Special Edition: | August 22, 2004 |  |  |  | Review: Resume Posting Services |  |  | If you're familiar with the online job search process, you know how complicated it can be to post your resume to all the many different career search websites. Some ask you to copy and paste your resume. Some ask you to retype all your information. Some processes are so complicated, it almost seems like a waste of time to even post your resume at all!
In browsing the various online job search options, we came across one service that claimed to save tons of time and make our job search process much easier.
Resume Rabbit is a site to which you post your resume information one time and they take care of the rest by instantly distributing it to up to 75 different job search websites. So, we decided to check it out for ourselves.
We had our own investigator sign up for the service and report her experiences. First, Resume Rabbit states that the process of signing up only takes 5 minutes - and it did, their form was quick and easy (it could take a little longer if you didn't have a current resume).
Our applicant first chose a username and password, then she followed the clear and user-friendly prompts for filling in the pertinent information. She was asked to enter her contact information, her level of experience & job preferences. Then she had to paste in her cover letter and resume. Many of the questions simply required her to "point and click." Before long, she was ready to push the "Post Me Now" button.
After entering her data, she paid a reasonable service charge and a few minutes later checked her email inbox. Literally, within minutes, she had confirmation of her application and had received emails from many of the job sites letting her know they had received her information and posted her resume.
Within minutes, she was also able to see her Resume Rabbit "Real Time Posting Report" online showing her the job boards she had been posted to and the usernames and passwords she'd need to log into the sites. In many cases she could even push a simple "Auto Login" button which took her immediately to the posted site and logged her right into her account.
Resume Rabbit claims that once information is entered, a resume will be sent to and posted on up to 75 different job search sites within 72 hours. Our applicant barely had to wait 72 minutes for most of them! Just days later, our applicant had two interviews set up and was sure she'd have many more to come as a result of Resume Rabbit's easy and dependable service.
Admittedly, we were uncertain that Resume Rabbit would, in fact, be able to provide the instant results it claimed it would. We were extremely impressed with the reliability of the service and the timely results.
If you're looking for a way to cut your job search time by 60 hours and maximize your job opportunities Resume Rabbit is definitely the tool you've been looking for. Using this service, your resume can be seen by up to 1.5 million employers daily!
If you're currently in the job market, we recommend you give this service a try. Just go to Resume Rabbit. |
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