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The Supply Chain Black Hole
The Supply Chain Black Hole
Some e-tailers are discovering the supply-chain black hole and trying to find ways to manage it.
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Barclays' Global Acceleration
Barclays' Global Acceleration
by John Varley
Today Barclays Bank enjoys the best performance numbers in its 300-year history. Profits were up 35 percent in 2006, but it took a four-year strategic restructuring plan to reach these highs. John Varley, Barclays' group chief executive, explains how the bank deployed a company-wide initiative to unify the business by setting a vision, adopting a universal banking model, and focusing on customer relations.
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Fed Activism on Regulation - BErnanke Speaks
Tighter regulations may be on agenda at Wyoming symposium
The Federal Reserve's approach to the current financial mess will likely be scrutinized by policymakers and economists from all over the globe at the Fed's annual symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyo. Critics may encourage the board to consider tougher rules, such as more disclosure concerning the quality of assets behind securities.
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Bernanke May Hear Call for Fed Activism on Regulation
By Scott Lanman and John Fraher
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke may be urged to consider tighter regulation as he and his counterparts clean up the financial mess from U.S. subprime- mortgage defaults. The central bank's hands-off approach to using interest rates to pop asset bubbles and reluctance to impose new rules will come under scrutiny as policy makers and economists from around the world gather for the annual symposium organized by the Kansas City Fed bank starting today in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Forcing more disclosure about the quality of assets behind the securities that became the flashpoint of the credit crisis will be one option floated at the conference, participants and Fed watchers said. A more complete picture might better guide monetary policy and help Bernanke deliver more accurate cues to the public.
``It's extremely important that he provide some signal that the Fed has been chastened by these events,'' said Tom Schlesinger, head of the Financial Markets Center, a Howardsville, Virginia-based group that researches the Fed. Bernanke needs to consider ``a substantial rethinking of the assumptions and practices that led us to this point,'' he said.
While the Fed chief may be reluctant to alter his views in the middle of the subprime fallout, he is likely to be probed by central bankers and economists flying in to the mountain retreat. The conference's theme is housing and monetary policy, and Bernanke delivers the opening speech tomorrow.
Chatter at the Bar
``The questions at least need to be asked and seriously examined,'' said Michael Mussa, a former International Monetary Fund chief economist who will attend the event and is now at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. ``The issue will come up in the discussions at the conference and the bar afterwards.''
The first hints of whether Bernanke will entertain any changes may come when he addresses the conference. Tonight he delivers welcoming remarks at dinner, and tomorrow he speaks on housing and monetary policy at 10 a.m. New York time. The next day, Fed Governor Frederic Mishkin presents a paper on ``Housing and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism.''
The Jackson Hole gathering is traditionally attended by most Fed governors and district-bank presidents. Nine years ago, former Chairman Alan Greenspan held private talks with officials there that paved the way for an interest-rate cut weeks later. The action followed a credit crunch triggered by Russia's debt default.
Speculation on Rates
This time, policy makers arrive as continuing stress in credit markets spurs calls for a rate reduction.
The Fed underestimated the impact of the slide in securities backed by subprime mortgages, minutes of their Aug. 7 meeting showed two days ago. Investors shunned the debt in the wake of rising delinquencies that officials now concede were stoked by loose lending standards.
While the Fed reduced the cost of direct loans to banks on Aug. 17 to help contain the credit crunch, officials have kept the benchmark rate at 5.25 percent. The Federal Open Market Committee next meets Sept. 18.
Bernanke is already getting plenty of advice from key U.S. lawmakers who oversee the Fed. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd summoned Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to an hour-long meeting Aug. 21, saying afterward Bernanke agreed to use ``all of the tools at his disposal'' to restore stability.
Calling a Hearing
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, who is convening a hearing on the market turmoil Sept. 5 with Fed and Treasury officials, told reporters Aug. 21 the session will focus on lessons learned and whether regulations are ``in need of updating.''
In Jackson Hole, speakers include Otmar Issing, the former European Central Bank chief economist who argues that, when asset prices balloon, policy makers should raise interest rates.
ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet canceled his trip to the conference for ``personal reasons,'' spokesman Wiktor Krzyzanowski said today.
William White, head of the monetary and economics department at the Bank for International Settlements, also says central banks pay too much attention to consumer-price inflation and not enough to asset prices. He speaks on housing finance tomorrow.
Bernanke, a former Princeton University economics professor, first appeared at Jackson Hole in 1999, with a paper arguing that central banks shouldn't target asset prices except when they affect the economy as a whole. He's repeated that since becoming chairman. Many American peers still agree.
