Thursday, February 23, 2006

Another solar energy breakthrough

February 23, 2006

Dear reader:

As I write this, Green Chip editor Jeff Siegel is on a plane flying back
from Las Vegas, where he attended the 2006 National Ethanol Conference.
I've been in constant contact with Jeff during his trip, and he tells me
that this year's conference was blockbuster because it came on the heels
of President Bush's renewable energy road show to Wisconsin and

I don't know if you've had a chance to review Bush's comments during his
whirlwind tour, but here are some of the highlights:

"Less than half the crude oil used by refineries is produced in
the United States, while 60% comes from foreign nations, Bush said
during the first stop on his two-day trip to talk about energy.

Some of these foreign suppliers have 'unstable' governments that
have fundamental differences with America", he said.

"It creates a national security issue and we're held hostage for
energy by foreign nations that may not like us."

Now here's the steak to go along with the sizzle:

"Roof makers will one day be able to make a solar roof that
protects you from the elements and at the same time powers your house.
'The vision is this - that technology will become so efficient that
you'll become a little power generator in your home, and if you don't
use the energy you generate, you'll be able to feed it back into the
electricity grid."

When I read that I knew we had hit a grand slam homerun. You see, this
is exactly what Jeff has been talking about for months. And one of the
companies he's been recommending to his readers is knee-deep in this
technology. In fact, the company's breakthrough invention won the World
Technology Award for 2005.

And even though this company is still tiny - trading at a market cap of
just $150 million - it already finds itself among a distinguished crowd
of heavyweight corporations.

Other previous recipients of the World Technology Award include IBM,
Qualcomm and Apple.

In fact, most of the previous recipients of this major award have gone
on to earn their shareholders profits in excess of 1,000%. And this tiny
company is on a similar path. Jeff recommended this company's stock to
his readers last October... and they're already up 219%!

Please take a moment to read Jeff's report. He believes this stock will
gain at least 700% more in the next few years.

Warm regards,

Brian Hicks
Publisher, Green Chip Stocks

You see, the company has developed a glass window that acts like a solar
panel. The window captures sunlight then quickly converts it into

Whether it's your home or a 40-story skyscraper, this window can heat or
cool the building!

The company is incredibly small... trading for a market capitalization
of just $150 million. But I think it'll be a billion dollar company
within 3 years.

Dear reader:

A tiny high-tech company in California just unlocked one of the largest
sources of energy anywhere on Earth.

To give you an idea how much energy is at this company's fingertips, its
systems could eventually capture more energy in a single year than Saudi
Arabia will produce in the next 50 years!

The breakthrough is something called a solar window.

A "solar window" looks like a regular window you'd see in a typical
office building. In fact, you can't tell the difference between the two.

Except there's one huge difference. The solar window, which won the 2005
World Technology Award, contains tiny solar film that captures sunlight,
converts it into energy, and uses the energy to heat or cool your room.

Even though this company is tiny - trading at a market cap of just $150
million - it already finds itself among a distinguished crowd of
heavyweight corporations.

Other previous recipients of the World Technology Award include IBM,
Qualcomm and Apple.

In fact, most of the previous recipients of this major award have gone
on to earn their shareholders profits in excess of 1,000%. And this tiny
company is on a similar path. I recommended this company's stock to my
readers last October.. and we're already up 219%!

That's 219% in just 5 months! But the gains in this stock are just
getting started.

That's because the company's invention is blockbuster, and could
literally change the way we use energy forever.

The Birth of a New Industry: Endless Energy

Many think this window will single-handedly transform the energy market,
making electric utility companies nearly obsolete... similar to what the
PC and Windows did to typewriter companies like Brother and Smith

Jeff Siegel is the managing editor of Green Chip Stocks, an investment
advisory service that has had stunning success in 2005 with portfolio
returns of over 40% for the year. His portfolio has surged into the new
year and is now sitting on gains of over 64.5%. Jeff focuses on stocks
in the emerging and lucrative renewable energy and organic food

Jeff is a new breed of investor. Part entrepreneur, part Renaissance
man, Jeff is an accomplished musician and writer, having recorded and
performed all over the world - from London to Rome to New York. He was
even called upon to score part of the latest Exorcist prequel.

