| Friday, August 19th, 2005 Baltimore, MD Jackson, WY Missoula, MT | Archimedes Lever | - Whole Foods of Canada hits a record high!
- Archimedes Lever
- The Future Classroom Update
- The Death of the Energizer Bunny
| "The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." -- Sylvia Plath | Dear Wealth Daily reader:
Yesterday I sent you an e-mail about a young Canadian LOHAS firm that many are calling the next Whole Foods Market.
It's currently the #3 competitor in North America, yet is trading for less than 0.003% the value of Whole Foods.
Well since I sent you that e-mail (less than 24 hours ago), this company's stock has shot up another 30% and hit a new record high of $1.75.
This gain piggyback's on last week's rally... and is a continuation of the rally that began last January.
And here's the best part - this is only the beginning!
As this company is practically mirroring the same growth strategies as Whole Foods (and is, in fact growing even faster), I predict this stock will get as high as $16.75 a share!
If you'd like to find out more about "the Next Whole Foods," Click Here.
To subscribe to Green Chip Stocks today, go here.
 - Jeff Siegel
Archimedes Lever I would like to introduce you to a brand new segment of Wealth Daily, Archimedes Lever.
Archimedes was a Greek who lived between 287-212 B.C. He is consider by many as one of the greatest mathematician and engineers to have walked the Earth.
His greatest contributions are in the field of geometry, where he identified the relationship of a sphere and cylinder's volume.
Archimedes discovered the principle of the lever and the importance of the fulcrum, stating imperiously, "Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I can move the world".
This citation has inspired many people throughout history crossing every human barrier. And now it has inspired the editors of Wealth Daily.
Archimedes Lever will become a weekly part of Wealth Daily where we will bring you investment ideas and opportunities concerning future trends and technologies.
Archimedes Lever asserts that human creativity and the desire to push our limitations will drive us into a future no human has ever yet dreamed.
And I think that is right. According to American scientist Ray Kurzweil, the world is about to witness technological change that'll accelerate at an exponential rate. In other words, the technological change that'll occur in the next 20 years will surpass technological change that occurred in the previous 20,000 years, combined!
Advertisement BUY! BUY! BUY! The Great Canadian Auction of 2005! After the recent $1.1 billion acquisition of oil sands upstart Deer Creek Energy by France's Total SA and Kinder Morgan's $5.6 billion purchase of oil pipeline company Terasen...
The Globe and Mail newspaper reports... - "Oil sands producers seen ripe for takeover."
And today TheDeal.com says... - "Canada's oil sands may spark frenzy..."
A tiny $4 oil sands company sitting on $60.4 billion worth of oil could be the next big winner.
Read my exclusive report: [PE... My New Oil Sands GIANT] So what does this mean in practical terms... for you and me?
Well, Kurzweil believes, for instance, that medicine and computer technology are on the verge of extending the human lifespan dramatically. And when I say dramatically, I mean living to an age of 140 to 160 with exceptional quality of life.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking... who wants to spend 40 years in a nursing home wasting away waiting for death.
But Kurzweil doesn't see it that way.
Similar to how medicine increased longevity and the quality of life from 47 to 77 in 20th century America, the trend will continue in the 21st century.
Imagine living to 100 with the mental sharpness of a 25-yr old, the physical agility of a mountain cat, the stamina of a dolphin and the strength of a bear.
I'm telling you, we've only touched the surface of what's coming. It'll blow your mind.
I hope you're as excited as I am, because if I'm right about this, we stand to make a fortune.
Based on currently developing trends, Archimedes Lever will bring you investment opportunities of a lifetime.
Consider this. If you would have had the foresight to invest in Cisco Systems in 1990, in just under a decade you would have profited 80,000%! Cisco will never experience the same kind of massive growth again. But there are companies out there that will.
I would like to personally invite you on this journey along with me. Together we'll find the next Cisco and secure our financial future.
Advertisement "Brilliant service. Stop selling subscriptions." That's what one member of the Daily Energy Alert recently said.
It's easy to understand why he's protective.
We made 108% on our April 5th trade in Natural Gas... after holding it for just 17 days...
And turned around and made another 88% on Natural Gas in just 28 days!
Only 900 members will be allowed to join the Daily Energy Alert:
For more info: [DEA... Play With Transparent Poker Cards] Future Classroom Update In last Friday's issue of Wealth Daily I wrote about the future of the school classroom.
