Wall Street's New Gilded Age (TBTF: Too Big To Fail Banks)
A year after the crash, financial giants are making millions again.
A hundred years ago, people angrily compared the House of Rothschild to a giant octopus with its tentacles wrapped around the U.S. economy. Today it's the turn of Goldman Sachs to be likened to a "great vampire squid." To understand why, you need to go back 12 months.
The Lehman bankruptcy was in fact only one of seven events that, in the space of just 19 days, signaled the end of an epoch...
The likelihood is that the most important flaw in our financial system will not be addressed. That flaw can be summed up in a single phrase: banks that are "too big to fail." Let's call them the TBTFs.
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
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European Banks Over-Exposed to Credit Default Swap Risk
European Banks Still Exposed to Credit Default Swap RiskIt's a big mistake to assume that bank balance-sheets across Europe have already seen the worst as the global economic recovery enters its sixth month.
Credit default swaps, contracting bank lending, tepid consumer spending and regional woes in Central Europe all pose ongoing threats to a sustainable recovery in Europe.
-full article
CDS Meltdown and The End of the Carry Trade
CDS Meltdown and The End of the Carry TradeOver 700 banks (with trillions of dollars in assets) will come crashing to the ground. Hundreds of hedge funds will collapse, along with a number of major private equity firms. Corporate bankruptcies will soar. And another $20 trillion will be wiped off global stock markets. And no amount of Fat-Chance Packages or Bailout Band-aids from the Fed will help this time.
But this one bombed-out investment (that's been trading at depression level prices for 18 years now) could soar two to ten fold as the world comes undone.
- full article
US Dollar Is The New Carry Trade
The U.S. Dollar Index fell last week to the lowest level in a year as price swings in foreign exchange declined, encouraging investors to borrow greenbacks at record low interest rates and buy assets in countries offering yields as much as 8.1 percentage points higher than U.S.. deposit rates. Borrowing costs in dollars as measured by London interbank offered rates fell below those of yen and Swiss francs for an extended period for the first time since 1994 during the past three weeks.
Borrowing dollars and then selling them is adding pressure on a currency that's already weakened 14 percent since March...
- Bloomberg How to profit from a weak USD Dollar (USD)...- Buy Yen ETFs (
JYF or
- Buy Silver ETFs (
- Buy Gold ETFs (
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
Inflation Watch (Aug-Sep 2009)
Inflation Watch (Aug-Sep 2009)
U.S. producer prices rose 1.7% in August, the Labor Department reported Tuesday, powered by the biggest gain in energy prices since November 2007.
- full article Wholesale-level inflation was surprisingly strong.
Also, U.S. producer prices rebounded sharply last month on the back of rising gasoline and other energy costs, though core prices posted only a slight gain. Price pressures deeper in the production pipeline moved up, as well, suggesting the possibility of higher prices down the road. The producer price index gained 1.7% in August, while core wholesale prices climbed 0.2%.
- Wall Street Journal
How to profit from rising inflation in the US
- Buy Commodity based ETFs
(read our Investor Alerts)- Buy Silver ETFs
- Buy Gold ETFs
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
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All the Best
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
New Interest in Life Settlements "Death Bonds"
After the mortgage business imploded last year, Wall Street investment banks began searching for another big idea to make money. They think they may have found one. Life Settlements - they plan to "securitize" life insurance policies, in Wall Street jargon, by packaging hundreds or thousands together into bonds. Banks will then resell those bonds to investors, like big pension funds, who will receive the payouts when people with the insurance die.
Maybe we'll even see the return of premium financing for Life Settlements deals.
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management