From 1994 to 2001, Jeff worked for one of the largest financial
newsletter publishers in the world, Agora.

In the past 4 years, he traveled across America searching for
mega-trends that'll usher in a new generation of wealth.

Once a week in Green Chip Stocks, Jeff highlights investment
opportunities in the fast-growing "Green" market.
I don't know if that'll happen or not. But I do know this.

The company's stock has and will continue to go ballistic.

I'm predicting that it'll increase in value by 792% over the next 3
years. To achieve that gain, all the stock has to do is rally to $10.

You see, this stock is tiny, trading for $1.12 a share. And it's
completely under Wall Street's radar.

But that's changing. And changing fast.

Wall Street is tripping over itself trying to find new and promising
alternative energy stocks to invest in.

And the reason is simple: Profits!

Solar Energy Stocks are Producing HUGE Gains!


Company 1/5/04
Price 01/19/06
Price % Gain
Evergreen Solar $1.80 $14.00 777%
DayStar Tech. $2.40 $13.99 583%
Spire Corp $4.65 $9.23 198%
ECD (ENER) $9.35 $54.36 581%
Solar-Fabrik $3.30 $12.90 391%

Not only are alternative energy stocks red-hot right now, posting an
average annual gain of more than 40% since 2003...but these companies
represent the next generation of energy.

It's the future. Plain and simple.

To give you an example, Sun Power went IPO in late November 2005.

By all comparisons, Sun Power is your run-of-the-mill solar energy
company, selling pretty standard solar panels.

But you wouldn't know it by the hype surrounding its public offering.

Analysts originally predicted that Sun Power's stock would open
somewhere between $12 and $14 a share. But on the morning of November
17, shares of Sun Power opened at $25 a share... and never looked back,
closing the day above $27 a share.

Sun Power now commands a market cap of $1.6 BILLION and has traded as
high as $40.75 a share.

Share the Wealth

With the solar energy industry booming, there's been a trickle-down
effect too. Any company directly or indirectly connected to solar is

Take MEMC Electronic Materials, for example - a global supplier of
silicon wafer technology for the solar industry.

Its stock has soared in value... going from $1.75 in 2001 to a high
today of $32.27. That's a gain of 1,744%.

With gains like that, investors are making a fortune investing in
alternative energy stocks.

That's why I'm so bullish on my tiny $1.12 solar window stock. It's next
in line for blockbuster gains.

I'm predicting that every $10,000 invested will turn into $146,300
within 3 years. Sounds too good to be true, but one of my stocks has
gone from 22� in 2001 to over $4 this year.

Likewise, I think this new solar window stock will hit $10... and then
maybe into double-digits.

And I want you to understand that I've already recommended this stock to
my members. We purchased this stock at $0.36 a share. Listen to how
excited they are...

In an era of being tougher and tougher to find undervalued
conventional energy plays you are a breath of fresh air. Sitting on good
profits from *CENSORED* (145%), Planet Organic (doubled original
investment, sold, and bought back in at $1.99), and *CENSORED* (30%). I
don't know where you find them, but please keep it up."

"Dear Jeff,

Re: *CENSORED*. I bought this stock at 10\24\05 with a purchase
price of $ 0.37. I am trading now for 21 years in stocks. I never had
such a huge profit in 3 month in my portfolio. So, you will understand I
am very happy, that I have a subscription of your letter, also with the
other stocks.

I wish you all the best in 2006 in health and trading. I will be
looking forward with trust for the next latest recommendations. Best
regards." -Leo

"Hi Jeff,
Just thought I'd reply to your recent request, and let you know
that I bought *CENSORED* on your recommendation at .80, so as of today
(less than 2 weeks later!) I'm up 80%. Just wish I'd been a subscriber
earlier! Looking forward to more recommendations from you." -S.F.

"Hello Jeff,
Was reading you letter this morning and thought I would drop you
a line. Up 163% on *CENSORED*! Bought in at .57 a share. My deepest and
darkest regret.....I didn't mortgage the house! Thanks for the work!"

