More energy than the entire Middle East
Testimony from last Wednesday's energy hearing in Congress.
Who said this?
The CEO of an American energy company whose stock I recommended last
This is the same company that controls a technology to convert stranded
gas into 250 billion barrels of crude oil. Forbes Magazine said the
technology was "like finding another Saudi Arabia"
This technology represents a $15 TRILLION opportunity.
The stock is still cheap... trading for just $8 a share. Buy it now!
It's over. Done. Finis.
The Kuwaiti government just confirmed what I've been preaching for the
past 8 years.
The World is Running Out of Oil
According to official reports from a Reuters news release on November
"Kuwaiti oil production from the world's second-largest field [Burgan]
is 'exhausted' and falling after almost six decades of pumping.
To boost oil supplies, 'Burgan by itself won't be enough because we've
exhausted that, with its production capability now much lower than what
it used to be,' al-Zanki said during an interview in his office in
Ahmadi, 20 kilometers south of Kuwait City.
Persian Gulf oil producers, which supply about a fifth of world demand,
are rushing to find new reserves to compensate for declining output from
older reservoirs. Any delay in replacing supplies may push oil prices
higher and slow economic growth, the International Energy Agency said in
a report this week."
OPEC can search under every grain of desert sand looking for new oil. I
don't care. OPEC and Middle East are yesterday's news.
Because the company I'm about to tell you about can produce enough oil
to last America for 31 years straight!
So what's the new energy source?
Well, it's not really a new energy source at all. Instead, it's a
technology that takes something known as stranded natural gas and
converts it into crude oil.
How much oil could be produced from this process?
Consider this. Last year, Forbes Magazine said gas-to-liquid conversion
could produce so much oil, it was "like finding another Saudi Arabia."
In fact, if all of the world's stranded natural gas were converted into
crude oil, there would be an additional 250 billion barrels of oil in
the marketplace.
At today's price of $60 per barrel, that's
$15 TRILLION worth of oil!
Now listen, the company behind this technology (GTL) has already been
recommended in my energy investment advisory letter, The Pure Energy
Report. I originally recommended the stock in December 2004 for $7 a
Today, the stock is trading for $8 a share... and got to a high of $15 a
share in September.
I think it's headed to $25 in the near-term... and eventually over $50.
But here's where it really gets interesting. Like you read earlier in
this letter, the company is also in the "coal-to-liquids" (CTL) industry
as well. Similar to turning stranded natural gas into oil... the company
can also turn coal into oil.
With 1 trillion tons of coal in the world, the potential amount of oil
that could be produced is staggering.
And this isn't pie-in-the-sky dreams. It's already happening. My tiny
$8 GTL and CTL company just inked a deal with an Australian energy
company to build a coal-to-liquids plant in Queensland to produce 17,000
barrels a day.
With oil trading near $60 a share, the time to buy this stock is right
Please read my original report that outlines the investment thesis for
this stock and its energy technology.
The Birth of a New Saudi Arabia
There's five reasons why this small, $8 company could soar to at least
$25.00... maybe $50 within the next 4 years.
* First , there's 2,500 trillion feet of "stranded" natural gas in
the world. If converted, this useless gas could make 250 billion barrels
of oil. For decades, the world has been trying to figure out how to make
this conversion possible. This new technology can make it happen right
* Second , with oil prices at $60 a barrel, a cost-effective way
to turn natural gas into oil could be one of the greatest technological
innovations of the 21st century. The fuel produced by this new
technology is so cost effective, it'll sell at a 53% bargain to oil even
it if drops to $20 a barrel.
* Third , eliminating our foreign oil dependency isn't just a top
governmental priority, it's a matter of national security:
President George W. Bush says:
"Dependence can lead to price shocks and fuel shortages, and this
dependence on foreign oil is a matter of national security. To put it
bluntly, sometimes we rely upon energy sources from countries that don't
particularly like us ."
Vice President Dick Cheney says:
"New technologies are proving that we can save energy without
sacrificing our standard of living. And we're going to encourage it in
every way possible."
