Saturday, April 29, 2006

Careers: Don't wait till you hit your breaking point

Don't wait till you hit your breaking point

LOS ANGELES, CA -- Take responsibility for your career and financial future. Whether you're the victim of a horrid boss, office politics, or lousy industry prospects is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what you're going to do to change your situation.You don't want to wait until you're pushed to your breaking point. No one can make good decisions when they're angry and under pressure.

The idea here is to strategize and plan. Think about where you want to be one year or three years from now. Let your boss know your career goals. Make an appointment to talk about what work you need to do and skills you need to acquire to put you in a position for a promotion. Check in every month or so to discuss your progress. If your boss isn't interested in your career progress but you like the company, scope out other opportunities at the organization.

Because you're being proactive and thinking about your future, you have the luxury of networking and investigating over months. A division you really want to work with may not have a job for you today, but if they know you're interested, you may get a call a few months down the line.


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