shared Components
- FpML Validation Rules and Methods
- Product Coverage:
- Interest Rate Products
- Credit Derivatives- FpML Messaging
- Customizing FpML
- FpML Change Guidelines
Agenda and
RegistrationLabels: data message formats, derivatives, financial services, FIX, FPML, integration, technology, technology strategy, trading
Community Banking & Credit Union Technology Perspectives
Community Banking & Credit Union Technology Perspectives Business strategies for revenue growth and value creation are similar between credit unions and community banks; however, community banks have far tighter cost constraints. Understand rapidly changing trends in end-user opinion to determine your market strategy.
Full articleLabels: credit unions, derivatives, risk management, technology, technology strategy, trading
Community Banking & Credit Union Technology Perspectives Business strategies for revenue growth and value creation are similar between credit unions and community banks; however, community banks have far tighter cost constraints. Understand rapidly changing trends in end-user opinion to determine your market strategy.
Full articleLabels: credit unions, technology strategy
ISDA 22nd Annual Meeting
ISDA 22nd Annual Meeting
The headline event of the year for the OTC derivatives industry, ISDA's 22nd Annual General Meeting in Boston will feature the perspectives of senior industry figures on global market and public policy issues in the derivatives business.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Role of Prudent Regulation in Fostering Derivative Use
- Evolving Risk Management Techniques in Credit and Structured Products
- The Ever-Increasing Pace of Innovation and Creativity
- The Critical Role Technology Plays in the Economy and Financial Markets
- Global Growth Opportunities for the Derivatives Business
- Investor Perspectives: New Sources of Derivatives Growth and Sophistication
- Developments in Electronic Commerce Affecting Derivatives Trading and Processing
These themes will be complemented by breakout sessions. The breakout sessions will feature presentations on developing products, documentation, equity structured products, operations, public policy and risk management, presented by industry specialists at the heart of the issues.
Labels: derivatives market practices, ISDA, market rgulation, risk management, trading
Credit Derivatives go electronic
Credit Derivatives go electronic.
Key index and single name CDS products migrate from OTC to exchange traded products.
Business Impact
- Transparent pricing, valuation and public market data on CDS products
- Potential STP for order routing, execution, margin, confirmation & settlement processes.
- Reduced processing costs via automation of key processes
- Reduced spreads per trade
- Increased trading volume & time (23hrs x 5days/week)
- Migration of OTC positions to exchange traded positions (especially on buy-side: hedge funds, asset managers)
Technology Impact
- Interconnectivity to major exchanges for CDS trading (EUREX,CME) via order routing gateways
- Real time market data (quotes, spreads, market depth, executions/fills)
- Increased trading volume
Eurex will start trading in credit futures in March 2007
European exchange Eurex will start futures trading in iTraxx index beginning March 27, 2007. Additionally, trading will start at some date in future on the segments of iTraxx index too.
The Eurex iTraxx® credit futures will closely mimic the risk structure of credit default swaps traded in the over the counter (OTC) market. Trading on Eurex will involve Eurex Clearing as central counterparty thereby reducing the counterparty and systemic risk and adding to the benefits the product will offer to users.
The contract will be based on the 5 year series, with a fixed coupon and semi annual maturity dates in March and September. The contract size is EUR 100,000; the tick size is set at 0.005 percent translating into 5 euros per tick. It will be quoted in percent with three decimal places. The product will be cash settled, with reference to the iTraxx® index values of IIC.
In the case of a credit event, cash settlement of the single name entity will be made with reference to the ISDA CDS protocol. The Eurex iTraxx® Europe futures contract will be supported by designated market makers, ensuring liquidity from launch.
This is claimed to be the world's first exchange traded credit derivative product.
In the meantime, Chicago Mercantile Exchange has also reported that it will start trading in credit event futures in the 1st quarter of 2007. Regulatory approvals, it seems, are still pending.
Questions or comments, contact our subject matter expert: Victor Smith []
Labels: CBOT, CME, credit derivatives, credit futures, derivatives, electronic trading, EUREX, exchange, LIFFE, market gateway, OTC, risk management, technology, trading
A mathematical statistical pricing model for emerging stock markets
A mathematical statistical pricing model for emerging stock marketsSoumitra K Mallick, Amitava Sarkar, Kalyan K Roy, Anjan Chakraborty & Tamal DuttachaudhuriA dynamic analysis of stock pricing in emerging economies, using a cointegration model on panel data, using 'nested' procedures with subsets of company groupings and time periods — taking Indian stock markets as the concrete case. It is observed that all classifications of company groupings do not result in similar observations. This helps in developing an approach to panel data estimation for financial markets without using structural equations. At the same time it develops a dynamic asset pricing model for emerging economies using India as a concrete case with net worth, profit, dividend, debt–equity ratio, interest cost and their growths as control variables.