"Hi Jeff,
I will say that I was never much a believer in "penny stocks"
but between Green Chip, Pure Energy & Secret Stocks, I am now a true
believer. So far I am ahead $41,610 in Planet Organic plus $45,795 in
*CENSORED* for a total of $97,405. Keep up the great work and keep the
suggestions coming. Planet Organic bought @ $1.6728 us/share and
*CENSORED* @ $0.5241 us/share. Thank You." -T. L., CA

In a minute, I'll tell you how to get a piece of the action. But first,
let me tell you why...

You Must Erase "Alternative" from Alternative Energy

Let me dispel a myth. "Alternative" - as in alternative energy - is no
longer "alternative" anymore. It's mainstream.

Check this out:

In the past 12 months, FedEx, Staples, the Timberland Co., and corporate
behemoth Wal-Mart have begun installing solar panels at their stores and

Now listen, I don't want you to be disillusioned. These companies aren't
installing solar panels because they've suddenly become concerned about
global warming.

No, they've installed solar panels because it'll reduce their electric
bills by as much as 60% each month.

That's what's driving the boom in solar energy.

But it's a boom that hasn't caught on with John Q. Investor just yet.

In fact, the ordinary investor doesn't have a clue about the potential
in these stocks. Let me explain...

I recently attended The Solar Power Conference and Expo in Washington,

It's one of the largest, most influential future and clean energy
conferences in America, where policymakers and leaders in the energy
industries learn about the latest in solar technologies.

It was there that I had an epiphany.

You see while attending a press conference with Senator Lamar Alexander
(chairman of the subcommittee on energy) and three of the most powerful
CEOs in the solar industry, I made an important and profitable discovery
- one that has already made some investors a lot of money!

On that Friday afternoon, in a makeshift pressroom in the basement of
the Hyatt Regency hotel, only eight journalists were meticulously taking

Eight journalists! That's it!!!

This was the same day that natural gas was trading for $15.21... a near
record high.

That's when I realized the average investor is still clueless as to just
how lucrative this market is.

But that's okay. Because while these guys sleep on what is already
shaping up to be one of the most profitable markets of the 21st Century
- a group of savvy investors are making a fortune in solar.

In fact, the solar manufacturer that I'm going to tell you about today
has already delivered gains of more than 480% in the past six months.
But I'm expecting even more gains in the next 6 months.

And it's all going to start the first day the mercury drops below 20
degrees Fahrenheit - and stays there for more than a week.

I'll tell you why.

But first, let me show you why, of all the publicly-traded solar
companies - this is the company that could soon dominate the solar
energy market.

$40 to 50 billion in revenue by 2010

When most people think about solar, they envision photovoltaic devices
(PV). This is what a typical photovoltaic installation looks like:

Now during the energy crisis of the 1970s, serious interest in solar
technology took hold in the U.S. But due to prohibitive prices, large
scale applications were nearly impossible.

However, in 2005, with oil trading at $60 a barrel, interest in solar
has returned. Only this time, PV is cost-effective.

In 1976, the average selling price per watt was about $100. Today it's
significantly less. Take a look:

With such a drastic reduction in price, coupled with the ever-increasing
price of oil, it's no wonder that both residential and industrial
consumers are starting to flock towards solar alternatives.

In fact, since 2001, the global photovoltaic market has averaged a 40%
annual growth. And this year alone, PV production is expected to reach
1.5 gigawatts.

Representing approximately $11 billion in revenue...that's double its
level in 2003.

By 2010, analysts estimate global PV manufacturing sufficient enough to
meet 1/3 of new U.S. electric demand annually - representing $40 to 50
billion in revenue!

There's no doubt PV business is booming.

Mother Nature is Bullish on Solar!

Something very important is going to happen this winter that's going to
push the renewable energies markets to new heights - especially solar!

This winter, Americans will pay nearly twice as much as they paid last
year on heating bills.

And mark my words, when the first real nasty cold snap forces consumers
(especially business owners) to force their thermostats past 70 - the
market is going to warm up to!

Here's why...

Evergreen = Ever Profits

Evergreen Solar is one of the more successful solar energy companies in
the market today.

