_______________________________________________________________________________________ Join leaders in the field of diversity management at this 2 1/2 day event. You will attend guided dialogue sessions that focus on emerging issues, current research, and legislative and regulatory compliance. This conference promises to be an excellent learning opportunity for all professionals who are responsible for diversity within small, medium and large organizations. SHRM has planned an extensive conference agenda to include:
Keynote Speakers—Charles Ogletree, Johnetta Cole, Ray Suarez, Erin Gruwell and B.D. Wong.
Educational Programs—Choose concurrent sessions from three conference tracks: Practitioner Exchange, Diversity Issues, and Strategies and Influence.
The Diversity Exposition—Meet one-on-one with representatives from leading organizations that provide diversity-related products, services and resources.
And much more!
For up-to-the minute conference information or to register, visit the website at www.shrm.org/conferences/diversity.
Register today and save $50! Early registration rates will end August 8, 2005!
Professional Regards,
 J. Robert Carr, SPHR Chief Professional and Business Development Officer Society for Human Resource Management
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