Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's about the money...plain and simple!

It's about the money...plain and simple!
Wednesday, November 16th, 2005
Baltimore, MD * Jackson, WY * Missoula, MT

In this Issue...

* Green Chip Review: It's about the money...
* Tapping the trillion-dollar vein
* Just don't call it green!
* Money Talks!

Quote of the Day

"The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty - a

- Marshall Ferdinand Foch,
French military strategist, 1911


Dear Wealth Daily Reader,

On my flight to Atlanta last week, I sat next to an older gentleman who
undoubtedly had the gift of gab. He was a retired school teacher from
Philadelphia who made it big in the commodities market back in the
1970s. And he wasn't shy about chest pounding either.

So it was no surprise that when I told him about Green Chip Stocks and
how I was on my way to a Green Building conference in Atlanta, I was met
with a sort of patronizing lecture about how Wall Street works and the
dangers of investing in such unstable markets.

These guys crack me up!

They're so busy reliving the old days, they can't see beyond their
incompetence of jumping on the bandwagon after all the money had
already been made - and now trivialize any industry not found in their
'safe' 401k.

Well, as I've always said in regards to Green Chip Stocks - leave your
preconceptions at the door.

Because this ain't about tree-hugging, folks.

This is about money. Plain and simple.

Why else do you think more than 10,000 building professionals attended
this year's Green Build Conference in Atlanta? To tour the Coca-Cola
museum in their birkenstocks?

Not likely.

The fact is, green building is big business.

And every savvy architect, developer and construction firm, worldwide,
wants a piece of the action.

But can you blame them?

Hell, 12.7% of the U.S. G.D.P is in commercial, residential and
industrial construction alone.

That's more than $1.2 trillion worth of green building potential!!!


How to make +61,438% on $650

Jerry writes...

Mike Schaefer wants you to enjoy those same gains. And he's willing to
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services, Secret Stock Files and the Pure Energy Report, for one low

In the coming weeks, Mike will be releasing his much anticipated Oil
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resource stocks right now.

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Tapping the trillion-dollar vein

Green building isn't just about an environmental alternative - it's
about improving current practices; reducing operation costs and making
buildings more energy efficient.

And it's for that reason that some analysts are predicting green
building to become the standard for the majority of all new construction
projects in the U.S. within the next ten years.

In fact, some of the biggest construction companies in the world have
already embraced.and profited handsomely from the green building

For instance, take a look at Turner Construction Company.

Ranking between first and second in major segments of the construction
industry, Turner had a construction volume of $6.1 billion in 2003.

Today, two years later, the company has 130 'green' construction
projects underway - worth $10 billion!

And McGraw-Hill Construction, which serves more than a million
professionals within the $3.4 trillion global construction community,
just released one of the most comprehensive research reports on green
building to date.

Representatives from McGraw-Hill analyzed this report at the conference
on Thursday. There wasn't an empty seat in the room!

Of course, historically, construction firms have been a prime target for
environmentalists. And in their defense, there probably isn't a
construction company on the planet that would even entertain the notion
of green building - unless there was something in it for them.

But while the backbone of this initiative has always been an
environmental one - today it is an economic incentive that's providing
the catalyst for change.

And it is this change that's going to provide us with profits.

Because I don't care if the company sells lead paint and mercury
gumballs to nursery schools - you provide them with 'green' offices,
manufacturing facilities and warehouses that save them money and
increase productivity.they're doing it.


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industry of 21 companies.
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Just don't call it green!

It's amazing to me that in this day and age, any right-minded capitalist
would brush aside progress linked to profits because the word, 'green'
is attached to it.

In fact, it's even been suggested to me that I should avoid using the
term 'green' altogether. Maybe go with 'high performance building'

What is this - sensitivity training for backward-thinking investors?

Give me a break!

Let's get something clear right now. Green building isn't about planting
trees near an industrial complex or having a recycling bin in your

It's about slashing operating budgets and increasing profitability.

And that, my friends, is why no competent developer in his right mind
can dismiss green building.

So pardon me if I don't change my vernacular in an effort to appease the
trend chasers.

You want a piece of a burgeoning billion-dollar a year industry - keep

Because not only am I going to show you why green building is going to
become the standard - I'm also going to pinpoint for you the green
building companies that stand to make investors a lot of money.