* Forth , this synthetic oil has been called the "champagne of
diesel fuel" because it's cleaner, safer, and more efficient than
today's fuels. 1 barrel of this new technology's synthetic oil can
replace 3 barrels from today's refineries.
* Fifth, oil wells in the world's top producing countries are
quickly drying up - but demand continues to skyrocket. Over the last
five years, the world burned 27 billion barrels of oil per year - while
the oil industry has only discovered only 3 billion new barrels per
year. Even worse, 56% of the top oil producing nations are "past their
peak." 64% of the OPEC nations are "past their peak." This technology
will make these drying oil wells a distant afterthought.
In short, the oil problem we're facing could soon be over. And it's all
because of the technology developed by this tiny $8 stock.
Any one of these five reasons is enough to push shares past $25. even
$50 in a matter of a few years.
Because of oil's dramatic price spike. and the continuing political
unrest in the Middle East, the oil industry is turning to this company
to provide more oil to the U.S.
Have I got your full attention?
Hit the Bricks Saudi Oil Sheiks:
You've Been Replaced!
After to two decades of testing and development, this company has
finally discovered how to turn useless natural gas to fuel.
"A whole new industry is dawning," says Malcolm Brinded, Shell's
managing director
How legit is this technology?
In the last 24 months, ExxonMobil, RoyalDutch/Shell, and Chevron/Texaco
have ALL made proposals totaling $20 billion to use this technology.
* South African oil giant Sasol already invested $900 million in
this technology because they believe it'll eventually produce 34,000
barrels of synthetic oil PER DAY.
* ExxonMobil has spent 20 years and $600 million on front-end
investments in this technology.
Energy experts already project that oil produced by this new technology
will " exceed the anticipated future crude output of Saudi Arabia."
Just imagine.
This one technology can ultimately make Saudi Arabia obsolete. A gutsy
statement? You bet.
But it's going to happen - and here's the proof.
Companies searching for oil regularly burn off gas - which is why
natural gas flares blaze across Africa, Russia and the Middle East.
Trouble is, this natural gas is worthless.until now.
The "game-changing" technology is called Gas-to-Liquids (or GTL for
short), and it can convert this useless "stranded" natural gas to other
Gas-to-Liquids Technology in the News
The Houston Chronicle ran a feature story titled: "Natural gas burned as
worthless getting new life. Technology transforming flames into fuels"
Press Release from "Department of Defense (DOD) Awards $4.5 Million to
Further Develop Single Battlefield Fuel"
Congressman Sullivan , a member of the House Energy and Commerce
Committee said "The current appropriation allows for continued work on
the Department of Defense program to provide ultra-clean transportation
fuels for our fighting men and women as they carry on their efforts with
the war on terrorism. In addition, our ongoing effort with (this
company) assists in moving America towards reducing our nation's
dependence on transportation fuels from foreign sources"
Government reports claim there's 5,500 trillion cubic feet of natural
gas in the world. Nearly half is defined as "stranded."
With the help of this new Gas-to-Liquids technology, the 2,500 trillion
cubic feet of stranded natural gas could be converted into 250 billion
barrels of clean, cheap, and super-charged liquid fuel.
That's the size of Saudi Arabia's oil reserves!
That's why the company that owns this Gas-to-Liquids technology could be
the single greatest investment you'll ever make.
When you break it down to its simplest element, this $8.00 stock can
literally be more profitable than Exxon, more widespread than
RoyalDutch/Shell, and more effective and useful than Halliburton.
That's why a move from $8 to $25.00 is my lowest-end price target.
Realistically, a move past $50.00 a share is within reach. That's a 316%
gain from current levels.
In fact, the bull-run in this tiny little stock has already begun. Take
a look at the stock's chart:
From December 2004 to September
The stock has risen 300% in less than 2 years!
And that'll only get bigger as times goes on. Here's why.