I recommended the stock several weeks ago to my Green Chip members.
We're already up 60%.

But here's why Evergreen has been so successful! Look at the revenue
growth the company has experienced:

Since the beginning of the year, the solar industry (and more
importantly, our solar window manufacturer) has hit new highs every time
Mother Nature reminded us who's boss.

This past summer for example, Arizona had record peak usage and almost
maxed out capacity when the state endured record-breaking temperatures
of as much as 108 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is also when this particular company's stock price rose 113%.

And only a few days after hurricane Katrina ripped New Orleans to shreds
(and devoured its electrical grid), our solar window stock price shot up
another 94%.

Of course, these are two examples where Mother Nature's impact on energy
supplies was relatively short-lived.

It will be a cold and hard wake-up call for most of the country when
they finally realize that natural gas and fossil fuels are no longer
cheap and abundant. And the reality of renewable energy is going to take
hold stronger than ever before.

And that's the one you can read all about in my special report, Endless

In this report I outline why the solar industry is poised for a
breakthrough year - and more importantly, the $1.12 solar glass copmany
that stands to profit more than any other solar manufacturer on the

Even against industry giants like Sharp, Kyocera and BP Solar!

But you have to act fast.

We are literally only weeks away from the launch of the most impressive
renewable energy bull market that the industry has ever seen. On July
29th, 2005, Congress passed historic energy legislation that allowed for
a 30% solar energy investment tax credit (ITC) for two years, starting
in 2006.
The Green Chip Stocks renewable energy portfolio is unstoppable. Just
look at these gains:

Stock #1 95%
Stock #2 30%
Stock #3 212%
Stock #4 15%
Stock #5 33%
Stock #6 136%
Stock #7 -5%
Stock #8 138%
Stock #9 -19%
Stock #10 -8%
Stock #11 62%
Stock #12 9%
Stock #13 62%
Stock #14 211%
Stock #15 -2%

However, during this next congressional session, Senator Lamar Alexander
is planning to introduce legislation to extend this tax credit to six
years. And since those on Capital Hill aren't going to want to vote
against a tax credit this close to congressional elections, the outlook
for an increased ITC commitment is hopeful.

And that's why I want you to buy this $1.12 solar energy window stock
right now, before it goes up any further.

A Solar Window in Every Home

Now I want you to listen to me very closely, because this is where this
company is going to make the bulk of its money.

By 2010, another 38 million buildings are projected to be constructed.

Of that 38 million, at least 40% are expected to integrate some type of
renewable energy in construction and design, according to industry

Building Green = Solar Opportunities

A significant component of the green building industry is photovoltaics.

More specifically - Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV).

BIPV integrates the process for energy generation technology into
building design and materials.

With BIPV, solar power elements actually become part of the building.

Industry experts agree that the use of BIPV technologies could provide
the greatest opportunity for rapid and wide scale adoption of solar
technologies. Which will essentially help lead to overall growth in the
PV market.

One of the major players in the BIPV game right now is Sharp

Sharp is the biggest manufacturer in the world of integrated solar
roofing panels.

Both aesthetically pleasing and completely functional, here's an example
of what a typical integrated solar roofing panel looks like:

As you can see, the solar panels actually become a part of the
construction, as opposed to something added on later.

But BIPV isn't just limited to roof tiles.

In fact, probably the one segment with more potential than anything else
in the BIPV market is glass. Solar Glass to be exact.

Window to the future

Since the inception of the modern photovoltaics industry, the primary
industry goals have focused on improving the efficiency of solar cells
while placing much less effort into the design of new form factors and

However, the company I'm going to tell you about in my report, Endless
Energy, believes that the application of solar cell technology may, in
many ways, provide more value and return than simply striving to improve
efficiencies alone.

In other words, the greatest efficiency gains may lie in how and where
we use solar technologies and how these applications promote wide scale

Management at this solar window company believe that the wide scale use
of architectural glass as a power-generating platform will make solar
energy economically feasible and provide an opportunity for the solar
energy market to explode.

And it is this premise that provides the backbone of the company's Solar
Glass technology.