`Not so Convinced'
``I'm not so convinced that this episode is a strike against that,'' said former Fed Vice Chairman Alan Blinder, now a Princeton economist. ``Whatever has happened, it hasn't been caused by an implosion of housing prices.''
Aside from considering a greater focus on asset prices, the Fed needs to explore whether it should coax or require additional disclosures from banks and hedge funds, according to some observers.
``The Fed has to obviously work to get much better information about how securitization is working and have a better feeling for what's going on in these asset markets,'' said David Hale, an economist and regular at the Jackson Hole conference.
The ``big debate'' will be about how subprime mortgages were turned into gold-plated securities, especially the collateralized debt obligations that have caused the headaches, said Hale, president of Hale Advisors LLC in Chicago.
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Careers: Six Reasons Recruiters Will Talk to You
Six Reasons Recruiters Will Talk to You
By Ian Christie,
What are the key reasons executive search firms and other 3rd party employer-paid recruitment agencies will pay attention to you?
The fundamental starting point is that these firms and their individual partners, associates, or support staff, are under no inherent obligation to give you any of their time. They owe you nothing. The client of the search firm is the hiring organization. That is rule one.
However, rule two is that the recruiting firms need candidates that FIT their current and future assignments in order to do their job. As a result, search firms can be highly selective about with whom they invest their time. So, how do you get their attention? By analyzing the key reasons or circumstances under which a headhunter might talk to you, you can devise your approach strategies accordingly. Here are the top reasons:
Reason #1: You are a clear and strong candidate for a current search assignment.
This sounds obvious, but that period of time when the recruiter is hunting for suitable candidates is a time when the doors are theoretically open. Whether you have applied to an ad, sent in a blind resume, have been referred, or called, you might get their attention if you are a strong match for an assignment they are currently pursuing.
Note: A search firm gets paid to attract people who are among the best in their field, not those just able to do the job. This fact of life is at the root of a lot of frustration among candidates regarding search firm unresponsiveness.
Action item: If you are going to apply to one of their openings, apply a laser focus to the opportunity at hand. Show them "why you."
Reason #2: You fit with the recruiter's specialty & appear to have a pedigree that seems "placeable."
If they have the time, you may get recruiters' attention if your profession and industry are closely aligned with the kind of work they do, and your career trajectory is impressive. They will judge how placeable you are, that is, how likely it is that one of their clients would want to hire you. If there is a strong fit, then yes, they may make time for you.
Action item: Target the specialist firms, and specialist practitioners within general firms.
Reason #3: You come referred by someone important.
The world of executive search and recruitment is about relationships and exchange of information. Yes, ads are posted, but the ads often serve as backups. The real work occurs on the phones, speaking with people in their networks about who is good and who is ready to take on the challenge at hand. Referrals. That's how it works. So, search professionals tend to be highly attuned to incoming referrals from their network. The referrers may be current and past clients, industry experts, or former candidates. The later category is tricky. The power of the referral in this case really depends on the level of relationship that candidate had with the search firm.
Action item: Work your networks. Ask for referrals. If at all possible, lay-up an introduction rather than going in cold.
Reason #4: You are someone they want to get to know.
If the search firm partner or associate concludes that you are a player, someone who might hire them to do search work in the future; someone who is well respected in the industry; someone with a big and powerful network, then they may be eager to start a relationship with you. Being an up-and-comer can also be an attractor. You may not, in their eyes, be ready today, but talking to you now may in fact be a good investment of time on their part.
Action item: Don't be invisible. Seed your field so that your name comes up when key people are asked, "Who can do this job?"
Reason #5: You are a file builder during slower times.
The fewer active assignments recruiters have, the more time there is to fill their pipeline. Yes, they will be out looking for new clients, but it is also a time to catch-up on meeting new candidates. In a slower market, they are likely to be a little more open in who they talk to.
Action item: Don't forget the slow cycles. Try to approach before you need to find a job. Word your approach as one of "getting to know for future potential assignments."
Reason #6: You represent a valuable contact for a more junior headhunter.
You might not be able to get a partner or senior consultant's attention, but you may be able to with an associate or researcher. Don't underestimate the power of these folks to insert you into the search firm's active system and assignments. And, they need to build their career with strong, relevant and productive relationships. It could be you.
Action item: If contacted by someone at this level, treat him or her seriously. If you can't reach the partner, approach the researcher or associate.
That's it. Yes, you may get in because you catch someone on a good day, and they feel like helping, but don't count on it. As a rule, these six contexts are the only instances when you can get an audience with a search firm. Understanding these reasons now arms you with potential strategies. Good hunting.
Ian Christie is a career counselor with, a complimentary online career assessment test that can instantly help determine your ideal career.