America's Oil Vulnerability
Guarantees this Stock will Rise
Historic data show that more than half of the world's oil-producing
nations are past their production peak. By definition, being "past their
peak" means:
1/) Their maximum oil production occurred more than 5 years ago
- or -
2/) Their maximum production occurred more recently, and forecasts
indicate they're past their peak.
Out of the 11 OPEC nations, 6 peaked in the 1970's and 1 peaked in the
1980's. That means 64% of the 11 OPEC nations are classified as past
It gets worse.
All three of the top oil-producing nations of the world are past peak
(the U.S. peaked in 1970, Matt Simmons argues Saudi Arabia peaked in the
early 1980's, and Russia peaked in 1987)
Add it up, and a total 51 oil-producing countries have surpassed their
peak levels of oil production.
That, in short, is devastating.
Three years ago, the American population thought a U.S. victory in Iraq
would secure an endless flow of plentiful, cheap oil.
As it turns out, nothing can be further from the truth.
The shocking reality is that never before have we (as Americans) been
more vulnerable - and utterly dependent on foreign oil than right now.
If we were cut off from oil, America would literally grind to a sudden
and abrupt halt.
In fact, Iraqi oil exports are just now getting back to pre-war
levels... and it's not enough to meet demand.
Considering China guzzles up a whopping 7 million barrels of oil per
day, it's plain to see the urgent situation we find ourselves in today.
To a great extent, the future of America is out of our hands right now.
In terms of oil dependence, we're in the second-worst position in the
world after Japan.
The United States National Energy Report Explains in Plain English Just
How Critical Our Oil Situation Really Is...
"Estimates indicate that over the next 20 years, US oil consumption will
increase by 33%, natural gas consumption will increase by well over 50%
and demand for electricity will rise by 45%. If America 's energy
production grows at the same rate as it did in the 1990s, we will face
an ever-increasing gap"
"Renewable and alternative fuels offer hope for America 's energy future
We produce 39 percent less oil today than we did in 1970, leaving us
ever more reliant on foreign suppliers. On our present course, America
20 years from now will import nearly two of every three barrels of oil -
a condition of increased dependency on foreign powers that do not always
have America 's interests at heart. Our increasing demand for natural
gas - one of the cleanest forms of energy - far exceeds the current rate
of production. We should reconsider any regulatory restrictions that do
not take technological advances into account"
- National Energy Report
As scary as this sounds, throw into the equation the ongoing threat of
oil terrorism, and our current oil situation is far past catastrophic
Imagine what an oil shortage will it do to your investments.or to your
small business.or to the job market...or even to the prices of everyday
If global oil demand grows by 2.1%...and average annual decline rate is
10%, the world will need to add at least 15 million barrels of oil PER
DAY in the next 11 years.
That means by 2015, we must produce more than two times OPEC's current
production to meet worldwide demand.
This simply cannot, and will not happen. That's why this $8 company's
technology is so critical.
They've discovered a way to turn useless natural gas reserves into 250
Billion Barrels of liquid fuel.
Fuel So Clean and Cheap, Even the California Energy Commission Loves It
When you consider the benefits of switching to this technology, it's a
no-brainer. The liquid fuel produced by this company's technology:
* Can be sold in existing markets
* Works in today's vehicles
* Is compatible with existing infrastructure
* Lets out NO sulfur or aromatics
* Performs better than conventional fuels
In a just-released report titled "Reducing California's Petroleum
Dependence," the California Energy Commission mandated an increased use
of this company's fuel technology by 2020.
In North America alone, there are 252 trillion cubic feet of natural gas
prime for conversion.
But that's just the beginning.
* South America has 250 Tcf's of natural gas
* Africa has 418 Tcf's of natural gas
* Asia and Australia have 445 Tcf's of natural gas
* The Middle East has 1,980 Tcf's of natural gas
* Europe has a whopping 2,156 Tcf's of natual gas
Add it up, and this one technology could soon account for 250 billion
barrels of liquid super-fuel.