The company focuses on the development of very thin, semi-transparent
coatings and films that create large area monolithic solar cell
structures that you can see through. This semi-transparency makes Solar
Glass glazing desirable for placing over glass, plastics, and other

(The company is currently working to commercialize patented, large area
cell manufacturing processes for thin film flexible plastics.)

You see, Solar Glass represents a new breed of solar cell design that
balances solar cell efficiencies and manufacturing costs with broad

And though the Solar Glass solar cells do operate at only 50% the
efficiency of conventional opaque amorphous solar cells - they cost as
little as 25% to produce.

Today, the use of architectural glass and transparent plastics in the
design and construction of commercial and industrial facilities is
staggering in scope.

The world-wide markets for these glass and laminates reaches into the
hundreds of billions. Energy producing Solar Glass glazing applied to
the transparent surfaces of these commercial and industrial buildings
provides the opportunity for substantial benefits as a competitive
alternative to non-energy producing coatings and glazing. The electrical
power generated can be used to run building systems and reduce
dependency on grid-based power supplies.

Builders and manufacturers of building products already use glass,
plastic and other materials. So they may be especially attracted to the
economic benefits of using the same materials to produce energy while
continuing to function as window, display or facade surfaces.

Moving along with the tremendous growth rate of the solar industry, this
tiny company has kept pace.

Take a look:

And with the increasing love affair solar is having with new,
cost-efficient PV technologies, coupled with the outlook for green
building growth, this stock is in a perfect position to take the lead in
low-cost BIPV.

That's why I want to offer you my latest report, Endless Energy,
completely free of charge when you become a member to my cutting edge
investment service, Green Chip Stocks.

Let me explain...

Welcome to Green Chip Stocks

Green Chip Stocks represent the most important stocks traded today, for
one simple reason - these are the stocks that will be the catalyst for
the first real profit trend of the 21st century.

A profit trend that is already worth more than $30 billion in its

Grabbing your share now is like getting a piece of the automobile market
back in 1908. And I don't mean just Ford either. I'm talking about the
market as a whole. Oil, rubber tires, road construction, etc.

And here's why...

Turning the Green Movement into Mountains of Greenbacks

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jeff Siegel.

I worked for one of the nation's largest financial publishers between
1994 to 2001, studying the financial markets from some of the top
investment minds in the world.

For the past 4 years, I've been traveling the world investigating the
state and the future of energy.

My travels took me to Rome to London to New York... and everywhere in

Now, when I worked with some of the top investment minds in the biz,
they taught me that the time to invest in a stock or industry, is when
nobody is talking about it. You sell it when everybody is talking about

And that's why I'm writing to you today.

I have a report I want to give you for joining my investment service,
Green Chip Stocks.

The report is Endless Energy: And the $1.12 Stock That'll Bring it to
Every Home.

This report features my favorite energy stock, the company that created
the solar window and won the 2005 World Technology Award.

Trading for $1.12 a share, I think this stock is a blockbuster... and
could return well over 700% in the coming years.

Simply fill out your membership form, and I'll immediately send you a
username and password that'll give you access to the report.

Plus, when you join Green Chip Stocks, you'll be entitled to receive my
members-only weekly letter, which updates you on current positions and
alerts you to new stocks I'm recommending.

So, you get the report Endless Energy, plus 52 issues of Green Chip

Not a bad deal... for just $199 a year. That's right, you get a full
year of Green Chip Stocks for only $199.

Think about that, each issue of Green Chip Stocks costs you just $3.83.
For that, you get my exclusive analysis of the more than $30 billion a
year "alternative" energy market. But remember, it's no longer
alternative. It's mainstream.

Don't wait.

Three months ago, Sun Power went public... and that has brought a lot of
investor attention to this emerging and booming industry.

Get it now while it's still trading at a little more than a buck.


Jeff Siegel

P.S. - Become a member today, and I'll also throw in my special report,
"Renewable Profits Left Unattended." This report highlights 5 of the
most profitable and undervalued renewable energy stocks in the market
today. From industrial solar applications to next-generation hybrid
technology to a global geothermal company that's just landed one of the
most lucrative renewable energy contracts in India - these are the
companies Wall Street will be pumping up tomorrow. But you can read
about them right now!


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