Protect Your Investments In a Volatile Market
Global stock markets have been a roller-coaster ride down since 2008. Even the Cable-TV market gurus are stuped. BUY & HOLD does not work!
Don't fret. We know what investment strategies work in volatile markets. In these two short videos, two of our Money Managers explain exactly what you can do to protect your money now.
Hanlon follows a conservative approach to active money management. Their defensive management techniques work well during volatile markets. Reducing risk with a focus on medium-term trends to build value for clients.
FoxHall provides a global, macroeconomic view to active money management. Their focus on Asia, other emerging economies and commodities provide for robust returns. They protect portfolio gains during volatile periods. Long-term growth trends with great risk management is their hallmark.
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
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INVESTOR ALERT: Madoff Sinks NY Pension Funds
INVESTOR ALERT: Madoff Scheme Sinks Pension Fund
Our team at Millennium Lyon identified the risk. How Madoff's scheme could hurt pension plans across the country. We first reported the potential danger in December 2008. We repeated the warning on Monday 01/05/2009.
CNBC agrees, and just released this report.
The financial carnage coming out of the Bernard Madoff investment scandal is now spreading from charities and wealthy individuals to labor union pension funds. In recent days, several have fessed up to their members their significant exposure to Madoffs investment scheme, which will result in massive losses to their members. CNBC has learned that one union, the Carpenters local in Syracuse, N.Y., has lost the majority of the $100 million to $150 million it had in pension money because of its dealings with Madoff, people close to the matter said. The unions money manager, J.P. Jeanneret Associates of Syracuse, didnt return a telephone call for comment. The Syracuse carpenters local isnt alone. Pat Morin, business manager of Empire State Carpenters Union, is sifting through the wreckage in his own portfolio, which at the end of June had around $800 million in assets under management. Morin says his fund has exposure to Madoff as well, largely the result of consolidation in union pensi...
more Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
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Jan 2009: A Strong Move to High Yield Bonds
We're all happy that 2009 is here. To start the year off right we are making to changes to our investment strategy.
Strategy 1: Buy High Yield Bonds (and HY Bond Funds)
HY Bonds with medium to long durations will do well this year. Currency devaluation, inflation and artificially low interest rates all work in favor of High Yield Bonds. We expect strong double-digit returns this year.
Strategy 2: ONLY Buy Stocks Paying DIVIDENDS
Due to the TARP funds ($700B bailout), the US Government has set a de-facto standard for equities: 8% yield. Most of the government money is buying PREFERRED SHARES paying 8% each year. Most stock investors DO NOT get 8% annual income from their stock. Based on the continued government involvement, new market regulations and general economic slowdown; we recommend that any NEW MONEY investment in equities, should go to PREFERRED SHARES and DIVIDEND PAYING stocks.
Oil and clean energy/green technology are going south this year, due to extremely low global demand. Slow global economy means low oil consumption. This reduces payoffs for clean/green technology. We'll monitor this situation and provide updates in March 2009.
Victor Lloyd Smith
Millennium Lyon Asset Management
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