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The 10 Processes You Must Automate To Win
IT Service Providers & MSPs: The 10 Processes You Must Automate To Win
Available on Demand!
View presentation:
Is your IT organization running like a well-oiled machine? Do you know
the status of every project, every ticket, every open task or to-do? Do
you know which techs have free time, what's billable today, which client
is most profitable, what prospects are about to close?
During this seminar, you will hear from Mike Vizard who will give you an
overview of why the IT service industry is struggling to retain
customers and maintain profits. Then, Autotask CEO Bob Godgart will show
how VARs, MSPs, Systems Integrators, and IT Solution Providers are using
his company's software to automate key business processes, squeeze out
inefficiencies, boost customer service levels, and improve
CASE STUDY: This session will include a real-life example of how Mark
Crall of Tech Care Team, Inc., a managed IT service provider in
Charlotte, NC drastically increased ROI by adopting an integrated system
for running the business, and instilling a culture of process in the
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, this seminar may be
of great interest:
*Are you struggling to justify your value to your customers?
*Does billing take too long?
*Do your people forget to fill out their time sheets?
*Do you juggle information in multiple systems?
*Do you have issues that fall through the cracks?
*Do you work too hard to create documentation to back up the work you
*Are you lacking an effective way to track time or profitability?
*Are there bottlenecks or constraints that are slowing your business
This seminar will show you how an integrated PSA solution can address
all of these key business issues, and more.
Featured Speakers:
Michael Vizard, SVP, Editorial Director - Ziff Davis Enterprise
Bob Godgart, Founder and CEO - Autotask Corporation
Mark Crall, CEO - Tech Care Team, Inc.
Frank Derfler, VP, Market Experts Group - Ziff Davis Enterprise
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Cognos, IBM Team Up on Bank Risk Management
Cognos, IBM Team Up on Bank Risk Management IBM and Cognos are collaborating on a business intelligence
package for the financial services industry.
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7 Critical Processes of eBusiness
7 Critical Processes of eBusiness: How Order Management Can Help
by Sterling Commerce
full report
Optimizing Server Consolidation & Virtualization
by Xiotech
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Google Moves Toward Behavioral Targeting
Google Moves Toward Behavioral Targeting
Google has been hinting towards applying the same factors for determining natural search relevancy to its paid ad listings - and now it looks like it is starting to happen. Learn more about Google's strategy.
B2B Marketing with Web 2.0 tools
When Robert Lesser and I put out our survey to identify which Web 2.0 tools are most popular with B2B marketers, Tom was one of our first responders. I asked Tom about his experiences with Web 2.0 and what his clients are asking of him. Hear Tom's best practices for using Web 2.0 tools.
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Google Moves Toward Behavioral Targeting
Google Moves Toward Behavioral Targeting
Google has been hinting towards applying the same factors for determining natural search relevancy to its paid ad listings - and now it looks like it is starting to happen.
Learn more about Google's strategy
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A Strategic Approach to Product Delivery
Product managers struggle to keep up with all the tasks, information, meetings and reporting required to sustain even a single product at a single company. If you are a product manager juggling numerous products internally and/or with partners the job may be all but impossible.
Attend this educational eSeminar sponsored by Telelogic to learn how even the most harried product managers can take a more strategic approach to product delivery. You'll hear how to break free of the "tactical trap": an all-consuming focus on daily execution that leaves little or no room for the strategic planning that can help make your products more relevant - and profitable.
You will hear from Alyssa Dver, Author of "Software Product Management Essentials", who will examine how and why product managers need to be more creative and strategically focused. She'll uncover some typical traps that Product Managers fall into and give you tips to avoid them - or how to get out if its too late! Specific benchmarks and exercises will be provided so participants can leave and immediately assess and improve their own performance as a product manager or manager of PMs.
Attendees will hear:
Why it is so difficult to break away from tactical product management
Best practices in developing a strategic approach to your products
What you can do today to improve the performance of both you and your products
What pitfalls to avoid when developing product management strategy
How to get buy-in for a more strategic approach
Whether you currently are a product manager, manage them, or are thinking about becoming one, you must attend this important event. Register now to guarantee your spot.
Featured Speakers:
Alyssa Dver, Chief Consultant - Type @ Consulting
Michael Lester, Product Marketing Manager - Telelogic
Michael Krieger, VP, Market Experts Group - Ziff Davis Enterprise
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Case Study: Fast Reliable Disk-based Backup
Case Study: IT Consultancy Achieves Fast, Reliable Disk-based Backup
with Data De-Duplication
Labat-Anderson, with over twenty years of global experience in
information systems and services consulting, was seeking alternatives to
its existing tape-based backup system. The company wanted to meet
compliance requirements, reduce its 48-72 hour full-backup window and
simplify its backup process. Disk-based backup with data de-duplication
was the answer.
