Friday, December 12, 2008

Hedge Funds Face Big Losses $50B and more

Hedge Funds Face Big Losses in Madoff Case

Beleaguered investors face a "complete loss" from a scheme at the center of a major U.S. fraud case, which is likely to highlight their tendency not to question the legitimacy of big gains and ultimately lead to tighter regulation if the alleged fraud is proved.

A number of prominent funds of hedge funds are believed to have invested money in portfolios established by Bernard Madoff, a securities trader and investment adviser who was arrested yesterday before appearing at a Manhattan court charged with securities fraud.

U.S. authorities claimed Mr. Madoff told employees at Madoff Investment Securities earlier this month that the investment advisory activities of his business had been "a giant Ponzi scheme."

Christopher Miller, chief executive of London hedge fund ratings agency Allenbridge Hedgeinfo, said: "Some very big investor names are involved in this. The scheme could only work if enough investors were subscribing for him to pay money out. Some of the world's biggest hedge funds have been hit by this. There will be a monumental impact for the hedge fund industry, it could be larger then Enron.

(full article)

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