Read the full reportKeywords:
dynamic stock pricing, panel data model, cointegration, industry properties, Indian capital asset pricingLabels: cointegration, dynamic stock pricing, Indian capital asset pricing, industry properties, panel data model
Refinements to the Sharpe ratio: Comparing alternatives for bear markets
Refinements to the Sharpe ratio: Comparing alternatives for bear marketsRenato Staub
It is well known that short constraints impair portfolio efficiency, and most examinations provide evidence through constrained optimisations. But we think it is paramount to understand first how information must be translated to be in compliance with the fundamental law of active management (Flam). Hence, we simulate first signals and translate them into positions as suggested by Flam. Next, when hitting a constraint, we examine two separate effects that an optimiser does not distinguish: cutting off and subsequent reallocation. Both impair efficiency.
Read this report.Keywords: active management, alpha, constraints, information ratio, long-short investing, security selection
Labels: active management, alpha, constraints, information ratio, long-short investing, security selection
Investments: Guide to Investment Strategy
Guide to Investment Strategy Greg N Gregoriou
Peter Stanyer sets the scene where the reader is able to learn from past mistakes individual investors and corporations have made. The author nicely puts the investor in a thinking mode, making sure he understands his niche and risk of tolerance level to attain better control of his investments to avoid unexpected surprises. This is further solidified with a behavioural finance chapter which helps one to better understand the influences of one’s behaviour’s and investor preferences and how rational investors behave in terms of their satisfaction. The author uses various examples to convey this important point. The author’s prediction that markets will be less favourable in the 21st century due to inflation gets the reader to consider that the investing landscape is now different to what it was in the 20th century and that bonds, particularly inflation-linked bonds deserve a closer look and should be included in portfolios.
More infoLabels: inflation linked bonds, investment, strategy
Web 2.0: Inside
Web 2.0: Inside MySpace.comThe social network's developers have repeatedly redesigned the Web site software, database and storage systems in an attempt to keep pace with exploding growth--the site now handles almost 40 billion page views a month. Most corporate Web sites will never have to bear more than a small fraction of the traffic MySpace handles, but anyone seeking to reach the mass market online can learn from its experience.
More infoQuestion: Is MySpace the future of corporate communications?
Write to:
The Women's Leadership Forum: Innovation Strategies for a Changing World
The Women's Leadership Forum: Innovation Strategies for a Changing WorldHarvard Business School Executive Education April 29 - May 3, 2007
Remaining competitive in today’s fast-moving, global environment is a constant challenge for any business leader. The Women's Leadership Forum, a new program from Harvard Business School Executive Education, is devoted to empowering women executives to think innovatively, act successfully, and lead with lasting impact for their organizations and for their own personal satisfaction. Join us for an intensive program that delivers thought-provoking analyses of critical management issues with HBS faculty and highly influential peers.
Register todayLabels: forum, global business, innovation, leadership, women
Toward a Flexible Energy Future
Toward a Flexible Energy Futureby Lord Andrew Turnbull
With the price of carbon-based fuel becoming increasingly volatile and new sources of alternative energy coming online each year, governments must adopt flexible, market-based approaches to energy investments. This will help establish a framework for energy prices and protect governments from overreliance on any single source of energy. A sensible energy investment strategy, which recognizes the need to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and emphasizes the importance of safe, secure energy sources, will enable governments to avoid major energy catastrophes in the future.
To read the full Resilience Report:
click hereLabels: energy, energy management, flexible, resources, security
The Changing PPM Marketplace
The Changing PPM MarketplaceThe business imperative to align IT with strategic goals has created unprecedented demand for project portfolio management solutions, spurring consolidation in the marketplace while also bringing forth a number of new and refocused offerings. For organizations in search of PPM technology to meet their specific needs, the selection process can be daunting.
Read the article
The Art of Influencing UpThe best ideas don't matter if no one pays attention. Here's how you can improve the odds of your boss taking your suggestions.
Full storyLabels: career management, ideas, influence, motivate
Five Easy Principles?
Five Easy Principles?It's not enough to know what to do. Understanding why is important, too, so the Ethics Guy explores the deceptively simple guidelines that govern behavior
Full article
Lure of Entrepreneurship Beckons Boomers
Lure of Entrepreneurship Beckons BoomersInstead of retiring, boomers are starting second-act businesses; some are motivated by an independent lifestyle, others by economic necessity.