This eSeminar discusses the key benefits of a disk-based backup system
with data de-duplication. You'll learn about the backup environment at
Labat-Anderson, their challenges and their successful results with
Symantec's Backup Exec application and ExaGrid's cost-effective and
scalable disk-based backup solution.
Register today and learn how to cut costs while improving the
reliability and recoverability of backup data. Make your limited budget
work harder for you!
Featured Speakers:
Fred Pinkett, VP of Market Development - ExaGrid Systems Inc.
Arleen Urquhart, Sr. Product Marketing Manager - Symantec Corporation
Cameron Crotty, Editorial Director, Virtual Tradeshows and eSeminars -
Ziff Davis Enterprise
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Traditional Backup vs. On-Demand Data Protection Services
Traditional Backup vs. On-Demand Data Protection Services:
Critical Questions for IT Decision-Makers
Register now:
When deciding on a data protection solution, budget limits, service
quality, and compliance requirements all weigh on the minds of IT
leaders. A single overlooked issue can mean the difference between
disaster and continuous operations. In this Webcast, Doug Chandler of
IDC will explain how many companies have evaluated their data protection
choices in today's market and made a successful transition from in-house
backup and recovery operations, to service-based solutions.
The presentation will cover:
*Critical factors to consider when comparing in-house backup solutions
with data protection services
*The economic, technological, and legal Issues driving the increased
popularity of on-demand data protection services
*What this trend means to your organization
Featured Speakers:
Doug Chandler, Program Director- Software and Services, Research, IDC
Brian Reagan, CMO, Arsenal Digital
Register now:
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Reflective mirrors raise solar potential
Reflective mirrors raise solar potential
Reflective dishes may be the answer to make solar energy competitive with conventional sources of power, Israeli scientists say.
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Kroger Becomes First National Retailer to Sell Ethanol
Kroger Becomes First National Retailer to Sell Ethanol
Kroger announced they're opening 20 ethanol fueling locations in Ohio and Kentucky, making Kroger the first national retailer to offer E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. The fuel is used by Flexible Fuel Vehicles. The ethanol is made by VeraSun.
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Accelerating Your Workers - Wherever They Are
The Need for Speed: Accelerating Your Workers - Wherever They Are
Your business doesn't take place in one place anymore. In addition to
all of those branch offices that your IT team is managing, you're now
responsible for making sure that mobile workers everywhere can access
corporate data and applications. And of course, everyone wants to access
that data with LAN-like speed. At the same time, you're trying to cut
costs by consolidating IT and deferring bandwidth upgrades. So how do
you manage these conflicting goals?
Attend this timely eSeminar sponsored by Riverbed to find out just how
to make all this possible. You'll hear from Chris Pinckney, CIO of
PSOMAS Engineering, who demonstrates his strategy for application
acceleration and IT consolidation. He will explore the use of WAN
optimization and wide-area data services technology, and offer advice on
how you should consider integration of this technology into your
Attendees will learn:
*Best practices for accelerating WAN users - either remote office or
*How Wide Area Data Services (WADS) can improve your users' experience
*What's new in Application Acceleration and how it can work for you
*How to get the most out of your existing bandwidth and defer upgrades
*Do's and Don'ts for improving performance for all users
*How all this improvement can save money in the short and long term
Don't miss this educational event - your users will be amazed by the
results. Register now to ensure your spot!
Featured Speakers:
Apurva Dave, Director of Product Marketing - Riverbed Technology Inc.
Chris Pinckney, CIO - PSOMAS Engineering
Michael Krieger, VP, Market Experts Group - Ziff Davis Enterprise
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SOA Maturity: What's It Take to Get There?
SOA Maturity: What's It Take to Get There?
Steve Bennett is the Americas SOA Practice Lead for BEA Systems, which is better known for its BPM software but also offers SOA-based services. Bennett is blogging at Dev2Dev about his SOA maturity model, which he created after querying BEA customers about their SOA implementations and the challenges they encountered. He mapped those challenges to the SOA adoption curve. The result is that you can see what issues typically arise at which stages of adopting SOA. But these are not just any challenges — these are challenges that can derail your SOA implementation, according to Bennett.
