00796733 The Latest News from SHRM Many Employers Choose Not To Adopt FSA Grace Period Although half of U.S. employers plan to permit employees to take advantage of an IRS grace period allowing carryover of their unused flexible spending account (FSA) money earmarked for health care expenses, only a third of those polled plan to extend the same deadline for dependent care FSAs, a new survey shows. (SHRM Members Only)
Cost of Employer-Provided Benefits Is Cutting into Wages U.S. employers—facing steadily increasing benefits costs as well as demographic, economic, legal and legislative headaches—are being forced to cut into wages to provide key benefits to their workers, says a new Employment Policy Foundation report. Health care benefits alone were the equivalent of 10 percent of wages in 2003, according to the report; that's predicted to rise to 25 percent by 2015.
Have Plan Before Employee Data Is Lost Your CFO walks in your door and says that employees' personal data has been stolen. You're the HR expert, he says; fix it. So what do you do? (SHRM Members Only)
Employees Suffer Drop in Morale but Remain Loyal Now that things seem to be better in the business world than at any time in the past several years, U.S. workers want their rewards. However, according to a new report, those rewards aren't materializing fast enough. That's making for an increasingly unhappy workforce, according to the report. (SHRM Members Only) As Katrina approached, HR shifted into action mode What appeared to be a “small nuisance” on Friday turned over the weekend into a category 5 hurricane that found the vice president of human resources for Southern Farm Bureau’s Jackson, Miss., office searching the building’s grounds on Sunday for objects that might become airborne missiles and arranging for a backup generator. Hurricane Katrina was generally perceived as only a moderate threat late last week. By Sunday night, however, Southern Farm Bureau’s Bill Simms and HR professionals like him across the Gulf Coast region were taking steps to limit damage to their businesses and, in particular, to encourage workers to stay away from danger. (SHRM Members Only)
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| | COURT REPORT | | HR SOLUTIONS | | Worker with Difficulty Walking Gets ADA Trial An employee who suffered numbness in her feet and right leg when she walked short distances, and who was not allowed to eat her lunch in a department stockroom or take shortcuts through other departments, may go to trial on her claim of disability discrimination, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled. Court Report home page
| | Keeping track of an employees time while they are out on FMLA Leave Q: I have an employee out on intermittent leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. How should I keep track of his time if he works part of the day? A: When an employee needs to use intermittent FMLA leave, the employer must subtract the amount of leave taken from the employee's FMLA leave bank based on his normal work schedule. Therefore, if an employee who works eight hours a day, five days a week, needs to leave two hours early each day to attend physical therapy treatments, the employer would deduct one-fourth of a week from the employee's FMLA leave bank. Read full answer HR Solutions home page | | INSIDE SHRM Columbus, Ga., SHRM chapter hosts Russian HR professionals HR professionals in the SHRM-Columbus (Georgia) chapter didn't need to travel around the world to gain global HR exposure. Instead, they brought global HR to Columbus. Thirteen Russian HR professionals and their translator spent three weeks this spring with the Columbus chapter, learning best practices in HR in the United States and teaching their hosts about how far Russian HR has come since the fall of the Soviet regime—and how far it has to go. The Russian delegation was part of three 13-member groups to visit Columbus from April 14 to May 7
Summary of SHRM Board of Directors Meeting Available A summary of the June 17 meeting of SHRM's Board of Directors is now available on SHRM Online.
 | Featured in SHRMStore Decent People, Decent Company Decent People, Decent Company puts the power to develop the core qualities of leadership character into the hands of anyone dedicated to bringing integrity, respect and personal responsibility back to the workplace—regardless of his or her place in the organization. The book identifies the eight essential traits of leadership character. In chapters that focus on each quality individually, dozens of leaders describe the struggles and triumphs of developing the behaviors of character and ethical leadership required to bring out the best in everyone. Order/read more about this book | LEADING INDICATOR OF NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT LINE Falters in August The SHRM/Rutgers Leading Indicator of National Employment (LINE) slipped from 61.8 in July to 60.6 in August. Although growth in manufacturing employment slowed this month, increasing difficulty in recruiting skilled workers to fill key positions is leading some employers to offer higher starting wages. Subscribe to See full LINE report
HR MAGAZINE Checking the Exits Do you look around at your senior managers and wonder how many will still be with you in five years? Are you concerned that so many retirement-eligible employees will leave that some departments will be left barely functioning? This August article from HR Magazine can help you get the answers to those questions and make plans. Subscribe to HR Magazine
FROM THE FORUMS Global HR: France: Rulings Complicate Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance HR Technology: Provisioning Systems Track Who Has Access to What Employment Management: Surging Student Confidence Drives Intense Employer Competition for Top Talent Comp & Benefits: Small Businesses Face Heavy Benefits Burden
SHRM INFORMATION CENTER Toolkit: Workplace Wellness A new SHRM toolkit provides resources for employers launching a wellness initiative, or those expanding their current offerings. Read this article
White Paper: Workplace Privacy: Whose Right Is It? As technologies advance, so do the complexities of balancing the employer's need to protect its assets and provide a safe workplace with a respect for employees' privacy. This paper provides tips for protecting the employer's assets, providing a safe workplace and respecting employees' privacy. Read this article
SHRM WEBCAST Communicating Your Total Rewards Program August 26, 2 p.m. Presenter: Gary Kushner Sponsored by: Yahoo! HotJobs It doesn't matter how great your total rewards system is if no one understands it. Gary Kushner, SPHR, CBP, will demystify the vital process of effectively communicating your total rewards system to all those affected. The presentation will discuss the process of determining your communications goals, developing communication strategies and timelines and implementing your strategies. Register for this webcast
GLOBAL HR Worldwatch Profiles More than Two Dozen Countries Newly revised, the SHRM Global Forum's Worldwatch provides a quick reference that offers overviews of the key cultural, economic and legal factors that shape the workplace in the globe's key economies. Worldwatch home page
Next issue of HR Week: Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2005 | |
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