I told you that in the near future, classrooms will have digital chalkboards and books and laptops on every school desk. But I would have never guessed how soon that this vision was becoming a reality.
Students at Empire High School in Vail, Arizona have started class this year with no textbooks. Instead, the school issued iBooks, laptop computers by Apple, to each of its 340 students.
School officials believe the electronic materials will get students more engaged in learning.
Students get the materials over the school's wireless Internet network. The school has a central filtering system that limits what can be downloaded on campus.
Students can turn in homework online and teachers can make the curriculum more dynamic. It's a win-win situation.
Just imagine the investment opportunity here. Currently there are over 50 million K-12 students who attend public and private school.
If each student in America was bought a notebook PC, it would more than double the total revenue of the laptop provider.
It sounds extreme. But this is not out of the realm of possibly.
Consider this. In my hometown of Baltimore City there are less than 86,000 students who attend public schools. Yet the annual budget is over $900 million. When you break the numbers down, you find that the school system spends over $10,000 per student every year. A fraction of that would be more than enough to go toward laptop computers.
What I'm telling you is that the money is already in place. With just a little pressure from the city government, who want to keep Baltimore City Public School kids on par with the rest of the nation, laptops will be in the hands of every student in Baltimore.
This is going to happen in your town too.
The days of pencils and paper are certainly almost over.
The Death of the Energizer Bunny
What you're looking at here are soon-to-be antiques.
They're dinosaurs. This age will have its eventual pass and a new breed of battery will evolve to replace the old.
Future technology will bring us a long life, remarkably rechargeable, bio-degradable battery unlike anything we have today.
Imagine charging your cell phone and laptop batteries once every six months.
Despite what the Energizer Bunny thinks, it's coming.
As I write this my cell phone is ding-donging telling me that it wants to be recharged.
And did I just happen to bring my charger with me? NO! What a pain! Every other day I have to go digging through drawers to find the charger, plug it in, and wait too many hours until I can talk on the phone again.
And my laptop is even worse! It takes longer to recharge than the battery lasts.
Much of today's portable electronics measure battery life in days and hours. But imagine batteries for hand held devices like cell phones, palmtops, flashlights which can last for six months or even a year before needing a recharge.
A prototype for such a battery has already been assembled by Manhattan Scientifics Inc. of New Mexico.
The battery is basically a micro fuel cell that runs off alcohol. Its energy lifespan can be scaled up or down simply by increasing or decreasing the strength of the alcohol mix used.
Hand-cranked flashlights and radios were available during the 20th century, and freed users from a dependence on heavy, bulky batteries.
But manually generating the power for these devices is inconvenient and inefficient. Plus, the 21st century consumer will demand more power to run more on-person devices, with increased convenience, flexibility, and independence.
New breakthroughs in mechanical design, as well as new power storage technologies are soon to bring about welcome changes and improvements to the field.
Advertisement Heat Wave = Wealth The record heat wave gripping America has pushed the Dow Jones Water Utilities Index to an all-time record high.
And the 5 water stocks in the Phantom Trader portfolio are now up an average of 36.6% since October '04.
In fact, my #1 water stock has outperformed the Dow, NASDAQ and S&P 500 combined, during that period.
Trading at a market cap of just $250 million, I think it's worth 1 billion dollars. Buy it now...
For more info: [#1 Water Stock Report]
The company's new battery can recharge 80% of a battery's energy capacity in only one minute. That's 60 times faster than the typical lithium-ion batteries in wide use today.
Toshiba's new battery combines this fast recharge time with performance-boosting improvements in energy density.
The new battery integrates nanotechnology with Toshiba's lithium-ion battery cell expertise.
The battery has a long life cycle, losing only 1% of capacity after 1,000 cycles of discharging and recharging, and can operate at very low temperatures.
Toshiba is expected to bring the new rechargeable battery to commercial products in 2006.
Initial applications will be in the automotive and industrial sectors, where the slim, small-sized battery will deliver large amounts of energy while requiring only a minute to recharge.
But this is just the first step in a long trek.
Future consumers will demand five features of battery of the future:
1. Excellent Recharge Performance 2. High Energy Density 3. Long Life Cycle 4. Extreme Temperature Allowances 5. Eco-friendly Like I mentioned before, my laptop takes longer to recharge than the battery lasts.
What kind of nonsense is that?!?
We'll soon see ultra fast rechargeable batteries that'll last a thousand times longer than those of today, which will make me, and my cell phone, quite happy.
 - Luke Burgess
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