Money Talks!

I could sit here all day, and give you statistic after statistic based
on accurate, scientific data that would more than validate the
environmental benefits of green building.

And I can assure you - they're massive!

From water conservation to improved indoor air quality to cutting
construction and demolition waste by as much as 75 percent -
environmentally, the benefits more than justify building green.

But as I've already stated, the green building momentum is not being
driven solely by environmental concerns.but rather, by economics.

And it is this economic advantage that has allowed the U.S. Green
Building Council to develop a strict set of codes and standards for
builders that allow for 'green' certification.

The U.S. Green Building Council is an organization, integral to the
development of green building. So before we get into the numbers - let
me bring you up to speed on how and why this organization's initiatives
are proving crucial to the standardization of green building practices.

Comprised of a coalition of leaders from across the building industry,
the U.S. Green Building Council works to promote buildings that are
environmentally responsible and profitable.

The council maintains a membership of:

* Building Product Manufacturers
* Building Owners, Managers, Users and Brokers
* Financial and Insurance Firms
* Press
* Professional Societies and Trade Associations
* Design, Architectural, Engineering and Professional Firms
* Contractors and Builders
* Nonprofit Organizations
* Utilities
* Universities, K-12 School Systems and Research Institutes
* State, Local and Federal Governments
* Building Control Service Contractors and Manufacturers


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With the full support of its highly-influential membership - a
membership that has grown by 1,000% in the past four years, the U.S.
Green Building Council has developed a set of standards that many
federal agencies, states and local governments are now incorporating
into laws and regulations governing the construction of new public
buildings. And more and more are now even offering financial incentives
or fast-track permits to private developers who use these standards,
known as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

(LEED certification is based on an independent review by an auditor
accredited by the Green Building Council, which ultimately helps
maintain the credibility of green building practices while pushing the
industry forward under a strict code of uniform standards.)

But here's the million-dollar question for developers.

What's in it for me?

With a minimal up-front investment (usually between zero and two
percent) in green design initiatives, buildings in the U.S. yield the
kind of numbers developers want to hear.

* 40 % reduction in office building water use
* 30% reduction in energy costs and harmful emissions from power
* 50 - 75% of construction and demolition waste diverted from
landfills to be recycled
* $58 billion per year in lost sick time saved through improved
indoor air quality
* $180 billion in worker productivity gained annually through
improved daylighting.

The fact is, green building investments not only pay for themselves over
time (often in energy savings alone), but also lead to increased
productivity and a reduction in operations costs throughout the
lifecycle of the building.

According to the results of a 2004 study commissioned by the state of
California to evaluate 33 LEED-certified buildings, costs ran an average
of $4 more per square foot.

However, over a 20-year period, the buildings will generate a savings of
$48.87 per square foot!

So for a typical, 75,000-square-foot building, you're looking at a cost
savings of more than $3.6 million!!!

Granted, this is just one study.

So join me next week when I'll share with you the data, not from
state-funded studies.but from the companies utilizing green building
initiatives themselves.

Here's a preview of one company in particular that's being seen by some
as the new standard for cost-effective building design.

Category 20-Year Net Present Value
Energy Savings $5.80
Emissions Savings $1.20
Water Savings $0.50
Operations & Maintenance Savings $8.50
Productivity and health value $36.90-55.30
Subtotal $52.90-$71.30
Average extra cost of building green ($ -3.00 - $ -5.00)
Total 20-year net benefit $49.90-66.30

Of course, with these kinds of numbers, you better believe someone,
beyond the developers, is making a buck.

And that's where our cut comes in.

There are a number of publicly-traded companies exploiting the green
building boom at this very moment. And the investment opportunities are

Solar, water conservation products, raw materials, fuel cells, paints,
sealants, carpets, interior finishes, wind turbine systems, low-iron
glass, power glass, the list goes on and on.

I'll tell you more about these companies, especially the frontrunners,
in next week's Green Chip Review.

Until next time,

Jeff Siegel
Editor, Green Chip Stocks

P.S. - I'll be sharing my full report on Green Building with Green Chip
Review members shortly. If you'd like to get a free copy of this report,
click here <> .


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