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IT Virtualization Challenges
Virtualization Challenges
Top Three Training Challenges - And How to Overcome Them
Virtualization is spreading quickly throughout the enterprise, as businesses use the technology to reduce deployment times, increase security, and increase the flexibility of their IT infrastructures. Whether it's applied to servers, storage, or the desktop, virtualization is raising new challenges and opening new opportunities. For example, as deployments grow larger and more complex, they demand new policies, tools, and management approaches. And while the ability to quickly create virtual machines can solve previously intractable problems, it can also lead to software and data sprawl.
The technology is moving quickly, and it's important to see the long term trends that are starting to take shape, while keeping track of what's coming next. The Ziff Davis Enterprise Virtual Tradeshow will examine the most important developments in server, storage, and desktop virtualization. At this live, interactive, online event, you'll learn:
What new tools and techniques can help you manage growing server deployments
How new storage virtualization developments will affect your infrastructure strategy
Why desktop virtualization may drive even more change in your organization than server virtualization
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What is SCRUM? How can it help my projects?
State of Scrum
Member survey by the Scrum Alliance shows the framework is gaining
traction with organizations as it meets or exceeds expectations.
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Strategy With Teeth
Strategy With Teeth
A strategic planning office (SPO) can play a pivotal role in the way
projects are planned and aligned with an organization's goals. But how it is
staffed and who it reports to will make all the difference. Here are some
best practices to follow and pitfalls to avoid when establishing a SPO.
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Rolling-Wave Project Planning
Roll With It
Don't try to plan the whole darn project at the beginning. You'll be wasting time you could be spending removing obstacles so the project team can find its rhythm. Instead, use rolling-wave planning to make the most of your initial and ongoing scheduling and re-planning activities.
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The Role of the Ethics Officer
Ever-Evolving: The Role of the Ethics Officer
Moving beyond compliance to an ethical culture is apparently not as easy as it may sound. Attorney David Gebler says the distinct discipline of business ethics is being absorbed by the discipline of effective business management. To be successful, then, an ethics officer in today's corporate environment should work behind the scenes to help the "institutional influencers of behavior" succeed.
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Officially Out of Water
Officially Out of WaterBy Nick Hodge
Two water-related stories broke this week that simply can't be ignored--mainly because they definitively prove how grave the water situation is, but also because buried deep under the initial story are several ways to profit.
The first story broke today out of the small town of Gloucester, located on Massachusetts's Cape Ann.
Gloucester, with an official population of just over 30,000, normally sees its seasonal population rise as tourists flock there for summer get-a-ways. With the increased amount of summer residents and the driest summer in nearly 10 years--only 5.3 inches of rain has fallen--the town has quickly used up nearly all the water in its reservoirs.
And they can't access water from Massachusetts' mainland reserves because the water treatment plant that connects them is shut down for emergency repairs (read deteriorating infrastructure).
Normally, the reservoirs are refilled at night and stay well above the amount that will be needed for the next few days. But in the last week, usage spiked to an average of 5.2 million gallons per day. The treatment plant in Gloucester can only replenish 4.8 gallons daily. Demand is simply outpacing supply.
In fact, with current conditions, there is only enough water left for 32 days.
Sounds like a water shortage to me.
In other news, the city of Birmingham, AL. has issued incentives for finding and reporting buildings that are stealing water from the local water utility.
Apparently, after discovering an increasing number of cases in which people were tapping into the system without paying for it, Birmingham decided to issue rewards to its meter readers for each case they report.
Last month alone, over 200 cases of illegal water hookups were reported (read defective meters). In one case, an entire apartment building was using stolen water.
Birmingham reports an unusually high amount of lost water to begin with. Each year, the utility there reports 26% of the water it produces is lost (read faulty pipes). The national average is 15%.
The Time has Come
If those two stories don't scream opportunity, I don't know what does. Even a shallow reading of these stories points out the need for new pipes, new water meters, and an overhaul of at least one water treatment plant.
The new Green Chip Water Index includes companies that can do all of that.
Starting this week, we'll start supplying profiles for all of the companies in the index. To see the company profiles, simply click on ‘Water Index' and click on any of the activated company names.
This way, you'll be able to learn about each of the companies I've chosen to put in the index.
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Investment Idea: BioDeisel Company News
2007 EPA Regulations uncork explosive new market for biodiesel fuel!
Helping meet that market need is
Soon to be producing 12,000 gallons of biodiesel per day, IOGH is set to take advantage of the soaring demand for the superior performance of biodiesel
To Today's Energy Investor:
Our government has created the chance to potentially profit from this situation. Here's how you can get started...great growth potential in store!
New Federal regulations in diesel fuel formulations create enormous opportunities in biodiesel production.
Effective this year, the EPA mandated a newly formulated "low-sulfur" diesel to replace all the diesel sold at fuel pumps nationwide.