Why this Stock Could Rise 316% - RISK FREE
Just think of the effects this will have on a world-wide scale.
Energy experts are already calling this a "game changing" technology -
simply because these fuels offer a 100% net benefit to society. You'll
* No more environmental pressure for cleaner fuels
* No more geologic risk to oil companies (huge stranded gas
reserves means plenty of readily available supply)
* No more finding and development costs
* No more gas shortages
* No more oil price shocks
* And most importantly, no more depending on foreign fuels.
No wonder this company has already formed partners with Shell, Chevron,
ConocoPhillips, and Marathon.
With this kind of exposure, this small company won't remain a secret for
much longer. In fact, as you read this, the stock is already beginning
to rise.
Since September of 2002 this stock has gone from $1.50 a share to $8 a
But the good news is, the party's just beginning. As word of this
technology gets out, this company could easily go from $8 a share to
$25.00 in the next few months.
In my 12-PLUS years as a newsletter editor, never have I come across a
safer way to double. even triple your money quickly and safely than this
one stock.
Double Your Money Just off the "Buzz"
Since this company's technology is already turning useless natural gas
into fuel, this innovation could be one of the most heavily-documented
news stories of the decade.
It's only a matter of time before the national media catches onto what's
happening...and turns this unknown company into a household name.
When the public finally understands what you've just learned (that this
company's technology can eliminate our dependence on foreign oil by
turning useless natural gas into usable fuel), millions of individual
investors - and their fund managers - will begin shoveling money into
the stock.
When that happens, there's no telling how high the stock will go.
Before long, U.S. oil companies will begin focusing all their attention
on this company.piling tens of thousands of dollars into their new
Gas-to-Liquids technology. This will spark interest in the stock by
investors all over the globe.
That's why I'm contacting you now.
Well before the media (and other oil experts) catch onto what's
happening, you can make a windfall by investing in this stock today.
Hubbert's Revenge
How a Ridiculed Oil Report From 1956 Can Make You AT LEAST 400% in a
Matter of Months
In 1956, Dr. Marion King Hubbert made a discovery that black-balled him
from the oil profession. You see, he discovered that the makeup of oil
fields change as you drain oil out of them.
After years of pumping, the pressure (that once spewed oil out of the
ground) disappears. As this pressure disappears, the remaining the oil
gets more and more expensive to draw out of the ground.
Using this law of diminishing returns, Dr. Marion King Hubbert learned
was that there was a certain calculated point in the life of every oil
well when the cost of getting the remaining oil shoots up in price.
Hubbert termed this critical point the "peak." Once an oil well hits
this "peak," Hubbert concluded, supply enters a permanent downward
In 1956, Hubbert presented his findings to a group of oil experts. He
told them that by 1970 the United States - the world's largest oil power
- would hit its own oil production "peak."
Keep in mind, America 's oil situation was far different in 1956 than it
is today. At the time of his presentation, America was the top
oil-producing nation in the world. So instead of taking Hubbert's
findings seriously, he was ridiculed.
But then something started happening...
Oil wells across the Southwestern plain started drying up. The number of
barrels coming out of Texas became less and less. Within just three
years, gas and oil prices soared, and U.S. oil imports tripled.
Hubbert had been right. And today, after years of arrogance and
skepticism, we're about to pay the price. But thanks to this one small
company, we have a chance to re-define the way we depend on oil. Read on
to find out how this life-changing technology can make you 400% to
1,200% over the next 12 months.
Not many investors know about this company - but when they do, I've been
around long enough to tell you that the pure "buzz" could be enough to
propel the shares 50% to 100% higher.
Since the rising price of oil has such a major effect on the world
markets, Wall Street will most likely get ahead of itself and place a
premium on these shares.
When Wall Street learns that this company could soon eliminate our
dependence on foreign oil, it won't take long before the market cap
grows from $432 million to $2 billion.
I can't remember when a small company stood to make you this much money
with strictly limited risk. But that's the situation you have right now.
