Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tomorrow's solar profits today!

Tomorrow's solar profits today!

* Just one word - Plastics!
* Silicon Loyalists
* Painting the future solar

"The time is now here. The world is looking for a major renewable energy

- Roger Davey, chairman of EnviroMission Limited

Dear Wealth Daily reader:

Last week I told you how silicon, which is used to manufacture solar
cells for photovoltaic systems (PV), is in short supply.

And as the demand for PV continues to grow, this shortage is only going
to get worse.

Fortunately, leaders in the solar industry have been smart enough to
pursue alternative PV manufacturing solutions that will soon take the
pressure off solar suppliers when it comes to finding enough silicon to
keep up with demand.

Because the fact is, in order for the PV industry to maintain, and even
exceed its impressive growth rate (40% annually since 2001), it needs to
ensure that manufacturing costs don't increase.

And let's be honest. If the solar industry can't tackle high costs now,
what's it going to do once those tax credits are gone? Or better yet -
will the tax credits even be extended if the solar industry can't prove
it's moving forward with the help of those tax credits?

Solar industry leaders know that they will never have a better
opportunity to prove the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solar
installations. So don't think for a second that a silicon shortage
(estimated to last at least another two years) will detour the companies
that are making money hand over fist from the surge in solar demand.

Just one word - Plastics!

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have
developed, and are currently testing new polymer cells that could
provide a cheap and abundant solution to the silicon shortage.

What is really nothing more than a single layer of plastic tucked
between two conductive electrodes, the alternative cell can be
mass-produced for far less than conventional silicon cells.


"It's Here!"

As reported in this week's USA Today:

"As global demand rises, American consumers will find themselves in a
bidding war with others around the world for scarce oil supplies. That
will send prices of gasoline, heating oil and all petroleum-related
products soaring."

That's why I'm sending out an urgent buy alert on my #1 oil sands stock.
The company is sitting on 2.4 billion barrels of oil. and everybody
wants it.

You can buy shares for $5 now... maybe $19 in 12 months!

Get my report The Next Oil Sands Giant:
[ PE... My New Oil Sands GIANT
<> ]


There's also a company called Konarka that has developed a
light-activated power plastic which is flexible, lightweight, lower in
cost and much more versatile in application than traditional
silicon-based solar cells.

Constructed from conducting polymers and nano-engineered materials, this
'power plastic' can be coated or printed onto a surface similar to how
photographic film is made.

Now Konarka is not a publicly-traded company. However, this kind of
alternative technology does lend integral support to the solar market.

Why else do you think the likes of Siemens and Electricite de France
(the world's largest utility, operating a diverse portfolio of more than
120,000 megawatts of generation capacity) have partnered with Konarka?

Silicon Loyalists

Although the silicon shortage has led to innovations in solar cell
manufacturing (as proven with the plastic and nano-engineered
substitutes), don't count on silicon-based cells to disappear overnight.

While the limited supplies of silicon could lead some of the weaker PV
firms to a Darwinian demise - the stronger, more innovative PV companies
(using silicon) will continue to dominate throughout the shortage.

These are the companies that either already have the lion's share of the
silicon supply or have engineered their technology to use only minimal
amounts of silicon - thereby allowing them to maintain their competitive

One company that's certainly profiting from the latter, is Evergreen
Solar (ESLR:Nasdaq).

Instead of a conventional silicon-based cell production process, whereby
wafers are cut from a large silicon-block (which results in a
substantial waste of silicon), Evergreen Solar's patented String Ribbon
Manufacturing Technology processes silicon as a high temperature liquid.

In this state, the silicon is able to form a film between two strings
that gradually cools and crystallizes.


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* It's up 233% this year!
* Get in NOW before it soars to $16.75!

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Ultimately, this process produces a solar wafer with virtually no
silicon cutting waste. And as a result, the company is able to
manufacture high-quality cells with just two-thirds of the silicon of
conventional methods.

Evergreen Solar has also demonstrated technology to produce wafers that
are thinner - using just half the silicon of the current production

The refined technology yields three times as many PV cells per unit of
silicon when compared to conventional methods.

Since January, 2004, Evergreen Solar has been on the rise. Take a look:

And being that the next two years will be plagued with a massive silicon
shortage, Evergreen is in an excellent position to exploit this shortage
for serious profits.

Painting the future solar

From conserving silicon supplies, to producing cells free of silicon to
'next generation' technologies that almost seem like they should be in a
science fiction novel (like photovoltaic material created with
nanotechnology that can be spread like plastic wrap or paint), - the
future of PV systems and applications will continue to change
drastically over the next few decades... giving us an opportunity to
profit at every turn.

Mark my words - especially over the next two years, Green Chip investors
are going to clean up on Solar. Just as we have all year!

Until next time...

Jeff Siegel
Editor, Green Chip Stocks <>

P.S. - Before the end of the year, the Green Chip Stocks portfolio will
be adding two new solar recommendations. And the timing couldn't be

With recent dips in the market (providing cheaper entry points), we
should be able to exploit those record-high heating costs that are right
around the corner for a quick boost.

And if the winter proves to be a cold one, maintaining those gains
should be a cakewalk.


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