Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Google: Ten Golden Rules

Google: Ten Golden Rules

MSNBC: Add "employee retention" to the list of things Google appears to be doing right. The company prides itself on managing its workers according to the principles of business guru Peter Drucker, who advised companies to "strip away everything that gets in their knowledge workers' way." This list of 10 management practices, penned by CEO Eric Schmidt and Google consultant Hal Varian, a professor at Berkeley, range from the high-tech (online "dashboards" that provide up-to-the-minute status reports for every project) to the low-tech (having workers work in close proximity to each other to facilitate collaboration ) to those that will inspire envy (perks including first-class dining facilities, massage rooms and car washes) to digs at competitors ("nobody throws chairs at Google, unlike management practices used at some other well-known technology companies").

Read Entire Article:


Optimize: Are IT Retention Efforts Working?

BusinessWeek: What Works: Eyes on the Prize

Personnel Today: A Remedy for Retention


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