Read the articleAre You Ready for Your Second Act?
Take this simple quiz to find out if you're ready to fly solo and run your own business.
Take the survey.
Here are some highly recommended business ideas for
your new veture. Email for more information.
Click here to begin.Labels: baby boomers, entrepreneurs, retirement, small business
What is Teambuilding?
What is Teambuilding?
Here's a PM training video game with some interesting features, and our readers are invited to review it and receive a free download. Make the "quiz show host" your CEO, or Elvis, or your dog; make the "contestants" your actual team members. Looks like fun; let the game designer know if you find it effective.
Just e-mail for delivery via download link or attached zip file. A list of features can be viewed online.
Click here.
Labels: project management, team building, training, video
For Guaranteed Low Performance, Don't Use These Practices
For Guaranteed Low Performance, Don't Use These PracticesTrying to build high-performance teams? Look beyond the team to the organizational culture and policies for success. As the Chinese proverb says, "In a broken nest, there are few whole eggs."
Read this article.Labels: best practices, leadership, project management, team building
The AMA Handbook of Project Management & Creative Product Design
The AMA Handbook of Project Management & Creative Product DesignPaul C. Dinsmore and Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin, editors AMACOM, 2006
A comprehensive reference, thoroughly updated with all new material, this handbook presents the critical concepts and theories that all project managers must master. PMBOK III-compliant chapters on the basics are paired with chapters on organizational and professional issues facing project leaders. See why the PM Journal called this “a big step forward in bringing readers up to date on current issues and practices in project management.”
Get your copies today.
AMA Project Management HandbookCreative Product Design: A Practical Guide to Requirements Capture Management Labels: AMA, BA, business analysis, business process, design management, PM, project management, requirements
Economic Impacts of Climate Change
Economic Impacts of Climate ChangeOkay, so you don’t really care about the environment. But what about your pocketbook? According to a report by Sir Nicholas Stern, Head of the U.K.’s Government Economic Service and former World Bank Chief Economist, climate change will cost to at least 5% of GDP each year—and perhaps as much as 20%, causing major disruptions to world markets and eroding the financial health of even the wealthiest nations. That’s the bad news. The good news? It’s not too late.
Read a summaryLabels: climate change, economics, economy, global warming
Learning Management Systems (LMS): The Business Case for On-Demand Rich Media (ODRM)
Learning Management Systems (LMS): The Business Case for On-Demand Rich Media (ODRM) by Brainshark, Inc.
This white paper examines the business applications where on-demand rich media is being used. Businesses are using ODRM to help drive improvements in areas such as reduced customer acquisition costs, increased training program effectiveness, reduced operating costs, enhanced customer communications and strengthened sales channel relationships.
Read the article.Labels: BI, business intelligence, elearning, knowledge base, learning management systems, LMS, ODRM, on-demand rich media
Exploring Monte Carlo Simulation Applications for Project Management
Exploring Monte Carlo Simulation Applications for Project ManagementYoung Hoon Kwak & Lisa Ingall
Monte Carlo simulation is a useful technique for modeling and analyzing real-world systems and situations. This paper is a conceptual paper that explores the applications of Monte Carlo simulation for managing project risks and uncertainties. The benefits of Monte Carlo simulation are using quantified data, allowing project managers to better justify and communicate their arguments when senior management is pushing for unrealistic project expectations. Proper risk management education, training, and advancements in computing technology combined with Monte Carlo simulation software allow project managers to implement the method easily. In the field of project management, Monte Carlo simulation can quantify the effects of risk and uncertainty in project schedules and budgets, giving the project manager a statistical indicator of project performance such as target project completion date and budget.
Read the report.
Monte Carlo simulation, project management, risk analysis and management, exploratory studyLabels: derivatives, exploratory study, Monte Carlo simulation, project management, risk analysis and management, risk management, technology, trading
Risk Diversifications in Emerging Economies
Risk Diversifications in Emerging EconomiesYoung Hoon Kwak & Lisa Ingall
Monte Carlo simulation is a useful technique for modeling and analyzing real-world systems and situations. This paper is a conceptual paper that explores the applications of Monte Carlo simulation for managing project risks and uncertainties. The benefits of Monte Carlo simulation are using quantified data, allowing project managers to better justify and communicate their arguments when senior management is pushing for unrealistic project expectations. Proper risk management education, training, and advancements in computing technology combined with Monte Carlo simulation software allow project managers to implement the method easily. In the field of project management, Monte Carlo simulation can quantify the effects of risk and uncertainty in project schedules and budgets, giving the project manager a statistical indicator of project performance such as target project completion date and budget.
