Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Aligning IT Through Strategic Planning

Develop Your IT StrategiesBased on Proven Best Practices

If your company is like most, you can't afford to bring in high-paid consultants and analysts to help chart the business technology strategies that will be critical to your success for years to come. But even if you have to go it alone, you can now apply the most effective and proven best practices while developing your strategic plans. Strategic IT Planning and Governance is an interactive Best Practices Guide from Info~Tech Research Group that walks you through the entire process of creating a strategically-aligned IT plan, as well as the tasks and activities required to carry it out.

Get the details on this invaluable resource now!

A Comprehensive Planning GuideBuilding a comprehensive strategic IT plan that aligns with your business strategy is essential to ensuring success. For many IT professionals, the amount of time it takes to develop such a plan, and the complex process required to complete it, makes strategic IT planning a daunting task.

But Info-Tech has extensive experience developing such plans for their clients, and they've channeled all that expertise into this step-by-step guide. Strategic IT Planning and Governance provides more information and tools than any mere book could hope to. Packed in this downloadable resource, you'll find:

  • Detailed tasks and action steps for each phase of the strategic IT planning process
  • Learning guides and resources to keep you up-to-speed on the latest issues concerning IT strategy and governance
  • Interactive tools and templates to help you efficiently complete the required tasks

Get the details on this invaluable resource now!


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