This ground-breaking change in Federal diesel rules creates a profit-making climate for International Oil and Gas Holdings (IOGH) that you should act on without delay.
IOGH: could hit record levels this fall as the demand for biodiesel fuel takes off this summer! Now is the time to get in!
Make no mistake about this, the demand for biodiesel is skyrocketing, the older high-sulfur fuel is no longer available at retail and that's hammered farmers and truckers (among others) who depend on it for their livelihood. Diesel operators face huge maintenance and equipment losses using the new low-sulfur diesel because the existing fleet of diesel-powered equipment was never designed to run on low-sulfur fuel.
IOGH biodiesel restores what has been lost in low-sulfur diesel.
IOGH saw this coming. With as little as a 5% mix of its biodiesel in 2007 low-sulfur fuel, the new fuel equals or outperforms the outlawed high-sulfur formulation. It's a key reason why IOGH built its pilot biodiesel plant in northern Oklahoma, the heart of America's diesel-consuming wheat production and transportation regions.
From this strategically key location, IOGH now produces 6,000 gallons of biodiesel per day and is moving rapidly to a 12,000 gallons per day landmark...all of which is sold out with pre-production sales contracts!
At the projected production levels of IOGH for this year, IOGH shares could potentially appreciate this fall...and could potentially mirror the increasing demand for biodiesel.
That's just getting started. In the coming months and years, IOGH is expected to expand its biofuel production capacities, meeting demand for what could become millions of gallons of biodiesel per day!
Hard to imagine? Think of it this way, the EPA demanded change, diesel users need the fuel, so you've been handed a great chance in biodiesel growth potential.
Truckers, farmers, and anyone with diesel powered equipment are jumping at the chance to run biodiesel mix. The change to low-sulfur diesel has created increased demand for biodiesel.
To get in on the potential of this must act now. News that IOGH production is 100% sold out with the prospects for even greater production volume triggered a stunning 33% share price jump in just one week!
It's turning into big business faster than the fuel can be produced. Over the next 6 to 12 months, IOGH shares are set to reflect this huge potential growth!
IOGH has all the signs of a major revenue producer!
Even the byproducts of IOGH biodiesel production have a ready market, adding even more to revenue and shareholder value. The glycerin that is produced can replace the petroleum-based chemicals commonly used for these products, creating new categories of green energy products such as cleaning solvents, surfactants, additives for two-cycle engine oils, and marine fuel replacements.
The time to get in is now. Even with a modest start you could one day be congratulating yourself for spotting IOGH early. In the long run, IOGH could potentially return gains similarly to the potential growing demand of biodiesel production and the time for you to get in on this highly speculative investment is RIGHT NOW.
Learn more about International Gas and Oil Holdings by visiting the company website:
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Risks of credit derivatives
Risks of credit derivatives
While the entire market is focused on the risks of credit derivatives, we bring you some very solid reading materials on the risks of credit derivatives - do they impart stability to the banking system, or make it more fragile. From Ben Bernanke to Darrel Duffie, you will find lots of write ups and recent presentations.
Vinod Kothari
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Risks of credit derivatives
Risks of credit derivatives
While the entire market is focused on the risks of credit derivatives, we bring you some very solid reading materials on the risks of credit derivatives - do they impart stability to the banking system, or make it more fragile. From Ben Bernanke to Darrel Duffie, you will find lots of write ups and recent presentations.
Vinod Kothari
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Application Virtualization: Resolving the Interoperability Dilemma
Application Virtualization: Resolving the Interoperability Dilemma
August 29, 2007 @ 12:00 p.m. Eastern / 9:00 a.m. Pacific
Duration: 60 minutes
Companies running multiple platforms often found their applications
siloed and inaccessible, depending on the end user's OS. But application
virtualization can help tear down the silos and ensure accessibility
across the entire network. Learn how your company can use application
virtualization to enhance productivity and ultimately save your company
Featured Speakers:
Richard McCormack, Senior Vice President, Marketing - Fujitsu Computer
Systems Corporation
Amal Chaudhuri, President and COO - SignaCert
Ron Oglesby, Director of Architecture for Virtualization Services -
GlassHouse Technologies
Ty Schwab, Senior Consultant/Founder - Blackhawk Technology Consulting
Charlene O'Hanlon, Senior Editor - Ziff Davis Enterprise
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Could SharePoint Be Microsoft's New Mode of Lock-In?
Could SharePoint Be Microsoft's New Mode of Lock-In?