Read this report.Keywords:
Monte Carlo simulation, project management, risk analysis and management, exploratory studyLabels: derivatives, exploratory study, Monte Carlo simulation, project management, risk analysis and management, risk management, technology, trading
A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Major Risks in Complex Projects
A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Major Risks in Complex ProjectsEnrico Cagno, Franco Caron & Mauro Mancini
A model – based on three detail levels and three risk classification dimensions – to analyze major risks in complex projects. The model makes it possible to identify and classify project major risks, the related main sources of uncertainty and the activities and stakeholders that are most exposed, that is to create a project risk map considering all organizational and operational coordinates. The assessment of risk allocation for each project element has a relevant impact from a managerial and contractual point of view, in particular it allows for the identification of project elements affected by possible risk overload and for an effective definition of a suitable set of mitigation actions. The model can be applied at different levels of detail, taking into account the different stages of the project life cycle. The model has been tested in a particularly risk-critical engineering and contracting project.
Read this report.
InROADS Alumni Relations
InROADS Alumni Relations
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Compensation & Negotiation: Please, Sir. I Want Some More.
Please, Sir. I Want Some More. Compensation Negotiation Article by
eFinancialCareersWhat if you're not satisfied when you get your bonus? Could you negotiate for more? Success is rare, and it could be a dangerous path to pursue. "In 20 years at Goldman, I never once saw anyone renegotiate their bonus after it had been announced, ever," says one former department head at Goldman Sachs...
full storyHR, jobs, derivatives, electronic trading, trading, risk managementLabels: careers, derivatives, electronic trading, hr, jobs, risk management, trading
New York City pensions invests in hedge funds
New York City pensions eye first forays into hedge fundsThe five pension funds of New York City may make their first investments in hedge funds this year, according to a deputy comptroller for the city. The funds cover city workers, teachers, police, fire and board of education employees and control a combined $100 billion in defined benefit assets.
full story
NYC may fall from financial-services throne
Bloomberg, Schumer say NYC may fall from financial-services throneNew York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Sen. Charles Schumer will release a report today saying New York City is at risk of losing its position as the financial capital of the world. The 134-page report calls for easing Sarb-Ox restrictions, easing immigration laws for skilled professionals, adopting the Basel II capital standards rather than a proposed tougher U.S. version, and curbing securities-related litigation.
Full story
NASD members approve regulatory merger with NYSE
NASD members approve regulatory merger with NYSENASD announced Sunday that its members had voted to approve a plan to merge its regulatory functions with those of the New York Stock Exchange, ending decades of dual regulation of broker-dealers. "The most recent figures available show that compliance costs have doubled in a three year period to more than $25bn in 2005, up from $13bn in 2002," said Micah Green, co-CEO of SIFMA. "A single regulator with one rulebook, one set of procedures and one set of examinations will eliminate regulatory confusion and reduce wasteful redundancy," Green added.
Full article
Email Security: Justifying Costs and Measuring ROI
Email Security: Justifying Costs and Measuring ROIJanuary 30, 2007 @ 2:00 p.m. Eastern/11:00 a.m. Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
Register todayIT staffs often face tough questions:
- How do you keep up with the latest inbound email threats?
- How do you stop information leaks while letting people do their jobs?
- How much security is enough?
- How much is this going to cost?
The rapid explosion of email spawns numerous security threats including spam, viruses, scams, identity theft, and leaks of sensitive information. With each new threat, organizations scramble to defend their networks while keeping mission-critical email flowing. Join Tumbleweed Communications for an upcoming eSeminar exploring these issues. Willy Leichter, director of product marketing at Tumbleweed will host an interactive presentation on "Email Security: Justifying costs and measuring ROI" During this interactive event you'll be able to ask questions and receive prompt replies. You'll have access to reference material you can use. Discussion topics will include:
- challenge of measuring an ROI for security
- effective ways to keep up with the latest email threats
- hidden costs of managing multiple email security systems
- tendency to over-size your email & storage infrastructure to keep up with growing traffic
to enforce policy controls without disrupting business
Featured SpeakersFrank Derfler, VP, Market Experts Group - Ziff Davis Media
Willy Leichter, Director of Product Marketing - Tumbleweed Communications
Register todayLabels: careers, hr, jobs
CDOs cubed: The first-ever triple derivative
CDOs cubed: The first-ever triple derivativeExamine the newly created ‘CDOs Cubed’, which are the first-ever triple derivative, that is, a derivative of a derivative of a derivative. Not surprisingly, CDOs Cubed are often called, ‘derivatives on steroids’. Unlike traditional derivatives, which are utilized for risk reduction and/or leveraged speculation, this innovation has created thousands of new investment assets, covering the entire spectrum of risk and return. This paper traces the evolution of this innovation, and examines how this triple derivative is created, structured, and priced.
