Monday, November 28, 2005

Exploding Profits from America's Oil & Gas Boom

OTC Special Situations Report
Oil and Gas
November 2005--Email Edition

Profiting from Oil & Gas Boom:
America's Next
Great Energy Discoveries!

Read my report that could bring you
Exploding Profits!

In just 6 weeks I turned $500,000 into a stunning $1,356,102 in the CNBC/USA
Investment Challenge. I�ve also returned QUADRUPLE -digit gains for my
subscribers ranging from 1,085% to a breathtaking 10,220%!

�Just to show you how on-the-mark I have been in the past, let me set my record

320% average gain per--pick�over the last
10 years!

How many other investment strategists can say that? And how
many do you think could say they invested $7,000 in each of 5 stocks that racked
up a total of $1,107,330 in profit!

These are real returns I brought subscribers of my OTC Growth Stock newsletter.

For subscription information visit

If you like the sound of putting companies with 1,000%, 4,000% or even 10,000%
profit potential in your portfolio then you need to take a good look at Terax Energy.

How can I be so confident about Terax Energy�s profit potential? Easy.

Through my newsletter, OTC Growth Stock Watch I have brought my subscribers eye-popping
gains, ranging from 1,085% to a whopping 10,220%!

Express Scripts gained 10,220%!
Natural MicroSystems gained 4,217%!
Techne Corporation saw gains of 1,909%
Surdmodics brought 1,085% gains!
Advance PCS brought profits of 3,089%!

Truly I have one of the best records in the business by far.

My proven track record, investment savvy and market insight are some of the reasons I am
convinced that Terax Energy is an incredible red-hot buy right now!

Once word of this emerging oil and gas company, no doubt soon-to-be-producer gets out, I
am projecting the stock will go ballistic! The high price of oil and gas is virtually enough to seal
the deal.

But, I strongly urge you that the time to invest is now�without delay. I expect an announcement
any day now that the company has begun producing. Drilling began a few weeks ago so results
should be released at any time. This could be your
fortune-building opportunity of the year!

Learn more about Geoffrey Eiten�s spectacular picks and be among the first to know every
time he releases a new recommendation.

Visit his website at today!

Invest in TERAX, an emerging oil and gas producer, for just pennies on the dollar.

Terax could be the next QUADRUPLE-DIGIT winner in the OTC Growth Stock portfolio that could make
you $$$!

Watch every $5,000 you invest potentially swell to $25,000 as our energy crisis rages on!

Oil giants Shell and Exxon earned a combined $195 BILLION in 3 months.

If you�re hungry for a piece of the profits then this could be your time to amass a fortune in oil
and gas!

I�ve discovered a small cap energy company on the verge of producing in one of the 10 richest shales
in the world�wells are spudded and gas is expected to begin flowing any day now!


You could see gains of 500% the way oil and gas prices keep soaring and there is no end in sight!

For subscription information visit

The energy sector is perhaps THE hottest place to be invested right now as it continues to do very
well as is evidenced by recent reports of record profits by big oil and gas. But, it's not easy to
get in on the giant oil and gas conglomerates because their share prices are too high for you to make
huge profits.

You are receiving this urgent special report because I just came across a real gem: a little-known oil
and gas development company called Terax Energy (TERX) that has already begun drilling in
north-central Texas' Barnett Shale-an area
busting out all over with natural gas we desperately need.

I believe that oil and gas companies�large or small�that can bring any amount of these precious
commodities to market will no doubt do well. Premium prices are still being paid for oil and gas and
while they have come down slightly, it�s not enough to make a significant difference.

Goldman Sachs is still sticking with their projection of a $105 oil price spike in 2007 while energy
investment guru, energy advisor to the Bush administration and best-selling author Matthew
Simmons recently dealt a crushing blow with his latest projection: " $190 a barrel this winter! "

Trust me. You don�t want to be sitting on the sidelines with Terax Energy when oil and gas are to
the moon. Fact is, world demand is strengthening while supplies are getting squeezed like a fish in
a piranha�s grip.

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the world produces 84 million barrels of oil
every day and on a daily basis we consume 82 million barrels�and demand is growing.

The EIA projects consumption will increase to 103 million barrels a day in 2015 and 119 million barrels a
day in 2025. Many analysts and geologists claim we just cannot produce much more than we are now
and in several years production will decline.

As for natural gas, since 2002, there has been a 550% increase in price at the wellhead�from $2 per
MMBtu to $13 today.

