Exclusive Opportunity for HR Leaders
Harvard Business School Publishing and The Society for Human Resource Management cordially invite you to apply to participate in the 2006 Executive HR Network National and Regional Summits -- an exclusive program for senior HR professionals.Connecting Best Practices, Leaders and OrganizationsSponsored by Citibank and Cognos.
This 2006 Executive HR Network Summit Series brings together forward-looking HR leaders from top organizations to address critical challenges, exchange ideas and solutions, and interact with renowned experts in leadership, strategy and management.
The highly rated 2005 program was a great success with more than 200 executives engaged at the summits. Based on their feedback and recommendations we have designed an outstanding 2006 program that will keep you ahead of the rapidly evolving demands of HR leadership.
Cultivate Ideas and Solutions
Don't miss this unique opportunity to share and exchange strategies and best practices with other HR executives. In addition, earn four hours to fulfill HRCI's strategic requirements for recertification when you attend this exclusive program.
For more information about each summit or to apply, click below:
National SummitResonant Leadership: Inspiring the Best in Us
Featuring Annie McKee of the Telos Leadership Institute
Building Transformation into Your Leadership Pipeline
Featuring Robert J. Thomas of Accenture
February 15, 2006San Juan, Puerto Rico
Northeast Regional Summit
Why Should Anyone be Led by You?
Featuring Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones of London Business School
March 2, 2006New York, NY
Southeast Regional Summit
Hiring for Smarts: Acquiring Top Talent
Featuring Justin Menkes of the Executive Intelligence Group
March 23, 2006Atlanta, GA
North Central Regional Summit Resonant Leadership:
Inspiring the Best in Us
Featuring Richard Boyatzis of Case Western University
April 20, 2006Chicago, IL
Southwest Central Regional Summit
Hard Facts, Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management in HR
Featuring Robert Sutton of Stanford University
April 27, 2006 Denver, CO
Pacific West Regional Summit
Hard Facts, Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management in HR
Featuring Robert Sutton of Stanford University
May 4, 2006 Seattle, WA
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