Read this report on new CDO structured products.
Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Exchange New Product News - Jan 2007
Exchange New Product News - Jan 2007The latest updates on global exchange traded derivatives. New products, new contract features, regulatory issues and industry initiatives.
Read this reportLabels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Foreign exchange hedging in Chile
Foreign exchange hedging in Chile
Jorge A Chan-Lau
jchanlau@imf.orgPolicy makers have expressed interest in fostering the development of local foreign exchange derivatives markets with a view to reducing risks arising from currency mismatches between assets and liabilities in the corporate sector. This paper assesses foreign exchange exposure in the corporate sector in Chile, analyses the current state of the foreign exchange derivatives market in Chile, and argues that liquid and developed foreign exchange derivatives markets can help promote financial stability.
Read this articleLabels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Information embedded in the trading volume of currency options
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Risk management for derivatives
For conjuring fear, few aspects of investments rival derivatives. This is not surprising given the history of august institutions humbled or even demolished as a result of poor risk management of their derivatives exposures. While some types of derivatives strategies certainly demand a very specific approach to risk management, it cannot be said that derivatives defy risk management.
This paper
—describes how derivatives are used in portfolio management;
—explains how to measure the effective economic value of the investment achieved by a derivative transaction and the role of collateral;
—discusses the different types of risk associated with derivatives, the interaction between derivatives and conventional instruments and, from this,
—addresses the question of how derivatives risk can be measured, managed and, where necessary, controlled.
Read this report
Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Performance metrics for Spanish investment funds
lferruz@unizar.esThis paper is useful for investors and managers of investment funds since it tries to identify the true performance of these portfolios. The empirical results obtained in the Spanish equity fund market provide evidence for the incorrect performance valuations when classical indexes are considered. These problems are caused by: 1) the asymmetric return distributions; 2) the negative return premia. On this subject, the application of the original measures proposed in this work leads to coherent performance rankings. So, these rankings suppose very useful information for fund investors to value the management quality of each fund and for fund managers to know their relative position with respect to the rest of the market.
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Survival of micro hedge funds
Survvival of Micro Hedge FundsSurvival analysis can assist funds of hedge fund (FOF) managers, institutional investors, pension funds and endowment funds to identify hedge fund classifications with the longest and shortest survival lifetimes. The results will help FOF managers to construct portfolios of hedge funds and help them avoid funds that die prematurely.
Read the report.
The distribution of realized volatility
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Time lags in fund of funds
Time lags in fund of funds
Net asset value (NAV) of funds of funds (FoF) is based on the underlying funds NAVs. Due to the time of publication of the underlying funds NAVs as well as the underlying funds relating to different markets with different closing times, the NVA of FoF includes time lags and is therefore producing some noise. This noise makes it difficult to correctly estimate tracking error (TE). To minimize the impact of time lags, the authors suggest a measure to adjust the TE considering the problem of non-synchronous data. The paper constitutes an appropriate reading for risk managers as well as for investors needing to compare risk relevant factors using TE (i.e. information ratio) of funds of funds.
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China Stocks: A Pause in the Party?
China Stocks: A Pause in the Party?If the gravity-defying Chinese stock markets are truly ripe for a
correction, will it be a long and nasty one? Probably not, analysts
Full Story
NYSE Group Buys into India Market
NYSE Group Buys into India MarketNew York Stock Exchange cements its position in Asia with its purchase
of a strategic stake in the Mumbai-based National Stock Exchange
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Wall Street Is Betting on the Farm
Wall Street Is Betting on the FarmWall Street commodity funds that have been investing heavily in energy futures are now loading up on agricultural commodities like corn and livestock futures.
Big Players in Commodities The flood of investment has raised concerns among grain traders and agricultural producers that speculative money is gaining an undue influence over their markets, which help set the prices of raw commodities for a host of consumer food products.
Read this articleQuestion to readers.Will these capital flows from institutional investors cause inflation in consumer food prices at the market?
Local politicians buy derivatives in "recipe for disaster"
Local politicians buy derivatives in "recipe for disaster"Cash-strapped public school districts and other local governments are increasingly making bets on arcane financial derivatives, often in hopes of quickly raising needed funds. But sometimes, as Bloomberg News recounts, those bets go awry. The schools suffer, but the financial firms clean up.