Since this Gas-to-Liquids technology has already been proven, it's
virtually a no-lose deal.
Today, I'd like to send you all my latest research on this company in a
report I call " Make 400% Off the Next Saudi Arabia. "
But before sending you this free report, please allow me to introduce
Meet the Other "Oracle From Ohama"
My name is Mike Schaefer, and I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska.
I'm sure you know this.but the greatest investor in the world, Warren
Buffet, also grew up in Omaha, Nebraska.
As luck would have it, my family lived literally two doors down from the
Buffett's. Since I hung out with Warren's son, I was always over at the
Buffett household.
From the beginning, I found myself hooked on investing. While the other
neighborhood kids spent time playing kick-ball and eating gummy-worms, I
had my nose buried in the Wall Street Journal. I didn't know it at the
time, but I learned the art of stock picking from the greatest investor
the world has ever seen (Talk about the benefits of home schooling!) At
the ripe age of 12, I got up the courage to buy by first stock.
But it wasn't until college that my life changed forever.
You see, like most college grads, I was struggling to choose a career
path. Looking for advice, I gave my old neighbor, Mr. Buffet a call.
" The secret to success," Warren told me that day, "is to choose a
segment of the financial markets. then study that segment until you know
more about it than 90% of the other investors. Once you do, you can't
help but be successful."
Acting upon that advice, I decided to study oil and energy inside and
out. First, I enrolled in the prestigious Colorado School of Mines and
learned everything I could about precious metals, energy, oil and
natural gas. After graduation, I moved to Wyoming to be a part of the
boom in coal bed methane exploration.
In the years that followed, I learned more about my field than anyone
else. By the age of 39, I was successful enough to semi-retire, which
allowed me to focus on me true love - writing an investment newsletter
about undiscovered resource stocks.
For the past 10 years, I was the lead editor of one of the most
widely-read newsletters in the country. But now that technology is
re-defining the way we use oil and energy, I've launched an entirely new
service based off my extensive knowledge on the subject.
You see, the terrorist attacks on 9/11 changed everything in America
The U.S. imports 66% of our energy. That 66% comes from nations that,
quite honestly, hate America.
That's why getting America independent from Mideast oil is a priority.
It's a matter of life and death.
And President George Bush is already taking steps to get us off of
Mideast oil.
First, we are now turning to Canada to supply us with the bulk of oil.
In fact, between 2001 and 2002, Canada leaped over Saudi Arabia as the
main source of our energy. I'll talk more about this in a minute.
Second, the President is turning to technology, namely Gas-to-Liquids,
to lessen our dependence on Mideast oil.
This makes up the premise for my new investment advisory service, PURE
Today, the Gas-to-Liquids technology is one of my top picks.
Turn $10,000 into $30,000 to $40,000 with Virtually Zero Risk
Historically speaking, each new decade gives birth to revolutionary
companies that single-handedly change our world.
* In the 50's and 60's, companies like CocaCola, Eastman Kodak,
and General Motors were changing the way we live. Each stock gained an
average of 1,600%. $10,000 would've grown into $160,000.
* In the 70's and 80's, companies like Johnson & Johnson, American
Express, and Citigroup gained an average of 4,300%. $10,000 would've
grown into $430,000.
* In the 1990s, the Dow rose from 2,919 to 11,500.a 293% gain in
just 8 years. The NASDAQ, fueled by the evolution of modern technology,
rose from 536 on December 17, 1991 to 4,069 on December 31, 1999.a 659%
gain. Remarkably, companies like Microsoft, Amgen, Dell, and even eBay
gained an average of 65,000%. $10,000 would've grown into $6,500,000.
As you can see, each generation is highlighted by a handful of
"life-changing" stocks. And more importantly, each generation of profits
are growing exponentially larger and larger. If you can identify the
next round of world-changing companies early in their growth cycles, you
can make millions - even if you're starting with very little.
Mark my words.
This company, which converts useless gas into super-fuel, will be the
next "life-changing" winner on this list. Today, with your permission, I
can send you the full details of this company free of charge.
