Saturday, December 03, 2005

Is it A Micro Cap Miracle?


Market Summary

Current Share Price $0.45
Shares outstanding 21,842,100
52 week Range $0.35-$1.30

Target Share Price $1.62

Every computer in the world has a product inside it that is either similar to RCHN's products or could be one of their products itself.

RCHN makes advanced computer cooling devices that go on the CPU chip and vid-eo cards. Without a cooling device on the CPU chip, the computer will overheat and stop working. Think about it, there are mill eons if not bill ions of computers on earth and every computer needs a cooling device.

RCHN in the last few years has already gained top honors among the computer community and is working with some of the top companies in the industry. RCHN's most prominent customers include giant semi-conductor and CPU manufacturers, PC and component manufacturers such as Corsair? memory, Voodoo PC? , and multibill ion Internet resellers such as and Fry's Electronics? in the distribution sector.

One of their most innovative products is the water cooling system for the computer. As computers continue to get faster and stronger, the heat they produce goes up. RCHN has answered this need with the most advanced liquid cooling system on the market.

It is likely that eventually all computers will be cooled with water, as it is more effective and provides for a silent computer. As processors become faster, they also produce substantially more heat, requiring substantially better cooling technologies, because they have to remain below a certain temperature to operate. Infact, the cooler they are, the more efficiently they operate, and the faster they go.

Take a look at RCHN's water cooling devices on their website at If it doesn't amaze you, I don't know what will.

In the last few years vid-eo cards have gotten very advanced to meet the demands of vid-eo gamers. With these advancements come more powerful chips and the heat they produce. Most vid-eo cards now come with fans on them. RCHN makes compatible water cooling systems for 2 of the largest vid-eo card makers, nVidia and ATI.

I believe that very soon, all computer manufacturers will make water cooling devices standard on their systems because of faster processors' greater heat output, and RCHN will probably be tapped for their products. Do a search on Yahoo for "Water Cooling Computers" and you will get more than 4 mill ion search results.

Take a look at all of RCHN's products at their company website at Their products are very well known among the computer enthusiast community, and is quickly gaining acknowledgement among the general population, and among computer manufacturers.

RCHN has only been a public company for a few months, which means most investors don't know about RCHN yet. I believe when wall street catches wind of this company we won't see these prices very long. Getting into a company during it's grow-th stage is usually where investors get rewarded the most. I believe RCHN is still in it's infancy and with the computer industry continuing to grow so will RCHN.

The transmitter of this email is a mar ke tinq firm only and has no relationship with RCHN. The purpose of this adbe r tise me nt is to provide publicity for the advertised company, its products or services. This adbe r tise me nt is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and does not provide an analysis of the fin ancial position of the company discussed in the email. The transmitter of this email is not a licensed registered inv-estment advisor, inv-estment banker, market maker, analyst, underwriter or broker-dealer. This report is provided as an information service only, and the statements and opinions in this report should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. The information contained herein is not guara ntied by transmitter to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The transmitter of this email accepts no liability for any loss arising from an investor's reliance on or use of this report. An inv-estment in RCHN is considered to be highly speculative and should not be considered unless a person can afford a complete loss of inv-estment. The transmitter of this email has been hired by a third party consultant, Core Consulting Group, and may be compensated for the circulation of this fin ancial newsletter. The transmitter of this email was hired as a vendor to deliver this newsletter. This report contains forward-looking statements, which involve risks, and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. For further details concerning these risks and uncertainties, see the SEC filings of RCHN including the company's most recent ann u al and quarterly reports.


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