Microsoft is tapping its partner ecosystem to drive SharePoint adoption. A lot of the feedback has been positive, but Matt Asay at CNET's News Blog flips the SharePoints pancake and shows us the burnt side. Asay starts with high praise for Microsoft, SharePoint and how Microsoft is tapping its partner ecosystem to drive SharePoint adoption. It's an impressive business move, writes Asay, who should know — he works for Alfresco, a company that provides an open-source alternative to SharePoint. But after the professional courtesy remarks, he dives into the problem, cautioning that what's "good for Microsoft and its partners is not necessarily good for Microsoft's customers."
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New Source for Business Loans and Credit Lines
New Source for Business Loans and Credit Lines
We have a relationship with a finance company that does invoice lines of credit.
They are not factors.
They actually provide 80% of the face value of an invoice (once the vendor is rated) in the form of a line of credit up to $2mm.
The client pays for what is used on the line only.
The finance company acts as an outsourced accounts receivable department.
Payments are still made to your company and you manage the calls to your customer for any collections.
Also, we have a business banking source for NO DOC - No Collateral line of credit up to $100k.
The owner must have at least a 680 middle score
The company must have been in business for two years.
The broker's fee is 6% of the total borrowed payable at closing.
If there is an interest please contact us. We also have great sources for commercial real estate financing and refinancing with fast answers and closings. Please share this information with those you feel may benefit.
Rodney J. Littles
Rodney J. Littles &Associates, Inc
Management & Financial Consultants
New York City-Atlanta,GA-Washington,DC-Caribbean
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Jobs: Project Portfolio Manager needed in NJ, #2088
My name is Ken and I'm an IT recruiter at Algomod Technologies Corporation. If you are an experienced professional with experience in project budgeting/etc, this experience is relevant to one of my current openings.
It is located in Raritan, NJ. This is a 12+ month CONTRACT position with a very large organization.
NOTE: Per client's request, this position can only pay on a w-2 basis (no 1099s or corp-to-corps) and no H1 visa sponsorships or transfers.
Title: Project Portfolio Manager - Specialized Description:
- Facilitate prioritization, balancing and management of the project portfolio to maximize derived value to client
- Oversee project request intake, project prioritization, portfolio balancing and resource allocation of Global Services (GS) projects, driving business impact and maximizing project portfolio value.
- Direct the portfolio data analysis and facilitate the decision making process of the project portfolio governance bodies.
- Ensure all projects are executed based on established Pharmaceutical priorities and governance processes.
- Drive the project portfolio towards delivering the highest value for Pharmaceutical.
- Accountable that project portfolios are aligned to support strategic Pharmaceutical and GS business objectives.
- Seek to increase overall IM project efficiency by seeking to reduce project redundancies and leveraging of common solutions.
- Facilitate all aspects of project portfolio review sessions, enabling governance bodies to make sound decisions.
- Produce reports for senior management on project portfolio performance and portfolio mix.
If you are qualified, available, interested, planning to make a change, or know of a friend who might have the required qualifications and interest, please email me at ASAP, even if we have spoken recently about a different position. Please include a daytime phone number so I can reach you. In considering candidates, time is of the essence, so please respond ASAP. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Ken Hoinsky
Algomod Technologies Corp.
Algomod Technologies Corporation
116 John Street
New York, NY 10038
For more job opportunities:
Lookup Candidate
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Market-Driven Portfolio Management
Market-Driven Portfolio Management
Managing product development projects with market-driven processes can
shorten the release cycle, improve market alignment and increase visibility
into the way requirements and contingencies are tied together. It can also
provide the framework to create and execute project plans that withstand
second-guessing and resist scope creep.
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Talent Agents for Project Team Leaders
Talent Agents
Does your company make it a strategic imperative to find, develop,
manage and retain strong leaders? If not, spearhead a campaign to identify and
reward the best talent on your projects, committing to these four
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Mainframe Skills Shortage Not as Big a Problem as Some Fear
Big Iron Skills Shortage Not as Big a Problem as Some Fear
Despite being saddled with the stigma of being "old technology," the mainframe keeps on keeping on. Buoyed by four quarters of sales growth, mainframe king IBM has launched several initiatives designed to promote Big Iron with younger programmers. It also demonstrated the gear's ability to run new apps by consolidating nearly 4,000 of its own servers onto 30 mainframes running Linux. But what about existing mainframe code? Some companies fret that there may not be enough programmers versed in COBOL to maintain it. While it doesn't foresee an immediate crisis, Forrester Research says it's a good idea to plan for a possible mainframe skills gap.