The Energy Information Administration says natural gas heating bills are expected to be higher in all regions
this year, with increases ranging from 32 percent in the Northeast to 61 percent in the Midwest.

A let up anytime soon? I don�t think so nor do analysts or experts.

Heck, look at the exploding profits of big oil: Shell and Exxon alone earned a combined $195 BILLION on three
months. Oil and gas companies are reporting record shattering profits! It�s high time you got your piece of the

It doesn�t take a mental giant to figure out that an increasing demand, ever-constricting supplies and high
prices translate to serious profits for oil
and gas producers�and Terax is on the verge of producing.

For a few thousand dollars invested today you could reap a potential heap in profits over the coming years!
Sure it�s risky like all other small and micro caps but the rewards can literally make you wealthy. After all�

This company almost cannot go wrong! For starters, they�re drilling in the Barnett Shale. This area is hot, hot, hot!

How much is the famous Barnett Shale putting out? 1.1 billion cubic feet a day with a market value of more than
$12 MILLION a day. Devon Energy recovered enough natural gas there in June to heat 15 million homes a year!

Approximately 4,000 wells have been drilled here and virtually every one is producing. Very few have come up dry.
More than half of the shale gas produced in the United States is coming from the Barnett says Patrick J.F. Gratton,
independent geologist and American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) president.

Just this year production increased from 117.6 billion cubic feet a year to 34.2 billion cubic feet a year�all while
production in Texas was off in the
first four months. This place is throwing off profits like crazy.

It�s like they are out there printing money in the field! Just look at what I discovered about the Barnett Shale and you�ll
easily see why I put a high priority on investing in Terax now for potentially mammoth gains:

* 4 TRILLION cubic feet of gas has been recovered from approximately 4,000 wells.
* The field covers 15 counties and is producing more than 1 billion cubic feet of gas a day and the number is growing.
* A U.S. Geological survey estimates total shale gas in place in the Barnett at 26.7 trillion cubic feet.
* Texas' own Barnett Shale is one of the 10 richest shales in the world, said to have more reserves than the Middle East.
* Major oil and gas companies are clamoring to get in. Already 100 companies are in the Barnett and more than 60 operators.
* Prices for acreage have gone sky high from $100 an acre to $500, $600 and even $10,000 in some places.

Companies that are already producing there have seen double and triple-digit increases in share price in the past 52 weeks

Devon Energy (DVN) shot up 186%!
EOG Resources (EOG) soared 229%!
Encana Corp (ECA) ballooned 237%!

Source: NYSE, 9-6-05; 52-week low to current price.

Terax could be next, soaring from its current $3 a share price to $8 in the coming year and a whopping $33 in the next 48 months!

That�s a 1000% gain!

Act fast on Terax: you simply could not ask for better timing!

Terax Energy has a lot going for it. Consider these key facts:

1. Terax has already begun drilling in the Barnett--the hottest natural gas play in the U.S. and one of the 10 richest shales in the world.

2. Natural gas is projected to begin flowing from the first well any day now. The wells have been spudded!

3. Smart management has snapped up approximately 31,000 acres in Barnett Shale-at far below fair market value-and is working on acquiring additional acreage.

4. Terax will invest $1.4 million in each well with a projected net return (based on $65 crude oil) of $4.6 million PER WELL over 4 years. Should Terax drill the anticipated 549 wells on their 31,000 acres that would equate to company revenues of $2.5 BILLION making for very happy, very wealthy shareholders.

5. Terax is highly undervalued, trading at a fraction of its worth. There is no better time than now to invest! You could watch the share price potentially soar to $8 over 12 months and then $33 in 48 months!

Remember, this is not the first time I have picked stocks with QUADRUPLE-DIGIT profit-making potential! I have a solid track record and have shown you 5
different companies I have called right on the money and that produced mega profits for my subscribers!

Get in on an early investment in Terax now and you could make your fortune in oil and gas at long last!

Yours in profitable investing,

Geoffrey Eiten
The OTC Growth Stock Watch

P.S. Would you like to see more stocks with quadruple-digit profit-making potential?

Simply go to for more information!

Terax Energy (TERX) is what I call a �Special Situation� which I continually report to subscribers of my OTC Growth Stock Watch. These stocks have explosive profit potential and give investors a real shot at big fortunes before it�s too late to get in on them. Do not miss out on Terax!

For online subscription information, please visit

Or, call toll free: 888-268-2479
24 hours a day, 7 days a week


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