Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Getting fired can sometimes be a blessing

Getting fired can sometimes be a blessing

After the shock of getting fired subsides, take some time to see how you can better attain your career goals. Even if you knew it was coming, even if you prepared for the possibility, that life-changing moment can leave you motionless.

But here's something to think about: Many, many people have been fired. The boss who fired you was probably canned at least once. Dinged. Tossed out. The person who may interview you was probably let go at some point. It's devastating, it's traumatic, but it's fixable.

The day Richard Manganaro was fired as a recruiter for a New Jersey transportation company was the start of a new life. Richard found solace in the fact that he had networked and had volunteered with organizations that were filled with people who helped him get back to work. He started consulting and won clients who hired him to do their hiring and recruiting. Today, he's a children's program manager with a mental health association. In his spare time, he talks to people about trying to find a job after they've been fired.

For more information on how to rebound and thrive after a job loss, visit our Career Center.


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