How to Access your FREE Report Right Now
You'll get all the details of this company in my special report called
"Make 400% Off the Next Saudi Arabia"
It's yours FREE, when you sign up to my service called PURE ENERGY
If you're looking to buy into the companies that'll eliminate America's
dependence on foreign fuels... this new service is for you.
You'll learn about these stocks before they become household names...
before Wall Street analysts start buying. Once Wall Street gets in and
drives the price through the roof, that's when you'll take your profits.
And get ready to make money off the next new play.
Each Issue Reveals a "Pure Energy" Company Ready To Explode
Each week, I'll send you my online newsletter detailing the newest
recommendation and energy market analysis. You'll learn about the new
company, where to buy it, how much to pay, and how much you stand to
make in the next 6-12 months.
You can hold these stocks for a year. Or five years... or even as long
as 10 years. The point is, you'll be investing in that special breed of
companies that'll launch the next longstanding era of American
And...because we'll be getting in on great companies when they are still
very small, you don't have to put in a lot of money to make amazing
$5,000 invested in this gas-to-liquids company could realistically
return $15,000 to $20,000 in 12 months. That's the payoff you're looking
So - what are the best opportunities right now? Here are two that could
easily make you 10, 20, or even 100 times your money over the course of
the next few years.
Oil Shock Opportunity:
Make 400%
When you subscribe to PURE ENERGY REPORT, you'll immediately receive
your first report, titled:
"Make 400% Off the Next Saudi Arabia "
I'll reveal the $8 company that has a "virtual monopoly" in an emerging
new Gas-to-Liquids technology that experts project could create 34,000
barrels of synthetic oil PER DAY.
You'll learn five (5) reasons why a 300% to 400% gain is my lowest-end
price target.
First , for decades, the world has been trying to convert the 2,500
trillion cubic feet of useless natural gas reserves into fuel. This new
technology just discovered how to make this conversion possible.
Second , with oil prices soaring, this new technology is so cost
effective it'll sell at a 53% bargain even if oil drops to $20 a barrel.
Third , the Department of Defense (DOD) committed $4.5 million to this
new technology.
Forth , this fuel is cleaner, safer, and more efficient than today's
fuels. 1 barrel of this new technology's synthetic can replace 3 barrels
coming from today's refineries.
Fifth, oil wells in the world's top producing countries are quickly
drying up - but demand continues to skyrocket. 56% of the top oil
producing nations (and 64% of OPEC nations) are past their peak.
This one $8 stock could single-handedly put an end to America's
dependence on foreign oil.
Oil Dependence and National Security
In a special report titled "Oil Dependence and National Security," the
following two points clearly illustrate the critical oil situation we're
* "The United States has only 2% of total reserves"
* " America 's dependence on imported oil is a serious cause of
economic vulnerability and a major constraint on our foreign defense
policy. The political leaders in the Middle East know that our
dependence on their oil gives them leverage over our policies"
Experts say this technology is so revolutionary - it'll make Saudi
Arabia obsolete. That's why companies like Exxon, Chevron, and Royal
Dutch Shell have already submitted bids worth tens of millions to use
this technology.
Also, top Governmental officials fully support this technology.
* President George W. Bush says "America is already using more
energy than our domestic resources can provide, and unless we act to
increase our energy independence, our reliance on foreign sources of
energy will only increase."
* Vice President Dick Cheney says "New technologies are proving
that we can save energy without sacrificing our standard of living. And
we're going to encourage it in every way possible."
In addition to top governmental officials, top trade reports are
speaking out against our dependence on foreign fuel sources, which could
only increase this company's exposure:
New Fuels & Vehicles Report says "Synthetic diesel could take on (the)
major world petroleum markets"
- May 6 th 2004
Forbes says "Much of the world's natural gas is going to waste. Wouldn't
it be terrific to turn it into liquid fuel? Success may finally be at
- May 24th 2004
U.S. Congressman John Sullivan (R-OK 1 st district)says "The benefits of
this kind of technology to our country are substantial. Our ongoing
effort assists in moving America towards reducing our nation's
dependence on transportation fuels from foreign sources"
Just the "buzz" created by this new technology could be enough to push
these shares 50% to 100% higher in the next few months.perhaps weeks.
