Careers: Employment history gaps: Not the end of the world
Employment history gaps: Not the end of the worldAbridged:
SEATTLE, WA -- Too many people are afraid to take time off between jobs. They worry that creating a break in their work history could limit their chances of landing a job when they return.They believe that employers go through resumes one at a time, tossing those with big employment gaps into the trash. Or they can't think of a way to explain "time off" to someone in the professional world.
The thing is, taking time away from the work force may be essential if you plan to achieve your personal goals. Maybe you want to start a family, travel, attend school, build a house or care for a sick relative. Perhaps you have the financial means to sit back and relax after many years of employment. Life is short. If you can manage it, take time off. It's good for you.
Contrary to popular belief, not all employers worry about gaps in your resume, and they don't automatically screen out candidates because they took a few months or even a few years away from work. Sure, they will ask questions about it in an interview. They may even bring it up over the phone, before scheduling an appointment.
Employers need to know that you are hardworking, dependable and dedicated to company success. They want to hear your side of the story, so be prepared to tell it.
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Labels: career, employment, gaps, interviews, salary
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