Read this articleLabels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Canada to make hedge funds register
Canada to make hedge funds registerCanadian regulators plan to require hedge fund managers to register with provincial securities commissions to address risk concerns in the scandal-ridden industry.
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Outsourcing Heads To the Outskirts
Outsourcing Heads To the OutskirtsGramIT brings tech-services jobs to rural areas-and transforms villagers' lives
Read the articletechnology, HR, jobs, derivatives, electronic trading, trading, risk managementLabels: careers, derivatives, electronic trading, hr, jobs, risk management, trading
Wall Street firms add flexibility to lure back workers
Get a life ... on Wall Street? Firms add flexibility to lure back workersThere are some hard truths about life that you must accept. For example, you cannot live forever. Nor can you work at an investment bank and have a personal life. But Lehman Bros. and other Wall Street firms are rethinking their all-work-and-no-play philosophy.
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Milken: Poor nations could free up trillions via mortgage-based securities
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Social Networking Online for Business Professionals
Social Networking Online for Business ProfessionalsYour professional relationships are key to your professional success.Our mission is to help you be more effective in your daily work and open doors to opportunities using the professional relationships you already have.
Recommended Online Business Networks
- - This isn’t networking—it’s what networking should be.Forget exchanging business cards with acquaintances that don’t know your work, or trying to renew professional ties when you need a favor.
- - A business networking site with local mini-portals, face-to-face meetings and industry specific networking events.
- - Business Networking for quality referrals is the objective of ReferNet, an online business networking website for entrepreneurs.
- - A new Social Networking service that allows members to create and maintain separate personal, professional, and private networks from one easy to use website.
More information of social networking websites and software. Take a look.
Bernanke warns US Congress: Mass retirements threaten economy
Bernanke warns US Congress to face issue of ageing populationGary Duncan, Economics Editor
Mass retirements threaten economy. Huge increase in welfare costsUS policymakers have already waited too long to begin tackling budget stresses from America’s ageing population and must act soon if the impact is not seriously to undercut future economic prospects, the Federal Reserve’s Chairman warned the US Congress yesterday. In his toughest warning yet over the fiscal and economic fallout from the impending retirement of 78 million American baby-boomers, the oldest of whom will start to retire next year, Ben Bernanke urged US political leaders to move swiftly to confront the issue.
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More info on Basel II - Capital & Risk Framework
Basel II - Capital Accord
This document is a compilation of the
June 2004 Basel II Framework, the elements of the
1988 Accord that were not revised during the Basel II process, the
1996 Amendment to the Capital Accord to Incorporate Market Risks, and the November 2005 paper on
Basel II: International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework.
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HR, jobs, derivatives, electronic trading, trading, financial advisor, risk management
Labels: careers, derivatives, electronic trading, hr, jobs, risk management, trading
Euro becomes currency of choice
Euro becomes currency of choice in global debt markets.The euro is now the dominant currency in the world's bond markets, according to data from the International Capital Market Association. Euro-denominated debt now accounts for 45% of the global market, while dollar-denominated debt has fallen to 37%.
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Day traders return, boosting volume at online brokerages
They're back: Day traders return, boosting volume at online brokeragesDay trading -- symbol of amateur excess in the Internet bubble -- is back. Rising stock values have lured a new generation of traders back to their PCs, pushing up volume at online brokerages. Charles Schwab saw a 29% leap in daily trades in the first nine months of last year to 242,300 -- slightly above the record peak recorded in 2000.
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CBOT electronic trading platform crashes three times in two daysThe electronic trading platform of the Chicago Board of Trade was plagued by a series of glitches last week. Outages were recorded Thursday and Friday, with one lasting more than an hour.
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Financial advisers find efficiency in outsourcing
Financial advisers find efficiency in outsourcingGrowing numbers of financial advisers, often driven by a need for technology expertise, are turning to outsourcing "for everything from back-office services to client relations, and even asset allocation modeling." By shifting non-core work to outside firms, advisers can concentrate on financial plans and generating new business.
Read this articleLabels: derivatives, electronic trading, risk management, technology, trading
Business Incubator at Polytechnic University
Business Incubator at Polytechnic UniversityBrooklyn NY
Client companies of the BEST are developing commercially viable technology products and services for different sectors. They are generally in the start-up or early development stage, and have been selected to join the BEST because they exhibit strong business potential, sound technology that can be commercialized, and a strong management team. Applications for admission into the BEST are currently being accepted.
Learn more about the BEST business incubator.
