Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Chicken Dance - Avian Flu (Bird Flu Economic Impact)

Chicken Dance
Monday, November 28th, 2005
Baltimore, MD * Jackson, WY * Missoula, MT

In this Issue...

* Bird Flu Strain Mutates
* Back Yard Bird Flu
* Massive Metal Rally

Quote of the Day

"Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Dear Wealth Daily Reader,

It was probably mentioned a million times at the dinner tables over the
Thanksgiving holiday this year.

Especially because the traditional Thanksgiving meal is turkey.

You know what I'm talking about. The bird flu.

Just to be on the safe-side, my mother cooked this year's bird so long,
it went from an original weight of 26-pounds to 12! And it was drier
than the Mohave desert.

Thank goodness for gravy!

There isn't a day that goes by where the old bird flu isn't mentioned by
the talking heads of CNN, Fox, MSNBC, among the others.

And if you're like me, you're quite simply sick of hearing about it. Yet
the fact is that it is becoming a very serious problem.

I read a news story this morning that said Chinese officials claim that
the bird flu virus in humans has mutated. That's bad news for anyone who
doesn't want the bird flu.


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Bird Flu Strain Mutates

Chinese health representatives have found that the H5N1 strain of bird
flu, the one that human's can contract, has mutated as compared with
strains found in human cases in Vietnam.

Today the Xinhua news agency reported that Chinese labs have found that
the genetic order of the H5N1 virus seen in humans infected in China is
different from that found in humans in Vietnam.

Health official's worst fear is that the virus could mutate to the
extent where it is easily transmitted from human-to-human.

In this event a global pandemic capable of killing hundreds of millions
of people would be possible.

Brian Hicks has been talking about the bird flu in his New America
Investor and even recommended a bird flu stock that he believes is going
to go hyper-ballistic.

You see once an American contracts the bird flu virus on U.S. property,
I believe he's right.

While we keep hearing bird flu cases in East Asian countries, have no
doubt the bird flu is coming to the U.S.

In fact, it's almost here.


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Bird Flu in The Back Yard

The avian flu will soon encroach onto U.S. soil despite the efforts of
health officials. It's already in our back yard.

Last week Canadian authorities confirmed two wild ducks tested positive
for the H5 bird flu virus.

While this is not the deadly H5N1 strain that is currently ravaging
poultry stocks in Asia, the flu strain has every chance to mutate.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency said the ducks were discovered with
the H5 virus at a farm just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia.

More than 67,000 ducks and geese will be terminated and officials will
be investigating other operations within a 3 mile radius for signs of

Following the latest outbreak, the United States and Taiwan has imposed
a ban on poultry from the region and Japan banned all Canadian poultry

But the U.S. continues to accept imports from the rest of Canada.

According to the USDA's Foreign Agriculture Service's Web site, the U.S.
imported $185.9 million in poultry and poultry products from Canada last
year, a 37% increase from the previous year. Canada is the
seventh-biggest exporter of poultry.

The deadly H5N1 virus has infected at least 130 people and killed 67 in
Asia, since it first broke out in 2003.

And like I said, once it crosses the boarder, Brian's bird flu play is
going to go nuts.

To subscribe to Brian's New America Investor and learn the name of his
new bird fu play, simply click here
<https://server.publishers-mgmt.com/nai/signupT.php> .


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Massive Metal Rally

Today most metals hit multi-year highs in a broad metals rally.

Gold futures topped off just short of the key $500-an-ounce level while
platinum prices rose above $1,000 for the first time in more than a
quarter of a century.

Copper joined in on the action as well, closing at an all-time futures
high atop $2 a pound.

Take a look:

The recent growing demand for gold stems not only from investment
perspectives and outright jewelry purchases, but it seems that every
reason imaginable for buying gold has been used over the past week or

But be careful. While a pop above $500 is certainly likely on buying
from those late to the market, a correction is increasingly likely. Gold
prices are pushing toward an overbought condition.

Meanwhile, platinum futures reached a high of $1,011 an ounce in New
York, a level not seen since March 1980. The all-time high still stands
at $1,189.50.

December copper, which touched a high of $2.017 a pound in New York,
closed up 4.75 cents at $2.016.

Copper's rally has been driven partly by speculation that China is being
forced to buy massive quantities of the industrial metal to cover a
short position taken by a rogue trader.

Whatever the reason, the brown metal has never seen such high numbers.

- Luke Burgess


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