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Application Virtualization: Resolving the Interoperability Dilemma
Application Virtualization: Resolving the Interoperability Dilemma
August 29, 2007 @ 12:00 p.m. Eastern / 9:00 a.m. Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
Companies running multiple platforms often found their applications
siloed and inaccessible, depending on the end user's OS. But application
virtualization can help tear down the silos and ensure accessibility
across the entire network. Learn how your company can use application
virtualization to enhance productivity and ultimately save your company
Featured Speakers:
Richard McCormack, Senior Vice President, Marketing - Fujitsu Computer
Systems Corporation
Charlene O'Hanlon, Senior Editor - Ziff Davis Enterprise
BizAnalyst Network
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Internal Threat from Database Admins
Crushing the Internal Threat from Database Admins
Database admins are very close to an organization's greatest asset, but needn't have the ability to abuse that knowledge, says Ted Julian of Application Security Inc.
Outside hackers steal data to make money, and so do internal folks, says Ted Julian, vice president of marketing for Application Security Inc. Protecting against the threats from database admins, who often can see plenty of data that they don't need to see within the apps they work with, involves rules-based alerting and cross-checking with database-specific known vulnerabilities in the best cases. PCI compliance and other regulatory pressures are prompting companies to do database cleanups that include everything from finally getting rid of default passwords to expanding the separation of roles for admins such that there can be no hint of improper access.
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Software as a Service (SaaS) is hot!
Software as a Service (SaaS) is hot!
New companies are entering the on-demand world every day and they're built from the ground up to deliver innovative solutions over the web. At the same time, household names in the software Industry are converting existing on-premise applications to on-demand delivery. But simply creating a SaaS application is no guarantee of success. Software companies are not necessarily Web companies.
Join us and hear Treb Ryan, unabashed SaaS evangelist, and Andy Schroepfer, well-known industry analyst, discuss the challenges facing existing as well as new companies as they join the SaaS revolution.
Join us and discover:
- How the industry has moved from Web1.0 to Web2.0 and beyond
- If a traditional software company can be successful in the on-demand world?
- What characteristics define successful on-demand offerings?
- Has inbound replaced outbound as the killer sales model?
- Is user experience more important than add-on functionality?
Featured Speakers:
Treb Ryan, Chief Executive Officer - OpSource
Andrew Schroepfer, President - Tier1 Research
Frank Derfler,VP, Market Experts Group - Ziff Davis Enterprise
Sponsored by OpSource

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What Could the Credit Crisis Mean for IT?
What Could the Credit Crisis Mean for IT?
Could the impact of the subprime mortgage collapse go beyond
home mortgages to business lending and technology?
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I.T.-Business Alignment: 10 Best Practices
I.T.-Business Alignment: 10 Best Practices
At too many companies, technology managers aren't on the
same wavelength with the top business executives. Here are
10 ideas for improving that dynamic.
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Careers: Secrets to phone interview success
Secrets to phone interview success
By Michael R. Neece, CEO Interview Mastery
Phone interviews are frequently used by companies to save the company's time by pre-qualifying your interest and expertise. The following are some recommendations to ensure your next phone interview is successful for you.
Isolate Yourself
Phone interviews place you at a disadvantage because you only have one tool of communication, your voice. The interviewer's impression of you is shaped by all the sounds coming through the phone. Insulate yourself from distractions and background noises. Do not have your phone interview when you are surrounded by a lot of noise like an outdoor cafe at a busy intersection. If the call is on your cell phone make sure the caller can hear you clearly.
When the phone interviewer first contacts you, make sure it is comfortable for you to talk on the phone for at least 20 minutes. If it's not convenient, recommend scheduling another time for the call.
Schedule the Phone Interview
If you can not speak comfortably when the first call arrives, ask the interviewer if you could schedule a specific time for the phone interview. Be sure to define who will call who. It is recommended that you offer to call the company. This ensures you are fully prepared and in a situation where you can speak without interruptions. Schedule the phone interview just like you would any face-to-face interview.
Stand Up
During the call standup, walk around and smile. All these things make a big difference in the projection and quality of your voice.
What's Next
At the conclusion, ask the interviewer about next steps and timing of their hiring process.
Get Face-to-Face
If you are interested, ask for a face-to-face interview. Remember that your objective (during the phone interview) is to secure a face-to-face interview. You will be most effective discussing your background and assessing the company in a face-to-face meeting.
Prepare Your Responses
Phone interviews follow a similar pattern of questioning with the purpose of screening you out of consideration. Below is a list of questions most phone interviewers ask.
- Tell Me About Yourself.
- What do you know about our company?
- How did you learn about this position?
- What is our current (most recent salary)?
- What are your compensation requirements?
- Why are you looking for a new position?
- What are your strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- Do you have any questions?
Questions You Ask
Questions are your primary tool of influence with an interviewer. Questions help you direct the conversation and assess if the company is right for you.
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