- Facilities and technology services (below market rates)
- Help with small business loans
- Guidance with tax issues
- Help with liability insurance
- Aid in marketing
- Guidance in developing business plans
- Guidance in doing balance sheets
- Notary Public
- Funding recommendations
- Assistance with publicity
- Access to patent attorneys
Learn more about Poly's
BEST business incubator.
Labels: derivatives, risk management, technology, trading
New York Institute of Finance (eLearning)
New York Institute of Finance believes that eLearning can play a valuable role in the total training solution. We have drawn on our extensive experience as trainers of financial professionals to design courseware that provides a high-quality, electronic learning experience, covering a variety of topics in the financial industry.
Visit the NYIF e-learning portal.Here are some current courses...
- Asset Backed Securities
- Margin I: Introduction to Margin Regulations
- Margin II: Advanced Margin for Options
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Business Valuation & Corporate Finance
- Corporate Credit Analysis
- Derivative Instruments
- Finance for Non-Financial Managers
- Overview of Trusts
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Fixed Income Securities
- Portfolio Management I
- Portfolio Management II
- Forwards & Futures
- Risk Management Using Derivatives
- Hedge Funds
- Wealth Management
Learn more about the program.
Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
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More info about Derivatives industry (BizAnalyst Network - User Research Request)
We have some great information on your research topic: Derivatives industry.
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Essay & Case Study Archive Online Library A+ Student Essays Current Articles and Analyst Reports Best-selling books on this topic. Register today to get your personal research assistant.
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Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Geithner delivers warnings on economic threats
Geithner delivers warnings on economic threatsTimothy Geithner, president of the New York Fed, has warned that some countries are accumulating large reserves of dollar-denominated securities in order to keep their currencies fixed to the dollar, holding down long-term interest rates which might be distorting U.S. growth and investment. In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Geithner also expressed concerns about growing inequality and globalization, although he didn't offer up any solutions.
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Yep, After My Bonus - I'm Off
Yep, After My Bonus - I'm OffAlthough the jury is still out on whether the job market in investment banking and other areas of finance will be as hot as it was in 2006, the early signs are that there's to be no let up in 2007. Despite many firms putting in financial and other incentives to retain key staff, many employees, it seems, are determined to look for another position once their bonus cheque clears.
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Electronic Trading increases transparency in OTC markets
Electronic Trading increases transparency in OTC marketsJP Morgan has launched an electronic trading platform for its clients on Bloomberg terminals. The platform, which enables investors to view accurate, real-time tradeable volatility levels, increases transparency in the over-the-counter market for basic interest rate options, appealing to clients who disliked the opacity of the derivatives.
Read articleLabels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
U.S. banks tell White House of worries over Basel II
U.S. banks tell White House of worries over Basel II A number of U.S. banks are voicing concern to the White House about upcoming changes to international capital standards. Citgroup, Wachovia and other banks are worried that the U.S. version of new standards, called Basel II, will put them at a competitive disadvantage with overseas banks
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Wall Street finds windfall in "cash sweeps"
Wall Street finds windfall in "cash sweeps"Securities firms are generating considerable revenue from "cash sweeps" -- moving clients' cash funds into higher yielding vehicles and pocketing the difference. Regulators are concerned that investors are unaware of how their money is being used.
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Private equity raises a record $215 billion in 2006Last year was a banner year for private equity funds, with 322 funds collecting a record $215.4 billion. That's 33% higher than in 2005, and well above the earlier record of $177.1 billion set in 2000. "It's gotten to the point where there is so much perceived opportunity that it has created a momentum of its own," according to one money manager.
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Financial assets hit $140 trillion, dwarfing global GDP
Financial assets hit $140 trillion, dwarfing outputStocks, bonds and other financial assets totaled $140 trillion in 2005 -- setting a new record, according to research by McKinsey & Co. The total value of assets was more than three times the world's total output of goods and services that year.
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CBOT to offer real-estate index futures
CBOT to offer real-estate index futuresThe Chicago Board of Trade will offer futures trading based on the Dow Jones U.S. Real Estate Index. The electronically traded contract could debut as soon as this quarter.
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Financial regulators eye hedge fund practices
Financial regulators eye hedge fund practicesThe way big banks and securities firms handle hedge funds -- specifically, the methods used for deciding on collateral -- has become the subject of investigation by financial regulators in the U.S. and Europe. The institutions' margin practices came under scrutiny in a recent meeting in London.