This gives you a huge advantage.
"Synthetic diesel could take on (the) major world petroleum markets"
-New Fuels & Vehicles Report,
May 6 th 2004
"Much of the world's natural gas is going to waste. Wouldn't it be
terrific to turn it into liquid fuel? Success may finally be at hand"
- Forbes, May 24th 2004
"The benefits of this kind of technology to our country are substantial.
Our ongoing effort assists in moving America towards reducing our
nation's dependence on transportation fuels from foreign sources"
- U.S. Congressman John Sullivan
(R-OK 1 st district)
"Synthetic fuels offer substantial benefits to our military.
Implementation of a single battlefield fuel could provide economic and
logistical advantages to our military in times of conflict as well as in
normal peacetime operations"
- Kenneth Agee, Chairman and Chief Financial
" America is simply unprepared to meet energy demands expected to nearly
double over he next 20 years. Oil consumption will increase 33%, natural
gas consumption by more than 50%, and electricity demand by more than
45%. Meanwhile, the United States imports nearly 60% of its oil. This
number is expected to increase by 75% by 2010"
-Cano Energy Pipeline, Winter 2004
So where does all of this lead? I think we're going to see an increased
push for exploitation of unconventional sources of oil & gas.
Since my background puts me so far ahead of the curve on unconventional
energy production (so much that I often find myself tutoring other
"experts" in the field), I've handpicked the small group of stocks
that'll make Saudi Arabia obsolete.
If you're the type of investor who could benefit from my information,
then I'd like to invite you to become privy to the deep intellectual
resources and moneymaking recommendations of my "Pure Energy" stocks.
Since 1994, 87 out of my 101 sold positions have made money. That's a
decade-long winning percentage of 86%. Of those 87 winners, 46% of them
have doubled in price. 24% have gained more than +200%. Two picks, in
fact, gained an astounding +23,733% and +32,000%.
Remember, I didn't arrive at this winning percentage by cherry-picking a
"hot streak" from the past. Even in the difficult market over the past 3
years, my portfolio returned +94.6% while the Dow and S&P 500 have lost
4% and 2%, respectively
No questions asked.
To Keep You Constantly Updated
Remember, each week I'll also send you a Pure Energy update, keeping you
abreast of the booming energy sector.
This way, there's no guesswork on your part. I do all the work and
report everything I uncover directly to you every week.
There's something else you should know about PURE ENERGY REPORT.
We will be limiting the number of people allowed into this service to
10,000. Don't get me wrong-I'm not trying to pressure you into a quick
The reasoning is simple: The companies you'll learn about are small -
and not many people know about them. I don't want as many as 100,000
investors bidding up the shares. I want you to get into each pick.and
let the natural market forces drive the shares higher.
The only way I can do this is by limiting the number of people I allow
into this new service. That way, the group is small and the profits are
plentiful. How do you get started with this new research service?
Here's how it works.
Act Now, or Miss this Limited-Time Membership
When you sign up for PURE ENERGY REPORT, you will get the full details
on the company that could make you at least 300% to 400% by eliminating
America's dependence on foreign oil once and for all.
Plus, you'll also receive one year of profit producing research...which
includes my weekly Pure Energy reports...all this for $495 a year or
$795 for two years.
That's less than $1.35 a day to get in on today's life...changing energy
Remember, a $2,000 investment in Dell and Microsoft in 1990 would now be
worth $1,250,000.
The companies I want to share with you today have this kind of potential
pay off. Let me help you make those returns.
Sign up for PURE ENERGY REPORT right now while spots are still
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Whatever you decide, just remember that I've got to limit the number of
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Sincerely Yours,
Michael Schaefer
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