Thursday, December 22, 2005

Two Explosive Investment Opportunities

Two Explosive Investment Opportunities
Thursday, December 22nd, 2005
Baltimore, MD * Jackson, WY * Missoula, MT

In this Issue...

* FDA Approves Candela's New Light System
* Radio Frequency Identification
* Organic Radical Batteries

Quote of the Day

"Choose a job that you like and you will never have to work a day in
your life"



Dear Wealth Daily Reader,

In this special issue of Wealth Daily, Luke Burgess brings you his
latest issue of Archimedes Lever. Enjoy.

Two Explosive Investment Opportunities
By Luke Burgess

Today I want to tell you about two technologies that are poised for an
investment explosion ? Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Organic
Radical Batteries (ORB)

But before we get into that, let's take a minute to talk about Candela's
new FDA approval.

FDA Approves Candela's New Light System
Candela Receives Approval for a new Skin Treatment Device

On Wednesday Candela announced that the Food and Drug Administration
authorized marketing clearance for a new skin treatment device that
offers practitioners more treatment options.

The FDA cleared a new model in Candela's intense pulsed light (IPL)
system line called the Ellipse Flex.

This system was specifically designed to treat a wide range of cosmetic
conditions quickly and comfortably including facial rejuvenation,
vascular lesions, facial veins, acne, age spots and diffuse redness.

The Ellipse Flex is an improved version of Candela's Ellipse IPL system.
It can be programmed to change the pulse output. This allows
practitioners to customize the treatment settings to each specific
patient, enabling a more personalized treatment session.

The new system gives doctors control of every output parameter and
enables them to fine tune treatment settings to a degree not possible
with other IPL systems.

Moreover the Ellipse Flex allows practitioners to create a treatment
profile that is specific for each patient. The patient's profile is then
easily saved for the patient's next visit, making each treatment
experience consistent.

As with all of Candela's Ellipse IPL systems, the Flex also features the
patented Dual-Mode Filtering technology which removes potentially
harmful "water absorbing" wavelengths from the output spectrum device.

With other intense pulsed light technology, water absorbing wavelengths
are absorbed everywhere in the skin creating a non-specific thermal
injury, which can lead to an increased risk of side-effects.

But Candela's Dual Mode Filtering ensures only the wavelengths required
to perform effective treatment are delivered to the skin, offering a
safe, effective and lasting solution.

An intense pulsed light system offered by the Ellipse Flex IPL differs
from a laser in that the light is a broad waveband rather than a focused

Candela broke through a 52-week high yesterday topping off at $15.47, up
$0.91 from yesterday morning's open.

Ok now let's get into the two explosive investment opportunities I
mentioned earlier.

The first one I want to talk about today is called Radio Frequency

You may have heard of Radio Frequency Identification before. But I want
to get into the massive market potential this fairly new technology


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Radio Frequency Identification

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification

The system stores and remotely retrieves data using devices called RFID
tags or transponders.

An RFID tag, seen here on the right, is a small object that can be
attached to or incorporated into a product, animal, or even person.

RFID tags contain silicon chips and antennas that enable them to receive
and respond to radio-frequency queries from an RFID transceiver.

From the manufacturing floor to the retail outlet, RFID tags are now
finding wide use to keep track of items in the business supply chain.

UPS is one company currently using RFID tags to track shipments. You may
have seen this in the television commercial where an 18-wheeler, driving
down a deserted road, suddenly slams on the brakes in front of a woman
sitting at a desk.

The adoption of RFID will continue to gather momentum. Spending on the
related hardware and software is expected to skyrocket over the next
five years.

Worldwide RFID spending is expected to total $504 million in 2005, up
39% from 2004, growing again to $751 million in 2006 and reaching over
$3 billion by 2010.


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This technology is not a straight replacement for barcodes.

RFID growth will be driven by sectors outside the retail industry.

Companies from across the spectrum of industries are beginning to
discover business value in places where they cannot use bar coding.

You see, barcodes are better at collecting data in highly structured
environments, such as warehouses and retail stores.

RFID tags, however, are perfect for the data collection of mobile assets
as well as in largely chaotic or unstructured environment, such as
hospitals or even battlefields.

This technology offers information collecting solutions to those
environments that lack sophisticated process engineering or controls to
be systematically managed.

RFID tags fall into two categories - "passive" and "active"

The more commonly used today are passive devices. These devices only
respond to signals sent to it by a tag reader and have a shorter range.
Passive tags require no internal power source.

Active tags, on the other hand, can transmit signals and can be read at
greater distances but require a power source.

And this leads me to my next explosive investment opportunity that I
want to talk about ? Organic Radical Batteries.


Breaking News: "Osama's #2 is Planning Massive Oil Attack on Gulf

But if Al-Qaeda thinks that they can bring America to its knees by
disrupting the flow of oil, they are gravely mistaken. Up in the far
reaches of Northern Canada, out of the reach of terrorists, lies the
world's 2nd largest oil reserves.

One company sits on an oil patch so big, it's the equivalent of 4% of
Russia's TOTAL reserves.

The company is ready to pump 190,000 barrels a day for the next 40
years. Whether they attack or not, this company's value is about to be
realized. Read More... <>


Organic Radical Batteries
Light, Thin, and Quickly Rechargeable

Organic Radical Batteries (ORB) are lightweight, super fast
rechargeable, flexible batteries that are be less than a millimeter

An Organic Radical Battery, seen here on the right, is based on a type
of plastic that exists in a gel state. This makes them incredibly

And, because they are so flexible, they have applications far beyond
what can be easily done with current electronics.

The gel allows the battery to be extremely pliant, with a thickness of
300 microns. That's about 0.011 inches, not much thicker than a typical
business card.

NEC, A Japanese company that makes ORBs, claims that the battery can be
fully recharged in 30 seconds. That's like a million times faster than
my laptop.

Organic Radical Batteries are also very appealing to the green market.
They contain few or no toxic metals like those typically used in
rechargeable batteries, meaning that they are far less damaging to the

ORBs could eventually be embedded into devices such as smart cards,
wearable computers and intelligent paper.

For now ORBs have a huge potential when used in Radio Frequency
Identification tags.

Now if you can remember from before there are two RFID tag categories ?
"passive" and "active"

Passive tags require no internal power source but have a shorter range.

Active tags can be read at a much greater distance. An active RFID tag
can be read from 1,900 times farther away as a passive tag making them
ideal for tracking shipments. But, like I mentioned before, active RFID
tag require a power source.

That's where Organic Radical Batteries step in.

ORBs are an ideal power source for RFID tags. They're lightweight, thin,
easily rechargeable, flexible, and getting less costly to produce

RFID and ORB technology keeps improving.

Companies are beginning to discover value in RFID while industrial
designers are already thinking about what they could do with power,
processors and displays as flexible as paper found with ORBs.

It's fascinating to watch the future emerge, piece by piece.

These are the types of technologies that will change the face of
businesses and those that Archimedes' Lever promises to tell you about

I will be searching for a solid RFID and ORB play to bring you in
Archimedes Lever.

These are the types of investment opportunities that we talk about in
Archimedes Lever each week.

If you enjoyed learning about RFIDs and ORBs, and want to begin
receiving your free subscription to Archimedes Lever, simply click on
the link below to sign up.

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Until then, have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

- Luke Burgess


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