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Understanding the ISDA Master Agreements
Understanding the ISDA Master AgreementsWednesday, January 31, 2007
The New York Helmsley Hotel, New York
Key Topics
- Key differences between the 2002 and the 1992 ISDA Master Agreements
- The 2002 ISDA Master Agreement
- Negotiating the Schedule to the 2002 ISDA Master Agreement
- The 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions
Agenda Register
Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Fundamentals of Derivatives Seminar
Fundamentals of Derivatives SeminarTuesday, January 30, 2007
Global Financial Markets Conference Center, New York
Key Topics
- Fundamentals of Derivative Products
- Introduction to Derivative Contract Valuation and Risk Management
- Counterparty Credit Risk
Agenda Register
Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Business prepares for battle with Democratic Congress
Business prepares for battle with Democratic CongressWith the Democrats en route to their new chairmanships in Congress, this can be a tough time to be in industries that are less-than-popular with liberal activists. So oil, pharmaceutical and small businesses are launching public relations and marketing campaigns to defend themselves.
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Morningstar names fund managers of the year
Morningstar names fund managers of the yearResearch company Morningstar has named its 2006 Fund Managers of the Year, honoring executives from Longleaf Partners, Oakmark Funds and the Trust Company of the West. Longleaf Partners Funds' O. Mason Hawkins and Staley Cates took the prize for domestic stock funds; David Herro, manager of the Oakmark International and Oakmark International Small Cap funds, won for international stock funds; Jeffrey Gundlach, manager of the TCW Total Return Bond Fund, won manager of the year for fixed-income funds.
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Documenting and Confirming Equity Derivative Transactions
Documenting and Confirming Equity Derivative Transactions ConferenceThe Equity Derivatives Specialist
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Global Financial Markets Conference Center, New York
Program Topics Include:
- An indepth discussion of how to use the 2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions for documenting share and index swaps, forwards and options.
- Treatment of extraordinary events, including consequences of tender offers, merger events, index adjustments and elective additional disruption events.
- Focus on market disruption events, including trading disruptions, exchange disruptions and early closures.
- Featuring Afternoon Confirmation Workshops (Beginner & Advanced)
View agenda To register More info
Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Fundamentals of Equity Derivatives Seminar
Fundamentals of Equity Derivatives Seminar
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Global Financial Markets Conference Center, New York
Program Highlights:
- Fundamentals of Equity Derivative Products
- Introduction to Equity Derivative Contract Valuation and Risk Management
- Structured Equity Derivatives Transactions
View agenda To register More info
Labels: credit derivatives, derivatives, regulation, risk management, trading
Wachovia targets the less-than-fabulously wealthy
Wachovia targets the less-than-fabulously wealthyWachovia has its eye on a smaller prize. The Charlotte, N.C.-based bank has hired 100 bankers in recent months to target "thousandaires," -- investors with between $250,000 and $2 million in assets.
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Hedge fund hotels
Hedge fund hotel detectives: Regulators probe banks' office-space dealsRegulators are growing concerned by "hedge fund hotels" -- cushy lease deals in which banks lease space to hedge-fund managers in hope that the hedge funds will become major clients. UBS, which operates 400,000 square feet of hedge fund hotels in a number of U.S. cities, has been subpoenaed by the the Massachusetts secretary of state, who wants to know if the hedge funds are paying higher-than-average fees to banks in exchange for the space, but not disclosing the arrangement to investors.
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FREE Online Tutors - Catapult Online
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Savings & Retirement Symposium, March 1 and 2
Savings & Retirement Symposium, March 1 and 2
The 2007 Symposium offers opportunities for interactive discussion and the best networking for retirement-products professionals in the securities industry. Sessions will include: investment advice opportunities post-PPA; regulatory developments in 401(k) fee disclosure and IRAs; tools for managing retirement income; boomer retirement challenges; and an overview of the HSA marketplace.
Register today
Hedge fund hotel detectives: Regulators probe banks' office-space deals
Hedge fund hotel detectives: Regulators probe banks' office-space deals
Regulators are growing concerned by "hedge fund hotels" -- cushy lease deals in which banks lease space to hedge-fund managers in hope that the hedge funds will become major clients. UBS, which operates 400,000 square feet of hedge fund hotels in a number of U.S. cities, has been subpoenaed by the the Massachusetts secretary of state, who wants to know if the hedge funds are paying higher-than-average fees to banks in exchange for the space, but not disclosing the arrangement to investors.
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American Home Shield - Home Waranty Coverage
American Home Shield
Low cost insurance and waranty coverage for your entire home. It includes
- common repairs
- plumbing
- heating and A/C
- electrical work
- household appliances
Learn more:
HR Specialists and Diveristy Directors
HR Specialists and Diveristy Directors
The monthly journal covers top priority HR and Diversity issues, laws and best practices. They also provide some great statistics and benchmark studies.